10 years ago
29 changed files with 314 additions and 59 deletions
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/*! v1.1.8 | | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-03 */ |
/*! v1.1.9 | | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-04 */ |
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/*! v1.1.8 | editormd.logo.min.css | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-03 */ |
/*! v1.1.9 | editormd.logo.min.css | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-04 */ |
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/*! v1.1.8 | editormd.min.css | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-03 */ |
/*! v1.1.9 | editormd.min.css | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-04 */ |
@charset "UTF-8";/*! |
* Font Awesome 4.3.0 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome |
* License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) |
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/*! v1.1.8 | languages\en.min.js | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-03 */ |
/*! v1.1.9 | languages\en.min.js | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-04 */ |
!function(){var e=function(e){var t={name:"en",description:"A simple markdown doucment online editor.",toolbar:{undo:"Undo(Ctrl+Z)",redo:"Redo(Ctrl+Y)",bold:"Bold",del:"Strikethrough",italic:"Italic",quote:"Block quote",h1:"Heading 1",h2:"Heading 2",h3:"Heading 3",h4:"Heading 4",h5:"Heading 5",h6:"Heading 6","list-ul":"Unordered list","list-ol":"Ordered list",hr:"Horizontal line",link:"Link",anchor:"Anchor",image:"Image",code:"Code inline","code-block-tab":"Preformatted text / Code block (Tab indent)","code-block":"Code block (Multi-languages)",datetime:"Datetime",watch:"Unwatch",unwatch:"Watch",preview:"HTML Preview (Enter ESC exit)",fullscreen:"Fullscreen (Enter ESC exit)",clear:"Clear",info:"About "+e.title},buttons:{enter:"Enter",cancel:"Cancel"},dialog:{link:{title:"Link",url:"Address",urlTitle:"Title",urlEmpty:"Error: Please fill in the link address.",titleEmpty:"Error: Please fill in the link title."},anchor:{title:"Anchor link",name:"Name",url:"Address",urlTitle:"Title",nameEmpty:"Error: anchor name can't be empty.",titleEmpty:"Error: Please fill in anchor link title.",urlEmpty:"Error: Please fill in anchor link."},image:{title:"Image",url:"Address",link:"Link",alt:"Title",uploadButton:"Upload",imageURLEmpty:"Error: picture url address can't be empty.",uploadFileEmpty:"Error: upload pictures cannot be empty!",formatNotAllowed:"Error: only allows to upload pictures file, upload allowed image file format:"},tabCodeBlock:{title:"Preformatted text / Codes",codeEmptyAlert:"Error: Please fill in the Preformatted text or content of the codes."},codeBlock:{title:"Code block",selectLabel:"Languages: ",selectDefaultText:"select a code language...",otherLanguage:"Other languages",unselectedLanguageAlert:"Error: Please select the code language.",codeEmptyAlert:"Error: Please fill in the code content."}}};e.defaults.lang=t};"function"==typeof require&&"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=e:"function"==typeof define?define.amd?define(["editormd"],function(t){e(t)}):define(function(t){var l=t("../editormd");e(l)}):e(window.editormd)}(); |
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ |
/*! v1.1.8 | languages\zh-tw.min.js | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-03 */ |
/*! v1.1.9 | languages\zh-tw.min.js | A simple online markdown editor. | MIT License | By: Pandao | | 2015-03-04 */ |
!function(){var e=function(e){var t={name:"zh-tw",description:"開源在線Markdown編輯器<br/>A simple markdown doucment online editor.",toolbar:{undo:"撤銷(Ctrl+Z)",redo:"重做(Ctrl+Y)",bold:"粗體",del:"刪除線",italic:"斜體",quote:"引用",h1:"標題1",h2:"標題2",h3:"標題3",h4:"標題4",h5:"標題5",h6:"標題6","list-ul":"無序列表","list-ol":"有序列表",hr:"横线",link:"链接",anchor:"錨點",image:"圖片",code:"行內代碼","code-block-tab":"預格式文本 / 代碼塊(縮進風格)","code-block":"代碼塊(多語言風格)",datetime:"日期時間",watch:"關閉實時預覽",unwatch:"開啟實時預覽",preview:"全窗口預覽HTML(可按ESC還原)",fullscreen:"全屏(可按ESC還原)",clear:"清空",info:"關於"+e.title},buttons:{enter:"確定",cancel:"取消"},dialog:{link:{title:"添加鏈接",url:"鏈接地址",urlTitle:"鏈接標題",urlEmpty:"錯誤:請填寫鏈接地址。",titleEmpty:"錯誤:請填寫鏈接標題。"},anchor:{title:"添加錨點鏈接",name:"錨點名稱",url:"鏈接地址",urlTitle:"鏈接標題",nameEmpty:"錯誤:錨點名稱不能為空。",titleEmpty:"錯誤:請填寫錨點鏈接標題。",urlEmpty:"錯誤:請填寫錨點鏈接地址。"},image:{title:"添加圖片",url:"圖片地址",link:"圖片鏈接",alt:"圖片描述",uploadButton:"本地上傳",imageURLEmpty:"錯誤:圖片地址不能為空。",uploadFileEmpty:"錯誤:上傳的圖片不能為空!",formatNotAllowed:"錯誤:只允許上傳圖片文件,允許上傳的圖片文件格式有:"},tabCodeBlock:{title:"添加預格式文本或代碼塊",codeEmptyAlert:"錯誤:請填寫預格式文本或代碼的內容。"},codeBlock:{title:"添加代碼塊",selectLabel:"代碼語言:",selectDefaultText:"請語言代碼語言",otherLanguage:"其他語言",unselectedLanguageAlert:"錯誤:請選擇代碼所屬的語言類型。",codeEmptyAlert:"錯誤:請填寫代碼內容。"}}};e.defaults.lang=t};"function"==typeof require&&"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=e:"function"==typeof define?define.amd?define(["editormd"],function(t){e(t)}):define(function(t){var l=t("../editormd");e(l)}):e(window.editormd)}(); |
