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Fixed HTML encode bugs #476 #649 etc.

pandao 6 years ago
  1. 542
  2. 31
  3. 2
  4. 31
  5. 2
  6. 284
  7. 255
  8. 732
  9. 2
  10. 31


@ -1,271 +1,271 @@
**** : The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component), based on CodeMirror & jQuery & Marked.
### Features
- Support Standard Markdown / CommonMark and GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown);
- Full-featured: Real-time Preview, Image (cross-domain) upload, Preformatted text/Code blocks/Tables insert, Code fold, Search replace, Read only, Themes, Multi-languages, L18n, HTML entities, Code syntax highlighting...;
- Markdown Extras : Support [ToC (Table of Contents)](, [Emoji](, [Task lists](, [@Links](;
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE8+), compatible Zepto.js and iPad;
- Support [decode & fliter of the HTML tags & attributes](;
- Support [TeX (LaTeX expressions, Based on KaTeX)](, [Flowchart]( and [Sequence Diagram]( of Markdown extended syntax;
- Support AMD/CMD (Require.js & Sea.js) Module Loader, and Custom/define editor plugins;
[README & Examples (English)](
**** 是一款开源的、可嵌入的 Markdown 在线编辑器(组件),基于 CodeMirror、jQuery 和 Marked 构建。
![editormd-screenshot]( "editormd-screenshot")
#### 主要特性
- 支持通用 Markdown / CommonMark 和 GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) 风格的语法,也可[变身为代码编辑器](;
- 支持实时预览、图片(跨域)上传、预格式文本/代码/表格插入、代码折叠、跳转到行、搜索替换、只读模式、自定义样式主题和多语言语法高亮等功能;
- 支持 [ToC(Table of Contents)](、[Emoji表情](、[Task lists](、[@链接](等 Markdown 扩展语法;
- 支持 TeX 科学公式(基于 [KaTeX](、流程图 [Flowchart]( 和 [时序图 Sequence Diagram](;
- 支持[识别和解析 HTML 标签,并且支持自定义过滤标签及属性解析](,具有可靠的安全性和几乎无限的扩展性;
- 支持 AMD / CMD 模块化加载(支持 [Require.js]( & [Sea.js](,并且支持[自定义扩展插件](;
- 兼容主流的浏览器(IE8+)和 [Zepto.js](,且支持 iPad 等平板设备;
#### Download & install
[Github download](
NPM install :
npm install
Bower install :
bower install
#### Usages
##### Create a Markdown editor
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="editor">
<!-- Tips: can auto append a `<textarea>` tag -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello !</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var editor = editormd("editor", {
// width: "100%",
// height: "100%",
// markdown: "xxxx", // dynamic set Markdown text
path : "" // Autoload modules mode, codemirror, marked... dependents libs path
If you using modular script loader:
- [Using Require.js](
- [Using Sea.js](
##### Markdown to HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="editormd/css/editormd.preview.css" />
<div id="test-markdown-view">
<!-- Server-side output Markdown text -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello world!</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/editormd.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var testView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-markdown-view", {
// markdown : "[TOC]\n### Hello world!\n## Heading 2", // Also, you can dynamic set Markdown text
// htmlDecode : true, // Enable / disable HTML tag encode.
// htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // Note: If enabled, you should filter some dangerous HTML tags for website security.
> See the full example: [](
##### HTML to Markdown?
Sorry, not support HTML to Markdown parsing, Maybe In the future.
#### Examples
#### Options options and default values:
mode : "gfm", // gfm or markdown
name : "", // Form element name for post
value : "", // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
theme : "", // self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
editorTheme : "default", // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
previewTheme : "", // Preview area theme, default empty
markdown : "", // Markdown source code
appendMarkdown : "", // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
width : "100%",
height : "100%",
path : "./lib/", // Dependents module file directory
pluginPath : "", // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
delay : 300, // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
autoLoadModules : true, // Automatic load dependent module files
watch : true,
placeholder : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
gotoLine : true, // Enable / disable goto a line
codeFold : false,
autoHeight : false,
autoFocus : true, // Enable / disable auto focus editor left input area
autoCloseTags : true,
searchReplace : true, // Enable / disable (CodeMirror) search and replace function
syncScrolling : true, // options: true | false | "single", default true
readOnly : false, // Enable / disable readonly mode
tabSize : 4,
indentUnit : 4,
lineNumbers : true, // Display editor line numbers
lineWrapping : true,
autoCloseBrackets : true,
showTrailingSpace : true,
matchBrackets : true,
indentWithTabs : true,
styleSelectedText : true,
matchWordHighlight : true, // options: true, false, "onselected"
styleActiveLine : true, // Highlight the current line
dialogLockScreen : true,
dialogShowMask : true,
dialogDraggable : true,
dialogMaskBgColor : "#fff",
dialogMaskOpacity : 0.1,
fontSize : "13px",
saveHTMLToTextarea : false, // If enable, Editor will create a <textarea name="{editor-id}-html-code"> tag save HTML code for form post to server-side.
