/ * !
// CodeMirror v5.0, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
// This is CodeMirror (http://codemirror.net), a code editor
// implemented in JavaScript on top of the browser's DOM.
// You can find some technical background for some of the code below
// at http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/blog/#cm-internals .
* /
( function ( mod ) { if ( typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object" ) { module . exports = mod ( ) } else { if ( typeof define == "function" && define . amd ) { return define ( [ ] , mod ) } else { this . CodeMirror = mod ( ) } } } ) ( function ( ) { var gecko = /gecko\/\d/i . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var ie_upto10 = /MSIE \d/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var ie_11up = /Trident\/(?:[7-9]|\d{2,})\..*rv:(\d+)/ . exec ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var ie = ie_upto10 || ie_11up ; var ie_version = ie && ( ie_upto10 ? document . documentMode || 6 : ie_11up [ 1 ] ) ; var webkit = /WebKit\// . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var qtwebkit = webkit && /Qt\/\d+\.\d+/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var chrome = /Chrome\// . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var presto = /Opera\// . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var safari = /Apple Computer/ . test ( navigator . vendor ) ; var mac_geMountainLion = /Mac OS X 1\d\D([8-9]|\d\d)\D/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var phantom = /PhantomJS/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var ios = /AppleWebKit/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) && /Mobile\/\w+/ . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var mobile = ios || /Android|webOS|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|IEMobile/i . test ( navigator . userAgent ) ; var mac = ios || /Mac/ . test ( navigator . platform ) ; var windows = /win/i . test ( navigator . platform ) ; var presto_version = presto && navigator . userAgent . match ( /Version\/(\d*\.\d*)/ ) ; if ( presto_version ) { presto_version = Number ( presto_version [ 1 ] ) } if ( presto_version && presto_version >= 15 ) { presto = false ; webkit = true } var flipCtrlCmd = mac && ( qtwebkit || presto && ( presto_version == null || presto_version < 12.11 ) ) ; var captureRightClick = gecko || ( ie && ie_version >= 9 ) ; var sawReadOnlySpans = false , sawCollapsedSpans = false ; function CodeMirror ( place , options ) { if ( ! ( this instanceof CodeMirror ) ) { return new CodeMirror ( place , options ) } this . options = options = options ? copyObj ( options ) : { } ; copyObj ( defaults , options , false ) ; setGuttersForLineNumbers ( options ) ; var doc = options . value ; if ( typeof doc == "string" ) { doc = new Doc ( doc , options . mode ) } this . doc = doc ; var input = new CodeMirror . inputStyles [ options . inputStyle ] ( this ) ; var display = this . display = new Display ( place , doc , input ) ; display . wrapper . CodeMirror = this ; updateGutters ( this ) ; themeChanged ( this ) ; if ( options . lineWrapping ) { this . display . wrapper . className += " CodeMirror-wrap" } if ( options . autofocus && ! mobile ) { display . input . focus ( ) } initScrollbars ( this ) ; this . state = { keyMaps : [ ] , overlays : [ ] , modeGen : 0 , overwrite : false , focused : false , suppressEdits : false , pasteIncoming : false , cutIncoming : false , draggingText : false , highlight : new Delayed ( ) , keySeq : null } ; var cm = this ; if ( ie && ie_version < 11 ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { cm . display . input . reset ( true ) } , 20 ) } registerEventHandlers ( this ) ; ensureGlobalHandlers ( ) ; startOperation ( this ) ; this . curOp . forceUpdate = true ; attachDoc ( this , doc ) ; if ( ( options . autofocus && ! mobile ) || cm . hasFocus ( ) ) { setTimeout ( bind ( onFocus , this ) , 20 ) } else { onBlur ( this ) } for ( var opt in optionHandlers ) { if ( optionHandlers . hasOwnProperty ( opt ) ) { optionHandlers [ opt ] ( this , options [ opt ] , Init ) } } maybeUpdateLineNumberWidth ( this ) ; if ( options . finishInit ) { options . finishInit ( this ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < initHooks . length ; ++ i ) { initHooks [ i ] ( this ) } endOperation ( this ) ; if ( webkit && options . lineWrapping && getComputedStyle ( display . lineDiv ) . textRendering == "optimizelegibility" ) { display . lineDiv . style . textRendering = "auto" } } function Display ( place , doc , input ) { var d = this ; this . input = input ; d . scrollbarFiller = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler" ) ; d . scrollbarFiller . setAttribute ( "cm-not-content" , "true" ) ; d . gutterFiller = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-gutter-filler" ) ; d . gutterFiller . setAttribute ( "cm-not-content" , "true" ) ; d . lineDiv = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-code" ) ; d . selectionDiv = elt ( "div" , null , null , "position: relative; z-index: 1" ) ; d . cursorDiv = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-cursors" ) ; d . measure = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-measure" ) ; d . lineMeasure = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-measure" ) ; d . lineSpace = elt ( "div" , [ d . measure , d . lineMeasure , d . selectionDiv , d . cursorDiv , d . lineDiv ] , null , "position: relative; outline: none" ) ; d . mover = elt ( "div" , [ elt ( "div" , [ d . lineSpace ] , "CodeMirror-lines" ) ] , null , "position: relative" ) ; d . sizer = elt ( "div" , [ d . mover ] , "CodeMirror-sizer" ) ; d . sizerWidth = null ; d . heightForcer = elt ( "div" , null , null , "position: absolute; height: " + scrollerGap + "px; width: 1px;" ) ; d . gutters = elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-gutters" ) ; d . lineGutter = null ; d . scrolle
d . viewOffset = 0 ; d . lastWrapHeight = d . lastWrapWidth = 0 ; d . updateLineNumbers = null ; d . nativeBarWidth = d . barHeight = d . barWidth = 0 ; d . scrollbarsClipped = false ; d . lineNumWidth = d . lineNumInnerWidth = d . lineNumChars = null ; d . alignWidgets = false ; d . cachedCharWidth = d . cachedTextHeight = d . cachedPaddingH = null ; d . maxLine = null ; d . maxLineLength = 0 ; d . maxLineChanged = false ; d . wheelDX = d . wheelDY = d . wheelStartX = d . wheelStartY = null ; d . shift = false ; d . selForContextMenu = null ; d . activeTouch = null ; input . init ( d ) } function loadMode ( cm ) { cm . doc . mode = CodeMirror . getMode ( cm . options , cm . doc . modeOption ) ; resetModeState ( cm ) } function resetModeState ( cm ) { cm . doc . iter ( function ( line ) { if ( line . stateAfter ) { line . stateAfter = null } if ( line . styles ) { line . styles = null } } ) ; cm . doc . frontier = cm . doc . first ; startWorker ( cm , 100 ) ; cm . state . modeGen ++ ; if ( cm . curOp ) { regChange ( cm ) } } function wrappingChanged ( cm ) { if ( cm . options . lineWrapping ) { addClass ( cm . display . wrapper , "CodeMirror-wrap" ) ; cm . display . sizer . style . minWidth = "" ; cm . display . sizerWidth = null } else { rmClass ( cm . display . wrapper , "CodeMirror-wrap" ) ; findMaxLine ( cm ) } estimateLineHeights ( cm ) ; regChange ( cm ) ; clearCaches ( cm ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { updateScrollbars ( cm ) } , 100 ) } function estimateHeight ( cm ) { var th = textHeight ( cm . display ) , wrapping = cm . options . lineWrapping ; var perLine = wrapping && Math . max ( 5 , cm . display . scroller . clientWidth / charWidth ( cm . display ) - 3 ) ; return function ( line ) { if ( lineIsHidden ( cm . doc , line ) ) { return 0 } var widgetsHeight = 0 ; if ( line . widgets ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < line . widgets . length ; i ++ ) { if ( line . widgets [ i ] . height ) { widgetsHeight += line . widgets [ i ] . height } } } if ( wrapping ) { return widgetsHeight + ( Math . ceil ( line . text . length / perLine ) || 1 ) * th } else { return widgetsHeight + th } } } function estimateLineHeights ( cm ) { var doc = cm . doc , est = estimateHeight ( cm ) ; doc . iter ( function ( line ) { var estHeight = est ( line ) ; if ( estHeight != line . height ) { updateLineHeight ( line , estHeight ) } } ) } function themeChanged ( cm ) { cm . display . wrapper . className = cm . display . wrapper . className . replace ( /\s*cm-s-\S+/g , "" ) + cm . options . theme . replace ( /(^|\s)\s*/g , " cm-s-" ) ; clearCaches ( cm ) } function guttersChanged ( cm ) { updateGutters ( cm ) ; regChange ( cm ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { alignHorizontally ( cm ) } , 20 ) } function updateGutters ( cm ) { var gutters = cm . display . gutters , specs = cm . options . gutters ; removeChildren ( gutters ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < specs . length ; ++ i ) { var gutterClass = specs [ i ] ; var gElt = gutters . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-gutter " + gutterClass ) ) ; if ( gutterClass == "CodeMirror-linenumbers" ) { cm . display . lineGutter = gElt ; gElt . style . width = ( cm . display . lineNumWidth || 1 ) + "px" } } gutters . style . display = i ? "" : "none" ; updateGutterSpace ( cm ) } function updateGutterSpace ( cm ) { var width = cm . display . gutters . offsetWidth ; cm . display . sizer . style . marginLeft = width + "px" } function lineLength ( line ) { if ( line . height == 0 ) { return 0 } var len = line . text . length , merged , cur = line ; while ( merged = collapsedSpanAtStart ( cur ) ) { var found = merged . find ( 0 , true ) ; cur = found . from . line ; len += found . from . ch - found . to . ch } cur = line ; while ( merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd ( cur ) ) { var found = merged . find ( 0 , true ) ; len -= cur . text . length - found . from . ch ; cur = found . to . line ; len += cur . text . length - found . to . ch } return len } function findMaxLine ( cm ) { var d = cm . display , doc = cm . doc ; d . maxLine = getLine ( doc , doc . first ) ; d . maxLineLength = lineLength ( d . maxLine ) ; d . maxLineChanged = true ; doc . iter ( function ( line ) { var len = lineLength ( line ) ; if ( len > d . maxLineLength ) { d . maxLineLength = len ; d . maxLine = line } } ) } function setGuttersForLineNumbers ( options ) { var found = indexOf ( options . gutters , "CodeMirror-linenumbers" ) ; if ( found == - 1 && options . lineNumbers ) { options . gutters = options . gutters . concat ( [ "CodeMirror-linenumbers" ] ) } else { if ( found > - 1 && ! options . lineNumbers ) { options . gutters = options . gutters . slice ( 0 ) ; options . gutters . splice ( found , 1 ) } } } function measureForScrollbars ( cm ) { var d = cm . display , gutterW = d . gutters . offsetWidth ; var docH = Math . round ( cm . doc . height + paddingVert ( cm . display ) ) ; return { clientHeight : d . scroller . clientHeight , viewHeight : d . wrapper . clientHeight , scrollWidth : d . scroller . scrollWidth , clientWidth : d . scroller . clientWidth , viewWidth : d . wrapper . clientWidth , barLeft : cm . options . fixedGutter ? gutterW : 0 , docHeight : docH , scrollHeight : docH + scrollGap ( cm ) + d . barHeight , nativeBarWidth : d . nativeBarWidth , gutterWidth : gutterW } } function NativeScrollbars ( place , s