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<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="zh"> |
<head> |
<title>Marked heading link Test</title> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<meta name="description" content="" /> |
<meta name="keywords" content="" /> |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../examples/css/style.css" /> |
</head> |
<body> |
<script src="../examples/js/jquery.min.js"></script> |
<script src="../lib/marked.min.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
var linkReg = /\s*\<a\s*href\=\"(.*)\"\s*([^\>]*)\>(.*)\<\/a\>\s*/; |
var linkTextReg = /\s*\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>\s*/g; |
var testLink = "<a href=\"\" title=\"Markdown Basics\">Markdown Basics</a> "; |
var testLink2 = "<a href=\"\" title=\"Xdfsdf\">Xdfsdf</a> "; |
var testLink3 = "<a href=\"\" title=\"\"></a> "; |
var texts = (testLink + testLink2 + testLink3).split(/\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>/); |
console.log(texts); |
for (var i = 0, len = texts.length; i < len; i++) |
{ |
if((i+1) % 3 == 0) console.log(texts[i]); |
} |
(testLink + testLink2).replace(linkTextReg, function(){ |
//console.log($1, $2); |
//console.log("linkText =>", $3); |
console.log(arguments); |
}); |
testLink.replace(linkTextReg, function($1, $2, $3){ |
console.log($1, $2, $3); |
}); |
console.log(linkReg.test(" <a name=\"dddd\" class=\"link\" style=\"color:red;\">Markdown Basics</a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("<a name=\"dddd\" href=\"\" class=\"link\" style=\"color:red;\">Markdown Basics</a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("<a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\" class=\"link\" style=\"color:red;\">Markdown Basics</a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("<a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\"><span>Markdown Basics</span></a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("<a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\"><span class=\"active\">Markdown Basics</span></a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("<a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\"><a href=\"#ddd\" class=\"active\">Markdown Basics</a></a> ")); |
console.log(linkReg.test("afdsfasfsadf<a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\"><a href=\"#ddd\" class=\"active\">Markdown Basics</a></a> fdasfasdfadsfsfd <a href=\"\" title=\"dddd\"><span>Markdown Basics</span></a>")); |
$(function() { |
var markedRenderer = new marked.Renderer(); |
var markdownToC = markdownToC || []; |
markedRenderer.heading = function(text, level, raw) { |
var linkText = text; |
var hasLinkReg = /\s*\<a\s*href\=\"(.*)\"\s*([^\>]*)\>(.*)\<\/a\>\s*/; |
var getLinkTextReg = /\s*\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>\s*/g; |
if (hasLinkReg) { |
var tempText = []; |
text = text.split(/\<a\s*([^\>]+)\>([^\>]*)\<\/a\>/); |
console.log(text); |
for (var i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) |
{ |
if((i+1) % 3 == 0) tempText.push(text[i]); |
} |
text = tempText.join(" "); |
} |
var escapedText = text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, "-"); |
var toc = { |
text : text, |
level : level, |
slug : escapedText |
}; |
console.log("text =>", text); |
var isChinese = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/.test(text); |
var id = (isChinese) ? escape(text).replace(/\%/g, "") : text.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, "-"); |
markdownToC.push(toc); |
console.log("toc =>", toc); |
var headingHTML = "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">"; |
/*return "<h" + level + " id=\"h"+ level + "-" + this.options.headerPrefix + id +"\">" + |
"<a href=\"#" + text + "\" name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"anchor\"></a>" + |
"<span class=\"header-link\"></span>" + text + "</h" + level + ">";*/ |
var anchor = "<a name=\"" + text + "\" class=\"anchor\"></a>"; |
headingHTML += anchor; |
headingHTML += "<span class=\"header-link\"></span>"; |
headingHTML += (hasLinkReg) ? linkText : text; |
headingHTML += "</h" + level + ">"; |
return headingHTML; |
}; |
marked.setOptions({ |
renderer : markedRenderer, |
gfm : true, |
tables : true, |
breaks : true, |
pedantic : false, |
smartLists : true, |
smartypants : true |
}); |
var md = marked("## [Markdown Basics]( \"Markdown Basics\")"); |
console.log(md); |
var md2 = marked("## fdasfsd [Markdown Basics]( \"Markdown Basics\") xxx []( \"\") fadsfasdfasdf"); |
console.log(md2); |
var md3 = marked("### fdasfsd中文链接 [中文链接]( \"中文链接\") xxx 中文链接 [ 在线Markdown编辑器]( \" 在线Markdown编辑器\") fadsfasdfasdf中文链接"); |
console.log(md3); |
var md4 = marked("#### fdasfsd [Markdown Basics]( \"Markdown Basics\") xxx []( \"\") fadsfasdfasdf"); |
console.log(md4); |
$("body").append(md).append(md2).append(md3).append(md4); |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
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