disabledKeyMaps : [],
onload : function() {},
onresize : function() {},
onchange : function() {},
onwatch : null,
onunwatch : null,
onpreviewing : function() {},
onpreviewed : function() {},
onfullscreen : function() {},
onfullscreenExit : function() {},
onscroll : function() {},
onpreviewscroll : function() {},
imageUpload : false, // Enable/disable upload
imageFormats : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
imageUploadURL : "", // Upload url
imageUploadFields : "", // append upload form fields for CRSF etc. Server-side receives the POST parameters. v1.5.1+
imageUploadCallback : function() {}, // set image upload finish (success or failure) callback handler v1.5.1+
imageUploadCallbackName : '__Editor_md_ImageUploadCallback', // upload callback name for cross-domain upload v1.5.1+
crossDomainUpload : false, // Enable/disable Cross-domain upload
uploadCallbackURL : "", // Cross-domain upload callback url
toc : true, // Table of contents
tocm : false, // Using [TOCM], auto create ToC dropdown menu
tocTitle : "", // for ToC dropdown menu button
tocDropdown : false, // Enable/disable Table Of Contents dropdown menu
tocContainer : "", // Custom Table Of Contents Container Selector
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
taskList : false, // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
emoji : false, // :emoji: , Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji);
// Support FontAwesome icon emoji :fa-xxx: > Using fontAwesome icon web fonts;
// Support logo icon emoji :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: > 1~8x;
tex : false, // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
flowChart : false, // flowChart.js only support IE9+
sequenceDiagram : false, // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
previewCodeHighlight : true, // Enable / disable code highlight of editor preview area
toolbar : true, // show or hide toolbar
toolbarAutoFixed : true, // on window scroll auto fixed position
toolbarIcons : "full", // Toolbar icons mode, options: full, simple, mini, See `editormd.toolbarModes` property.
toolbarTitles : {},
toolbarHandlers : {
ucwords : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.ucwords;
lowercase : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.lowercase;
toolbarCustomIcons : { // using html tag create toolbar icon, unused default <a> tag.
lowercase : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Lowercase\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"lowercase\" style=\"font-size:24px;margin-top: -10px;\">a</i></a>",
"ucwords" : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"ucwords\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"ucwords\" style=\"font-size:20px;margin-top: -3px;\">Aa</i></a>"
toolbarIconTexts : {},
lang : { // Language data, you can custom your language.
name : "zh-cn",
description : "开源在线Markdown编辑器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
tocTitle : "目录",
toolbar : {
button: {
dialog : {
#### Dependents
- [CodeMirror]( "CodeMirror")
- [marked]( "marked")
- [jQuery]( "jQuery")
- [FontAwesome]( "FontAwesome")
- [github-markdown.css]( "github-markdown.css")
- [KaTeX]( "KaTeX")
- [prettify.js]( "prettify.js")
- [Rephael.js]( "Rephael.js")
- [flowchart.js]( "flowchart.js")
- [sequence-diagram.js]( "sequence-diagram.js")
- [Prefixes.scss]( "Prefixes.scss")
#### Changes
[Change logs](
#### License
The MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Pandao
**** : The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component), based on CodeMirror & jQuery & Marked.
### Features
- Support Standard Markdown / CommonMark and GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown);
- Full-featured: Real-time Preview, Image (cross-domain) upload, Preformatted text/Code blocks/Tables insert, Code fold, Search replace, Read only, Themes, Multi-languages, L18n, HTML entities, Code syntax highlighting...;
- Markdown Extras : Support [ToC (Table of Contents)](, [Emoji](, [Task lists](, [@Links](;
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE8+), compatible Zepto.js and iPad;
- Support [decode & fliter of the HTML tags & attributes](;
- Support [TeX (LaTeX expressions, Based on KaTeX)](, [Flowchart]( and [Sequence Diagram]( of Markdown extended syntax;
- Support AMD/CMD (Require.js & Sea.js) Module Loader, and Custom/define editor plugins;
[README & Examples (English)](
**** 是一款开源的、可嵌入的 Markdown 在线编辑器(组件),基于 CodeMirror、jQuery 和 Marked 构建。
![editormd-screenshot]( "editormd-screenshot")
#### 主要特性
- 支持通用 Markdown / CommonMark 和 GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown) 风格的语法,也可[变身为代码编辑器](;
- 支持实时预览、图片(跨域)上传、预格式文本/代码/表格插入、代码折叠、跳转到行、搜索替换、只读模式、自定义样式主题和多语言语法高亮等功能;
- 支持 [ToC(Table of Contents)](、[Emoji表情](、[Task lists](、[@链接](等 Markdown 扩展语法;
- 支持 TeX 科学公式(基于 [KaTeX](、流程图 [Flowchart]( 和 [时序图 Sequence Diagram](;
- 支持[识别和解析 HTML 标签,并且支持自定义过滤标签及属性解析](,具有可靠的安全性和几乎无限的扩展性;
- 支持 AMD / CMD 模块化加载(支持 [Require.js]( & [Sea.js](,并且支持[自定义扩展插件](;
- 兼容主流的浏览器(IE8+)和 [Zepto.js](,且支持 iPad 等平板设备;
#### Download & install
[Github download](
NPM install :
npm install
Bower install :
bower install
#### Usages
##### Create a Markdown editor
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="editor">
<!-- Tips: can auto append a `<textarea>` tag -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello !</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var editor = editormd("editor", {
// width: "100%",
// height: "100%",
// markdown: "xxxx", // dynamic set Markdown text
path : "" // Autoload modules mode, codemirror, marked... dependents libs path
If you using modular script loader:
- [Using Require.js](
- [Using Sea.js](
##### Markdown to HTML
<link rel="stylesheet" href="editormd/css/editormd.preview.css" />
<div id="test-markdown-view">
<!-- Server-side output Markdown text -->
<textarea style="display:none;">### Hello world!</textarea>
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/editormd.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="editormd/lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var testView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-markdown-view", {
// markdown : "[TOC]\n### Hello world!\n## Heading 2", // Also, you can dynamic set Markdown text
// htmlDecode : true, // Enable / disable HTML tag encode.
// htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // Note: If enabled, you should filter some dangerous HTML tags for website security.
> See the full example: [](
##### HTML to Markdown?
Sorry, not support HTML to Markdown parsing, Maybe In the future.
#### Examples
#### Options options and default values:
mode : "gfm", // gfm or markdown
name : "", // Form element name for post
value : "", // value for CodeMirror, if mode not gfm/markdown
theme : "", // self themes, before v1.5.0 is CodeMirror theme, default empty
editorTheme : "default", // Editor area, this is CodeMirror theme at v1.5.0
previewTheme : "", // Preview area theme, default empty
markdown : "", // Markdown source code
appendMarkdown : "", // if in init textarea value not empty, append markdown to textarea
width : "100%",
height : "100%",
path : "./lib/", // Dependents module file directory
pluginPath : "", // If this empty, default use settings.path + "../plugins/"
delay : 300, // Delay parse markdown to html, Uint : ms
autoLoadModules : true, // Automatic load dependent module files
watch : true,
placeholder : "Enjoy Markdown! coding now...",
gotoLine : true, // Enable / disable goto a line
codeFold : false,
autoHeight : false,
autoFocus : true, // Enable / disable auto focus editor left input area
autoCloseTags : true,
searchReplace : true, // Enable / disable (CodeMirror) search and replace function
syncScrolling : true, // options: true | false | "single", default true
readOnly : false, // Enable / disable readonly mode
tabSize : 4,
indentUnit : 4,
lineNumbers : true, // Display editor line numbers
lineWrapping : true,
autoCloseBrackets : true,
showTrailingSpace : true,
matchBrackets : true,
indentWithTabs : true,
styleSelectedText : true,
matchWordHighlight : true, // options: true, false, "onselected"
styleActiveLine : true, // Highlight the current line
dialogLockScreen : true,
dialogShowMask : true,
dialogDraggable : true,
dialogMaskBgColor : "#fff",
dialogMaskOpacity : 0.1,
fontSize : "13px",
saveHTMLToTextarea : false, // If enable, Editor will create a <textarea name="{editor-id}-html-code"> tag save HTML code for form post to server-side.
disabledKeyMaps : [],
onload : function() {},
onresize : function() {},
onchange : function() {},
onwatch : null,
onunwatch : null,
onpreviewing : function() {},
onpreviewed : function() {},
onfullscreen : function() {},
onfullscreenExit : function() {},
onscroll : function() {},
onpreviewscroll : function() {},
imageUpload : false, // Enable/disable upload
imageFormats : ["jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "bmp", "webp"],
imageUploadURL : "", // Upload url
imageUploadFields : "", // append upload form fields for CRSF etc. Server-side receives the POST parameters. v1.5.1+
imageUploadCallback : function() {}, // set image upload finish (success or failure) callback handler v1.5.1+
imageUploadCallbackName : '__Editor_md_ImageUploadCallback', // upload callback name for cross-domain upload v1.5.1+
crossDomainUpload : false, // Enable/disable Cross-domain upload
uploadCallbackURL : "", // Cross-domain upload callback url
toc : true, // Table of contents
tocm : false, // Using [TOCM], auto create ToC dropdown menu
tocTitle : "", // for ToC dropdown menu button
tocDropdown : false, // Enable/disable Table Of Contents dropdown menu
tocContainer : "", // Custom Table Of Contents Container Selector
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification, If set String value expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
taskList : false, // Enable Github Flavored Markdown task lists
emoji : false, // :emoji: , Support Github emoji, Twitter Emoji (Twemoji);
// Support FontAwesome icon emoji :fa-xxx: > Using fontAwesome icon web fonts;
// Support logo icon emoji :editormd-logo: :editormd-logo-1x: > 1~8x;
tex : false, // TeX(LaTeX), based on KaTeX
flowChart : false, // flowChart.js only support IE9+
sequenceDiagram : false, // sequenceDiagram.js only support IE9+
previewCodeHighlight : true, // Enable / disable code highlight of editor preview area
toolbar : true, // show or hide toolbar
toolbarAutoFixed : true, // on window scroll auto fixed position
toolbarIcons : "full", // Toolbar icons mode, options: full, simple, mini, See `editormd.toolbarModes` property.
toolbarTitles : {},
toolbarHandlers : {
ucwords : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.ucwords;
lowercase : function() {
return editormd.toolbarHandlers.lowercase;
toolbarCustomIcons : { // using html tag create toolbar icon, unused default <a> tag.
lowercase : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"Lowercase\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"lowercase\" style=\"font-size:24px;margin-top: -10px;\">a</i></a>",
"ucwords" : "<a href=\"javascript:;\" title=\"ucwords\" unselectable=\"on\"><i class=\"fa\" name=\"ucwords\" style=\"font-size:20px;margin-top: -3px;\">Aa</i></a>"
toolbarIconTexts : {},
lang : { // Language data, you can custom your language.
name : "zh-cn",
description : "开源在线Markdown编辑器<br/>Open source online Markdown editor.",
tocTitle : "目录",
toolbar : {
button: {
dialog : {
#### Dependents
- [CodeMirror]( "CodeMirror")
- [marked]( "marked")
- [jQuery]( "jQuery")
- [FontAwesome]( "FontAwesome")
- [github-markdown.css]( "github-markdown.css")
- [KaTeX]( "KaTeX")
- [prettify.js]( "prettify.js")
- [Rephael.js]( "Rephael.js")
- [flowchart.js]( "flowchart.js")
- [sequence-diagram.js]( "sequence-diagram.js")
- [Prefixes.scss]( "Prefixes.scss")
#### Changes
[Change logs](
#### License
The MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Pandao


@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
tocDropdown : false, tocDropdown : false,
tocContainer : "", tocContainer : "",
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification, If set String value expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========] pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
@ -1996,7 +1996,7 @@
tocMenu.remove(); tocMenu.remove();
} }
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle); editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle);
@ -3459,6 +3459,10 @@
var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">"; var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">";
// fixed
// fixed
text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>"; headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>";
headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>"; headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>";
headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text)); headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text));
@ -3537,10 +3541,12 @@
* @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表 * @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表
* @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素 * @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素
* @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级 * @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级
* @param {object} markedRenderer Marked Renderer
* @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素 * @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素
*/ */
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel) {
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel, markedRenderer) {
markedRenderer = markedRenderer || null;
var html = ""; var html = "";
var lastLevel = 0; var lastLevel = 0;
@ -3564,7 +3570,15 @@
html += "</ul></li>"; html += "</ul></li>";
} }
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + text + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
// fixed
// fixed
var href = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
if (markedRenderer) {
text = markedRenderer.emoji(text); // Fixed Heading can't has emoji code
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + href + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
lastLevel = level; lastLevel = level;
} }
@ -3682,7 +3696,7 @@
} }
if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") { if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") {
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\/\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
if (attrs === "*") { if (attrs === "*") {
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
@ -3697,6 +3711,11 @@
$.each(_attrs, function(i, e) { $.each(_attrs, function(i, e) {
if (e.nodeName !== "\"") { if (e.nodeName !== "\"") {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue; $attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue;
// Fixed like <a href="javascript:alert('xss')"></a> XSS problem, Copy from pull request #532
if (e.nodeName === "href" && e.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf("javascript:") >= 0) {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = "javascript:;";
} }
}); });
@ -3828,7 +3847,7 @@
} }
if (settings.toc) { if (settings.toc) {
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle); this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle);


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
tocDropdown : false, tocDropdown : false,
tocContainer : "", tocContainer : "",
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification, If set String value expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========] pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@
tocMenu.remove(); tocMenu.remove();
} }
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle); editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle);
@ -3389,6 +3389,10 @@
var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">"; var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">";
// fixed
// fixed
text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>"; headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>";
headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>"; headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>";
headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text)); headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text));
@ -3467,10 +3471,12 @@
* @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表 * @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表
* @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素 * @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素
* @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级 * @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级
* @param {object} markedRenderer Marked Renderer
* @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素 * @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素
*/ */
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel) {
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel, markedRenderer) {
markedRenderer = markedRenderer || null;
var html = ""; var html = "";
var lastLevel = 0; var lastLevel = 0;
@ -3494,7 +3500,15 @@
html += "</ul></li>"; html += "</ul></li>";
} }
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + text + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
// fixed
// fixed
var href = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
if (markedRenderer) {
text = markedRenderer.emoji(text); // Fixed Heading can't has emoji code
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + href + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
lastLevel = level; lastLevel = level;
} }
@ -3612,7 +3626,7 @@
} }
if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") { if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") {
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\/\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
if (attrs === "*") { if (attrs === "*") {
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
@ -3627,6 +3641,11 @@
$.each(_attrs, function(i, e) { $.each(_attrs, function(i, e) {
if (e.nodeName !== "\"") { if (e.nodeName !== "\"") {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue; $attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue;
// Fixed like <a href="javascript:alert('xss')"></a> XSS problem, Copy from pull request #532
if (e.nodeName === "href" && e.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf("javascript:") >= 0) {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = "javascript:;";
} }
}); });
@ -3758,7 +3777,7 @@
} }
if (settings.toc) { if (settings.toc) {
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle); this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle);


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>HTML Preview(markdown to html) - examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/editormd.preview.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
.editormd-html-preview {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
<div id="layout">
<p>HTML Preview(markdown to html)</p>
<div class="btns">
<button onclick="location.href='./html-preview-markdown-to-html-custom-toc-container.html';">将 ToC 移到自定义容器层</button>
<div id="test-editormd-view">
<textarea style="display:none;" name="test-editormd-markdown-doc">###Hello world!</textarea>
<div id="test-editormd-view2">
<textarea id="append-test" style="display:none;">
### 科学公式 TeX(KaTeX)
$$\sin(\alpha)^{\theta}=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(x^i + \cos(f))$$
$$X^2 > Y$$
##### 上标和下标
##### 代码块里包含的过滤标签及属性不会被过滤
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
##### Style
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
##### Script
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
<!-- <script src="js/zepto.min.js"></script>
var jQuery = Zepto; // 为了避免修改flowChart.js和sequence-diagram.js的源码,所以使用Zepto.js时想支持flowChart/sequenceDiagram就得加上这一句
</script> -->
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/underscore.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/sequence-diagram.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/flowchart.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.flowchart.min.js"></script>
<script src="../editormd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var testEditormdView, testEditormdView2;
$.get("", function(markdown) {
testEditormdView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-editormd-view", {
markdown : markdown ,//+ "\r\n" + $("#append-test").text(),
//htmlDecode : true, // 开启 HTML 标签解析,为了安全性,默认不开启
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // you can filter tags decode
//toc : false,
tocm : true, // Using [TOCM]
//tocContainer : "#custom-toc-container", // 自定义 ToC 容器层
//gfm : false,
//tocDropdown : true,
// markdownSourceCode : true, // 是否保留 Markdown 源码,即是否删除保存源码的 Textarea 标签
emoji : true,
taskList : true,
tex : true, // 默认不解析
flowChart : true, // 默认不解析
sequenceDiagram : true, // 默认不解析
//console.log("返回一个 jQuery 实例 =>", testEditormdView);
// 获取Markdown源码
testEditormdView2 = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-editormd-view2", {
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // you can filter tags decode
emoji : true,
taskList : true,
tex : true, // 默认不解析
flowChart : true, // 默认不解析
sequenceDiagram : true, // 默认不解析
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>HTML Preview(markdown to html) - examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/editormd.preview.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
.editormd-html-preview {
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
<div id="layout">
<p>HTML Preview(markdown to html)</p>
<div class="btns">
<button onclick="location.href='./html-preview-markdown-to-html-custom-toc-container.html';">将 ToC 移到自定义容器层</button>
<div id="test-editormd-view">
<textarea style="display:none;" name="test-editormd-markdown-doc">###Hello world!</textarea>
<div id="test-editormd-view2">
<textarea id="append-test" style="display:none;">
### 科学公式 TeX(KaTeX)
$$\sin(\alpha)^{\theta}=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(x^i + \cos(f))$$
$$X^2 > Y$$
##### 上标和下标
##### 代码块里包含的过滤标签及属性不会被过滤
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
##### Style
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
##### Script
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
<!-- <script src="js/zepto.min.js"></script>
var jQuery = Zepto; // 为了避免修改flowChart.js和sequence-diagram.js的源码,所以使用Zepto.js时想支持flowChart/sequenceDiagram就得加上这一句
</script> -->
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/marked.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/prettify.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/raphael.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/underscore.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/sequence-diagram.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/flowchart.min.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/jquery.flowchart.min.js"></script>
<script src="../editormd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var testEditormdView, testEditormdView2;
$.get("", function(markdown) {
testEditormdView = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-editormd-view", {
markdown : markdown ,//+ "\r\n" + $("#append-test").text(),
//htmlDecode : true, // 开启 HTML 标签解析,为了安全性,默认不开启
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // you can filter tags decode
//toc : false,
tocm : true, // Using [TOCM]
//tocContainer : "#custom-toc-container", // 自定义 ToC 容器层
//gfm : false,
//tocDropdown : true,
// markdownSourceCode : true, // 是否保留 Markdown 源码,即是否删除保存源码的 Textarea 标签
emoji : true,
taskList : true,
tex : true, // 默认不解析
flowChart : true, // 默认不解析
sequenceDiagram : true, // 默认不解析
//console.log("返回一个 jQuery 实例 =>", testEditormdView);
// 获取Markdown源码
testEditormdView2 = editormd.markdownToHTML("test-editormd-view2", {
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe", // you can filter tags decode
emoji : true,
taskList : true,
tex : true, // 默认不解析
flowChart : true, // 默认不解析
sequenceDiagram : true, // 默认不解析


@ -1,119 +1,136 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>识别和解析 HTML 标签 - examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/editormd.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
<div id="layout">
<p>HTML tags (filter) decode, You can increase safety by filtering the danger label.</p>
<p>注:虽然此功能能极大地扩展 Markdown 语法,但也面临着安全上的风险,所以默认是不开启的。</p>
<p>Update: 可以通过设置 `settings.htmlDecode = "style,script,iframe|on*"`来实现过滤指定标签及属性的解析,提高安全性;</p>
<div class="btns">
<button class="filter-btn" exp="true">Unfilter</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|*">Filter style,script,iframe|*</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|on*">Filter style,script,iframe|on*</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style">Filter style,script,iframe|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style</button>
<div id="test-editormd">
<textarea style="display:none;">#### 开启识别和解析 HTML 标签
htmlDecode : true // Decode all html tags & attributes
// Filter tags/attributes expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|on*" // Filter tags, and all on* attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|*" // Filter tags, and all attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup,embed|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style" // Filter tags, and your custom attributes
#### 示例
##### 上标和下标
##### 代码块里包含的过滤标签及属性不会被过滤
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
##### Style
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
##### Script
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
##### Events
&lt;div style="color:green;" onclick="alert(1233);" title="div xxxxx"&gt;Events&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div style="color:red;" contenteditable onclick="alert(1233);" onmouseover="alert(1233);" onmouseout="alert(1233);" title="div xxxxx"&gt;Events&lt;/div&gt;
##### 插入Flash
&lt;embed src="" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;
##### 插入视频
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</textarea>
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../editormd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var testEditor;
$(function() {
testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", {
width: "90%",
height: 720,
path : '../lib/',
htmlDecode : true, // Decode all html tags & attributes
// Expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|on*" // Filter tags, and all on* attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|*" // Filter tags, and all attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup,embed|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style" // Filter tags, and your custom attributes
testEditor.config("htmlDecode", $(this).attr("exp"));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>识别和解析 HTML 标签 - examples</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/editormd.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
<div id="layout">
<p>HTML tags (filter) decode, You can increase safety by filtering the danger label.</p>
<p>注:虽然此功能能极大地扩展 Markdown 语法,但也面临着安全上的风险,所以默认是不开启的。</p>
<p>Update: 可以通过设置 `settings.htmlDecode = "style,script,iframe|on*"`来实现过滤指定标签及属性的解析,提高安全性;</p>
<div class="btns">
<button class="filter-btn" exp="true">Unfilter</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|*">Filter style,script,iframe|*</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|on*">Filter style,script,iframe|on*</button>
<button class="filter-btn" exp="style,script,iframe|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style">Filter style,script,iframe|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style</button>
<div id="test-editormd">
<textarea style="display:none;">[TOC]
#### 开启识别和解析 HTML 标签
htmlDecode : true // Decode all html tags & attributes
// Filter tags/attributes expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|on*" // Filter tags, and all on* attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|*" // Filter tags, and all attributes
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup,embed|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style" // Filter tags, and your custom attributes
#### 示例
##### 上标和下标
##### 代码块里包含的过滤标签及属性不会被过滤
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
#### **Strong text** Test
##### Image
&lt;img src=""/&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;&lt;img src=""/&gt;&lt/a&gt;
:sweat_smile: :blush: :smiley: :relaxed: :smile: [:laughing:](
##### Style :sweat_smile:
&lt;style type="text/style"&gt;
##### Script
&lt;script type="text/javscript"&gt;
&lt;a href="javascript:alert('xss')"&gt;a javascript:alert("xss")&lt;/a&gt;
##### Events
&lt;div style="color:green;" onclick="alert(1233);" title="div xxxxx"&gt;Events&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div style="color:red;" contenteditable onclick="alert(1233);" onmouseover="alert(1233);" onmouseout="alert(1233);" title="div xxxxx"&gt;Events&lt;/div&gt;
##### 插入Flash
&lt;embed src="" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;
##### 插入视频
&lt;iframe height=498 width=510 src="" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</textarea>
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../editormd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var testEditor;
$(function() {
testEditor = editormd("test-editormd", {
width: "90%",
height: 720,
path : '../lib/',
emoji: true,
htmlDecode : true, // Decode all html tags & attributes
// Expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|on*" // Filter tags, and all on* attributes
// htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup|*" // Filter tags, and all attributes, TOC not parsing
//htmlDecode : "style,script,iframe,sub,sup,embed|onclick,title,onmouseover,onmouseout,style" // Filter tags, and your custom attributes
testEditor.config("htmlDecode", $(this).attr("exp"));


@ -1,365 +1,367 @@
![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](
**目录 (Table of Contents)**
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
# Heading 1 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
## Heading 2 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
### Heading 3 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
#### Heading 4 link [Heading link]( "Heading link") Heading link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
##### Heading 5 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
###### Heading 6 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
#### 标题(用底线的形式)Heading (underline)
This is an H1
This is an H2
### 字符效果和横线等
~~删除线~~ <s>删除线(开启识别HTML标签时)</s>
*斜体字* _斜体字_
**粗体** __粗体__
***粗斜体*** ___粗斜体___
> 即更长的单词或短语的缩写形式,前提是开启识别HTML标签时,已默认开启
The <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> specification is maintained by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>.
### 引用 Blockquotes
> 引用文本 Blockquotes
引用的行内混合 Blockquotes
> 引用:如果想要插入空白换行`即<br />标签`,在插入处先键入两个以上的空格然后回车即可,[普通链接](http://localhost/)。
### 锚点与链接 Links
[普通链接带标题](http://localhost/ "普通链接带标题")
GFM a-tail link @pandao 邮箱地址自动链接
> @pandao
### 多语言代码高亮 Codes
#### 行内代码 Inline code
执行命令:`npm install marked`
#### 缩进风格
即缩进四个空格,也做为实现类似 `<pre>` 预格式化文本 ( Preformatted Text ) 的功能。
echo "Hello world!";
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
#### JS代码
function test() {
console.log("Hello world!");
var box = function() {
return box.fn.init();
box.prototype = box.fn = {
init : function(){
return this;
add : function(str) {
alert("add", str);
return this;
remove : function(str) {
alert("remove", str);
return this;
box.fn.init.prototype = box.fn; =box;
var testBox = box();
#### HTML 代码 HTML codes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<mate charest="utf-8" />
<meta name="keywords" content=", Markdown, Editor" />
<title>Hello world!</title>
<style type="text/css">
body{font-size:14px;color:#444;font-family: "Microsoft Yahei", Tahoma, "Hiragino Sans GB", Arial;background:#fff;}
ul{list-style: none;}
img{border:none;vertical-align: middle;}
<h1 class="text-xxl">Hello world!</h1>
<p class="text-green">Plain text</p>
### 图片 Images
> Follow your heart.
> 图为:厦门白城沙滩
图片加链接 (Image + Link):
[![](]( "李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面")
> 图为:李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面
### 列表 Lists
#### 无序列表(减号)Unordered Lists (-)
- 列表一
- 列表二
- 列表三
#### 无序列表(星号)Unordered Lists (*)
* 列表一
* 列表二
* 列表三
#### 无序列表(加号和嵌套)Unordered Lists (+)
+ 列表一
+ 列表二
+ 列表二-1
+ 列表二-2
+ 列表二-3
+ 列表三
* 列表一
* 列表二
* 列表三
#### 有序列表 Ordered Lists (-)
1. 第一行
2. 第二行
3. 第三行
#### GFM task list
- [x] GFM task list 1
- [x] GFM task list 2
- [ ] GFM task list 3
- [ ] GFM task list 3-1
- [ ] GFM task list 3-2
- [ ] GFM task list 3-3
- [ ] GFM task list 4
- [ ] GFM task list 4-1
- [ ] GFM task list 4-2
### 绘制表格 Tables
| 项目 | 价格 | 数量 |
| -------- | -----: | :----: |
| 计算机 | $1600 | 5 |
| 手机 | $12 | 12 |
| 管线 | $1 | 234 |
First Header | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Function name | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `help()` | Display the help window. |
| `destroy()` | **Destroy your computer!** |
| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
| Item | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer | $1600 |
| Phone | $12 |
| Pipe | $1 |
#### 特殊符号 HTML Entities Codes
&copy; & &uml; &trade; &iexcl; &pound;
&amp; &lt; &gt; &yen; &euro; &reg; &plusmn; &para; &sect; &brvbar; &macr; &laquo; &middot;
X&sup2; Y&sup3; &frac34; &frac14; &times; &divide; &raquo;
18&ordm;C &quot; &apos;
### Emoji表情 :smiley:
> Blockquotes :star:
#### GFM task lists & Emoji & fontAwesome icon emoji & editormd logo emoji :editormd-logo-5x:
- [x] :smiley: @mentions, :smiley: #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported :editormd-logo:;
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) :editormd-logo-3x:;
- [x] [ ] :smiley: this is a complete item :smiley:;
- [ ] []this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: @pandao;
- [ ] [ ]this is an incomplete item :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is :fa-star: :fa-gear: an incomplete item [test link](#);
#### 反斜杠 Escape
\*literal asterisks\*
### 科学公式 TeX(KaTeX)
$$x > y$$
$$\sin(\alpha)^{\theta}=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(x^i + \cos(f))$$
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n a\_k b\_k \right)^2
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n a\_k^2 \right)
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n b\_k^2 \right)
\Bigl(\sqrt{\phi \sqrt{5}}-\phi\Bigr) e^{
\frac25 \pi}} = 1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-4\pi}} {
{1+\cdots} }
f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty
\hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}
### 分页符 Page break
> Print Test: Ctrl + P
### 绘制流程图 Flowchart
st=>start: 用户登陆
op=>operation: 登陆操作
cond=>condition: 登陆成功 Yes or No?
e=>end: 进入后台
### 绘制序列图 Sequence Diagram
Andrew->China: Says Hello
Note right of China: China thinks\nabout it
China-->Andrew: How are you?
Andrew->>China: I am good thanks!
### End
![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](
**目录 (Table of Contents)**
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
# Heading 1 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
## Heading 2 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
### Heading 3 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
#### Heading 4 link [Heading link]( "Heading link") Heading link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
##### Heading 5 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
###### Heading 6 link [Heading link]( "Heading link")
#### 标题(用底线的形式)Heading (underline)
This is an H1
This is an H2
### 字符效果和横线等
~~删除线~~ <s>删除线(开启识别HTML标签时)</s>
*斜体字* _斜体字_
**粗体** __粗体__
***粗斜体*** ___粗斜体___
> 即更长的单词或短语的缩写形式,前提是开启识别HTML标签时,已默认开启
The <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr> specification is maintained by the <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>.
### 引用 Blockquotes
> 引用文本 Blockquotes
引用的行内混合 Blockquotes
> 引用:如果想要插入空白换行`即<br />标签`,在插入处先键入两个以上的空格然后回车即可,[普通链接](http://localhost/)。
### 锚点与链接 Links
[普通链接带标题](http://localhost/ "普通链接带标题")
GFM a-tail link @pandao 邮箱地址自动链接
> @pandao
### 多语言代码高亮 Codes
#### 行内代码 Inline code
执行命令:`npm install marked`
#### 缩进风格
即缩进四个空格,也做为实现类似 `<pre>` 预格式化文本 ( Preformatted Text ) 的功能。
echo "Hello world!";
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
#### JS代码
function test() {
console.log("Hello world!");
var box = function() {
return box.fn.init();
box.prototype = box.fn = {
init : function(){
return this;
add : function(str) {
alert("add", str);
return this;
remove : function(str) {
alert("remove", str);
return this;
box.fn.init.prototype = box.fn; =box;
var testBox = box();
#### HTML 代码 HTML codes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<mate charest="utf-8" />
<meta name="keywords" content=", Markdown, Editor" />
<title>Hello world!</title>
<style type="text/css">
body{font-size:14px;color:#444;font-family: "Microsoft Yahei", Tahoma, "Hiragino Sans GB", Arial;background:#fff;}
ul{list-style: none;}
img{border:none;vertical-align: middle;}
<h1 class="text-xxl">Hello world!</h1>
<p class="text-green">Plain text</p>
### 图片 Images
> Follow your heart.
> 图为:厦门白城沙滩
图片加链接 (Image + Link):
[![](]( "李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面")
> 图为:李健首张专辑《似水流年》封面
### 列表 Lists
#### 无序列表(减号)Unordered Lists (-)
- 列表一
- 列表二
- 列表三
#### 无序列表(星号)Unordered Lists (*)
* 列表一
* 列表二
* 列表三
#### 无序列表(加号和嵌套)Unordered Lists (+)
+ 列表一
+ 列表二
+ 列表二-1
+ 列表二-2
+ 列表二-3
+ 列表三
* 列表一
* 列表二
* 列表三
#### 有序列表 Ordered Lists (-)
1. 第一行
2. 第二行
3. 第三行
#### GFM task list
- [x] GFM task list 1
- [x] GFM task list 2
- [ ] GFM task list 3
- [ ] GFM task list 3-1
- [ ] GFM task list 3-2
- [ ] GFM task list 3-3
- [ ] GFM task list 4
- [ ] GFM task list 4-1
- [ ] GFM task list 4-2
### 绘制表格 Tables
| 项目 | 价格 | 数量 |
| -------- | -----: | :----: |
| 计算机 | $1600 | 5 |
| 手机 | $12 | 12 |
| 管线 | $1 | 234 |
First Header | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Content Cell | Content Cell |
| Function name | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `help()` | Display the help window. |
| `destroy()` | **Destroy your computer!** |
| Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
| Item | Value |
| --------- | -----:|
| Computer | $1600 |
| Phone | $12 |
| Pipe | $1 |
#### 特殊符号 HTML Entities Codes
&copy; & &uml; &trade; &iexcl; &pound;
&amp; &lt; &gt; &yen; &euro; &reg; &plusmn; &para; &sect; &brvbar; &macr; &laquo; &middot;
X&sup2; Y&sup3; &frac34; &frac14; &times; &divide; &raquo;
18&ordm;C &quot; &apos;
#### **简要描述**
### Emoji表情 :smiley:
> Blockquotes :star:
#### GFM task lists & Emoji & fontAwesome icon emoji & editormd logo emoji :editormd-logo-2x:
- [x] :smiley: @mentions, :smiley: #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> supported :editormd-logo:;
- [x] list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) :editormd-logo-3x:;
- [x] [ ] :smiley: this is a complete item :smiley:;
- [ ] []this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: @pandao;
- [ ] [ ]this is an incomplete item :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is an incomplete item [test link](#) :fa-star: :fa-gear:;
- [ ] :smiley: this is :fa-star: :fa-gear: an incomplete item [test link](#);
#### 反斜杠 Escape
\*literal asterisks\*
### 科学公式 TeX(KaTeX)
$$x > y$$
$$\sin(\alpha)^{\theta}=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(x^i + \cos(f))$$
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n a\_k b\_k \right)^2
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n a\_k^2 \right)
\left( \sum\_{k=1}^n b\_k^2 \right)
\Bigl(\sqrt{\phi \sqrt{5}}-\phi\Bigr) e^{
\frac25 \pi}} = 1+\frac{e^{-2\pi}} {1+\frac{e^{-4\pi}} {
{1+\cdots} }
f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty
\hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}
### 分页符 Page break
> Print Test: Ctrl + P
### 绘制流程图 Flowchart
st=>start: 用户登陆
op=>operation: 登陆操作
cond=>condition: 登陆成功 Yes or No?
e=>end: 进入后台
### 绘制序列图 Sequence Diagram
Andrew->China: Says Hello
Note right of China: China thinks\nabout it
China-->Andrew: How are you?
Andrew->>China: I am good thanks!
### End


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
tocDropdown : false, tocDropdown : false,
tocContainer : "", tocContainer : "",
tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC tocStartLevel : 1, // Said from H1 to create ToC
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification
htmlDecode : false, // Open the HTML tag identification, If set String value expression : tagName,tagName,...|attrName,attrName,...
pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========] pageBreak : true, // Enable parse page break [========]
atLink : true, // for @link atLink : true, // for @link
emailLink : true, // for email address auto link emailLink : true, // for email address auto link
@ -1914,7 +1914,7 @@
tocMenu.remove(); tocMenu.remove();
} }
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
editormd.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || tocContainer.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle); editormd.tocDropdownMenu(tocContainer, (settings.tocTitle !== "") ? settings.tocTitle : this.lang.tocTitle);
@ -3377,6 +3377,10 @@
var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">"; var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">";
// fixed
// fixed
text = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>"; headingHTML += "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"reference-link\"></a>";
headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>"; headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link octicon octicon-link\"></span>";
headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text)); headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? this.atLink(this.emoji(linkText)) : this.atLink(this.emoji(text));
@ -3455,10 +3459,12 @@
* @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表 * @param {Array} toc 从marked获取的TOC数组列表
* @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素 * @param {Element} container 插入TOC的容器元素
* @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级 * @param {Integer} startLevel Hx 起始层级
* @param {object} markedRenderer Marked Renderer
* @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素 * @returns {Object} tocContainer 返回ToC列表容器层的jQuery对象元素
*/ */
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel) {
editormd.markdownToCRenderer = function(toc, container, tocDropdown, startLevel, markedRenderer) {
markedRenderer = markedRenderer || null;
var html = ""; var html = "";
var lastLevel = 0; var lastLevel = 0;
@ -3482,7 +3488,15 @@
html += "</ul></li>"; html += "</ul></li>";
} }
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + text + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
// fixed
// fixed
var href = text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // /<[^>]*>/g
if (markedRenderer) {
text = markedRenderer.emoji(text); // Fixed Heading can't has emoji code
html += "<li><a class=\"toc-level-" + level + "\" href=\"#" + href + "\" level=\"" + level + "\">" + text + "</a><ul>";
lastLevel = level; lastLevel = level;
} }
@ -3600,7 +3614,7 @@
} }
if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") { if (typeof attrs !== "undefined") {
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
var htmlTagRegex = /\<(\w+)\s*([^\/\>]*)\>([^\>]*)\<\/(\w+)\>/ig;
if (attrs === "*") { if (attrs === "*") {
html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { html = html.replace(htmlTagRegex, function($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
@ -3615,6 +3629,11 @@
$.each(_attrs, function(i, e) { $.each(_attrs, function(i, e) {
if (e.nodeName !== "\"") { if (e.nodeName !== "\"") {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue; $attrs[e.nodeName] = e.nodeValue;
// Fixed like <a href="javascript:alert('xss')"></a> XSS problem, Copy from pull request #532
if (e.nodeName === "href" && e.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf("javascript:") >= 0) {
$attrs[e.nodeName] = "javascript:;";
} }
}); });
@ -3746,7 +3765,7 @@
} }
if (settings.toc) { if (settings.toc) {
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel);
div.tocContainer = this.markdownToCRenderer(markdownToC, tocContainer, settings.tocDropdown, settings.tocStartLevel, markedOptions.renderer);
if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) { if (settings.tocDropdown || div.find("." + this.classPrefix + "toc-menu").length > 0) {
this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle); this.tocDropdownMenu(div, settings.tocTitle);