} else { this . vert . style . display = "" ; this . vert . firstChild . style . height = "0" } if ( needsH ) { this . horiz . style . display = "block" ; this . horiz . style . right = needsV ? sWidth + "px" : "0" ; this . horiz . style . left = measure . barLeft + "px" ; var totalWidth = measure . viewWidth - measure . barLeft - ( needsV ? sWidth : 0 ) ; this . horiz . firstChild . style . width = ( measure . scrollWidth - measure . clientWidth + totalWidth ) + "px" } else { this . horiz . style . display = "" ; this . horiz . firstChild . style . width = "0" } if ( ! this . checkedOverlay && measure . clientHeight > 0 ) { if ( sWidth == 0 ) { this . overlayHack ( ) } this . checkedOverlay = true } return { right : needsV ? sWidth : 0 , bottom : needsH ? sWidth : 0 } } , setScrollLeft : function ( pos ) { if ( this . horiz . scrollLeft != pos ) { this . horiz . scrollLeft = pos } } , setScrollTop : function ( pos ) { if ( this . vert . scrollTop != pos ) { this . vert . scrollTop = pos } } , overlayHack : function ( ) { var w = mac && ! mac_geMountainLion ? "12px" : "18px" ; this . horiz . style . minHeight = this . vert . style . minWidth = w ; var self = this ; var barMouseDown = function ( e ) { if ( e_target ( e ) != self . vert && e_target ( e ) != self . horiz ) { operation ( self . cm , onMouseDown ) ( e ) } } ; on ( this . vert , "mousedown" , barMouseDown ) ; on ( this . horiz , "mousedown" , barMouseDown ) } , clear : function ( ) { var parent = this . horiz . parentNode ; parent . removeChild ( this . horiz ) ; parent . removeChild ( this . vert ) } } , NativeScrollbars . prototype ) ; function NullScrollbars ( ) { } NullScrollbars . prototype = copyObj ( { update : function ( ) { return { bottom : 0 , right : 0 } } , setScrollLeft : function ( ) { } , setScrollTop : function ( ) { } , clear : function ( ) { } } , NullScrollbars . prototype ) ; CodeMirror . scrollbarModel = { "native" : NativeScrollbars , "null" : NullScrollbars } ; function initScrollbars ( cm ) { if ( cm . display . scrollbars ) { cm . display . scrollbars . clear ( ) ; if ( cm . display . scrollbars . addClass ) { rmClass ( cm . display . wrapper , cm . display . scrollbars . addClass ) } } cm . display . scrollbars = new CodeMirror . scrollbarModel [ cm . options . scrollbarStyle ] ( function ( node ) { cm . display . wrapper . insertBefore ( node , cm . display . scrollbarFiller ) ; on ( node , "mousedown" , function ( ) { if ( cm . state . focused ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { cm . display . input . focus ( ) } , 0 ) } } ) ; node . setAttribute ( "cm-not-content" , "true" ) } , function ( pos , axis ) { if ( axis == "horizontal" ) { setScrollLeft ( cm , pos ) } else { setScrollTop ( cm , pos ) } } , cm ) ; if ( cm . display . scrollbars . addClass ) { addClass ( cm . display . wrapper , cm . display . scrollbars . addClass ) } } function updateScrollbars ( cm , measure ) { if ( ! measure ) { measure = measureForScrollbars ( cm ) } var startWidth = cm . display . barWidth , startHeight = cm . display . barHeight ; updateScrollbarsInner ( cm , measure ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 && startWidth != cm . display . barWidth || startHeight != cm . display . barHeight ; i ++ ) { if ( startWidth != cm . display . barWidth && cm . options . lineWrapping ) { updateHeightsInViewport ( cm ) } updateScrollbarsInner ( cm , measureForScrollbars ( cm ) ) ; startWidth = cm . display . barWidth ; startHeight = cm . display . barHeight } } function updateScrollbarsInner ( cm , measure ) { var d = cm . display ; var sizes = d . scrollbars . update ( measure ) ; d . sizer . style . paddingRight = ( d . barWidth = sizes . right ) + "px" ; d . sizer . style . paddingBottom = ( d . barHeight = sizes . bottom ) + "px" ; if ( sizes . right && sizes . bottom ) { d . scrollbarFiller . style . display = "block" ; d . scrollbarFiller . style . height = sizes . bottom + "px" ; d . scrollbarFiller . style . width = sizes . right + "px" } else { d . scrollbarFiller . style . display = "" } if ( sizes . bottom && cm . options . coverGutterNextToScrollbar && cm . options . fixedGutter ) { d . gutterFiller . style . display = "block" ; d . gutterFiller . style . height = sizes . bottom + "px" ; d . gutterFiller . style . width = measure . gutterWidth + "px" } else { d . gutterFiller . style . display = "" } } function visibleLines ( display , doc , viewport ) { var top = viewport && viewport . top != null ? Math . max ( 0 , viewport . top ) : display . scroller . scrollTop ; top = Math . floor ( top - paddingTop ( display ) ) ; var bottom = viewport && viewport . bottom != null ? viewport . bottom : top + display . wrapper . clientHeight ; var from = lineAtHeight ( doc , top ) , to = lineAtHeight ( doc , bottom ) ; if ( viewport && viewport . ensure ) { var ensureFrom = viewport . ensure . from . line , ensureTo = viewport . ensure . to . line ; if ( ensureFrom < from ) { from = ensureFrom ; to = lineAtHeight ( doc , heightAtLine ( getLine ( doc , ensureFrom ) ) + display . wrapper . clientHeight ) } else { if ( Math . min ( ensureTo , doc . lastLine ( ) ) >= to ) { from = lineAtHeight ( doc , heightAtLine ( getLine ( doc , ensureTo ) ) - display . wrapper . clientHeight ) ; to = ensureTo } } } return { from : from , to : Math . max ( to , from + 1 ) } }
var innerW = test . firstChild . offsetWidth , padding = test . offsetWidth - innerW ; display . lineGutter . style . width = "" ; display . lineNumInnerWidth = Math . max ( innerW , display . lineGutter . offsetWidth - padding ) ; display . lineNumWidth = display . lineNumInnerWidth + padding ; display . lineNumChars = display . lineNumInnerWidth ? last . length : - 1 ; display . lineGutter . style . width = display . lineNumWidth + "px" ; updateGutterSpace ( cm ) ; return true } return false } function lineNumberFor ( options , i ) { return String ( options . lineNumberFormatter ( i + options . firstLineNumber ) ) } function compensateForHScroll ( display ) { return display . scroller . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . left - display . sizer . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . left } function DisplayUpdate ( cm , viewport , force ) { var display = cm . display ; this . viewport = viewport ; this . visible = visibleLines ( display , cm . doc , viewport ) ; this . editorIsHidden = ! display . wrapper . offsetWidth ; this . wrapperHeight = display . wrapper . clientHeight ; this . wrapperWidth = display . wrapper . clientWidth ; this . oldDisplayWidth = displayWidth ( cm ) ; this . force = force ; this . dims = getDimensions ( cm ) ; this . events = [ ] } DisplayUpdate . prototype . signal = function ( emitter , type ) { if ( hasHandler ( emitter , type ) ) { this . events . push ( arguments ) } } ; DisplayUpdate . prototype . finish = function ( ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . events . length ; i ++ ) { signal . apply ( null , this . events [ i ] ) } } ; function maybeClipScrollbars ( cm ) { var display = cm . display ; if ( ! display . scrollbarsClipped && display . scroller . offsetWidth ) { display . nativeBarWidth = display . scroller . offsetWidth - display . scroller . clientWidth ; display . heightForcer . style . height = scrollGap ( cm ) + "px" ; display . sizer . style . marginBottom = - display . nativeBarWidth + "px" ; display . sizer . style . borderRightWidth = scrollGap ( cm ) + "px" ; display . scrollbarsClipped = true } } function updateDisplayIfNeeded ( cm , update ) { var display = cm . display , doc = cm . doc ; if ( update . editorIsHidden ) { resetView ( cm ) ; return false } if ( ! update . force && update . visible . from >= display . viewFrom && update . visible . to <= display . viewTo && ( display . updateLineNumbers == null || display . updateLineNumbers >= display . viewTo ) && display . renderedView == display . view && countDirtyView ( cm ) == 0 ) { return false } if ( maybeUpdateLineNumberWidth ( cm ) ) { resetView ( cm ) ; update . dims = getDimensions ( cm ) } var end = doc . first + doc . size ; var from = Math . max ( update . visible . from - cm . options . viewportMargin , doc . first ) ; var to = Math . min ( end , update . visible . to + cm . options . viewportMargin ) ; if ( display . viewFrom < from && from - display . viewFrom < 20 ) { from = Math . max ( doc . first , display . viewFrom ) } if ( display . viewTo > to && display . viewTo - to < 20 ) { to = Math . min ( end , display . viewTo ) } if ( sawCollapsedSpans ) { from = visualLineNo ( cm . doc , from ) ; to = visualLineEndNo ( cm . doc , to ) } var different = from != display . viewFrom || to != display . viewTo || display . lastWrapHeight != update . wrapperHeight || display . lastWrapWidth != update . wrapperWidth ; adjustView ( cm , from , to ) ; display . viewOffset = heightAtLine ( getLine ( cm . doc , display . viewFrom ) ) ; cm . display . mover . style . top = display . viewOffset + "px" ; var toUpdate = countDirtyView ( cm ) ; if ( ! different && toUpdate == 0 && ! update . force && display . renderedView == display . view && ( display . updateLineNumbers == null || display . updateLineNumbers >= display . viewTo ) ) { return false } var focused = activeElt ( ) ; if ( toUpdate > 4 ) { display . lineDiv . style . display = "none" } patchDisplay ( cm , display . updateLineNumbers , update . dims ) ; if ( toUpdate > 4 ) { display . lineDiv . style . display = "" } display . renderedView = display . view ; if ( focused && activeElt ( ) != focused && focused . offsetHeight ) { focused . focus ( ) } removeChildren ( display . cursorDiv ) ; removeChildren ( display . selectionDiv ) ; display . gutters . style . height = 0 ; if ( different ) { display . lastWrapHeight = update . wrapperHeight ; display . lastWrapWidth = update . wrapperWidth ; startWorker ( cm , 400 ) } display . updateLineNumbers = null ; return true } function postUpdateDisplay ( cm , update ) { var force = update . force , viewport = update . viewport ; for ( var first = true ; ; first = false ) { if ( first && cm . options . lineWrapping && update . oldDisplayWidth != displayWidth ( cm ) ) { force = true } else { force = false ; if ( viewport && viewport . top != null ) { viewport = { top : Math . min ( cm . doc . height + paddingVert ( cm . display ) - displayHeight ( cm ) , viewport . top ) } } update . visible = visibleLines ( cm . display , cm . doc , viewport ) ; if ( update . visible . from >= cm . display . viewFrom && update . visible . to <= cm . display . viewTo ) { break } } if ( ! updateDisplayIfNeeded ( cm , upd
cm . display . heightForcer . style . top = total + "px" ; cm . display . gutters . style . height = Math . max ( total + scrollGap ( cm ) , measure . clientHeight ) + "px" } function updateHeightsInViewport ( cm ) { var display = cm . display ; var prevBottom = display . lineDiv . offsetTop ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < display . view . length ; i ++ ) { var cur = display . view [ i ] , height ; if ( cur . hidden ) { continue } if ( ie && ie_version < 8 ) { var bot = cur . node . offsetTop + cur . node . offsetHeight ; height = bot - prevBottom ; prevBottom = bot } else { var box = cur . node . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; height = box . bottom - box . top } var diff = cur . line . height - height ; if ( height < 2 ) { height = textHeight ( display ) } if ( diff > 0.001 || diff < - 0.001 ) { updateLineHeight ( cur . line , height ) ; updateWidgetHeight ( cur . line ) ; if ( cur . rest ) { for ( var j = 0 ; j < cur . rest . length ; j ++ ) { updateWidgetHeight ( cur . rest [ j ] ) } } } } } function updateWidgetHeight ( line ) { if ( line . widgets ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < line . widgets . length ; ++ i ) { line . widgets [ i ] . height = line . widgets [ i ] . node . offsetHeight } } } function getDimensions ( cm ) { var d = cm . display , left = { } , width = { } ; var gutterLeft = d . gutters . clientLeft ; for ( var n = d . gutters . firstChild , i = 0 ; n ; n = n . nextSibling , ++ i ) { left [ cm . options . gutters [ i ] ] = n . offsetLeft + n . clientLeft + gutterLeft ; width [ cm . options . gutters [ i ] ] = n . clientWidth } return { fixedPos : compensateForHScroll ( d ) , gutterTotalWidth : d . gutters . offsetWidth , gutterLeft : left , gutterWidth : width , wrapperWidth : d . wrapper . clientWidth } } function patchDisplay ( cm , updateNumbersFrom , dims ) { var display = cm . display , lineNumbers = cm . options . lineNumbers ; var container = display . lineDiv , cur = container . firstChild ; function rm ( node ) { var next = node . nextSibling ; if ( webkit && mac && cm . display . currentWheelTarget == node ) { node . style . display = "none" } else { node . parentNode . removeChild ( node ) } return next } var view = display . view , lineN = display . viewFrom ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . length ; i ++ ) { var lineView = view [ i ] ; if ( lineView . hidden ) { } else { if ( ! lineView . node || lineView . node . parentNode != container ) { var node = buildLineElement ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) ; container . insertBefore ( node , cur ) } else { while ( cur != lineView . node ) { cur = rm ( cur ) } var updateNumber = lineNumbers && updateNumbersFrom != null && updateNumbersFrom <= lineN && lineView . lineNumber ; if ( lineView . changes ) { if ( indexOf ( lineView . changes , "gutter" ) > - 1 ) { updateNumber = false } updateLineForChanges ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) } if ( updateNumber ) { removeChildren ( lineView . lineNumber ) ; lineView . lineNumber . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( lineNumberFor ( cm . options , lineN ) ) ) } cur = lineView . node . nextSibling } } lineN += lineView . size } while ( cur ) { cur = rm ( cur ) } } function updateLineForChanges ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) { for ( var j = 0 ; j < lineView . changes . length ; j ++ ) { var type = lineView . changes [ j ] ; if ( type == "text" ) { updateLineText ( cm , lineView ) } else { if ( type == "gutter" ) { updateLineGutter ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) } else { if ( type == "class" ) { updateLineClasses ( lineView ) } else { if ( type == "widget" ) { updateLineWidgets ( cm , lineView , dims ) } } } } } lineView . changes = null } function ensureLineWrapped ( lineView ) { if ( lineView . node == lineView . text ) { lineView . node = elt ( "div" , null , null , "position: relative" ) ; if ( lineView . text . parentNode ) { lineView . text . parentNode . replaceChild ( lineView . node , lineView . text ) } lineView . node . appendChild ( lineView . text ) ; if ( ie && ie_version < 8 ) { lineView . node . style . zIndex = 2 } } return lineView . node } function updateLineBackground ( lineView ) { var cls = lineView . bgClass ? lineView . bgClass + " " + ( lineView . line . bgClass || "" ) : lineView . line . bgClass ; if ( cls ) { cls += " CodeMirror-linebackground" } if ( lineView . background ) { if ( cls ) { lineView . background . className = cls } else { lineView . background . parentNode . removeChild ( lineView . background ) ; lineView . background = null } } else { if ( cls ) { var wrap = ensureLineWrapped ( lineView ) ; lineView . background = wrap . insertBefore ( elt ( "div" , null , cls ) , wrap . firstChild ) } } } function getLineContent ( cm , lineView ) { var ext = cm . display . externalMeasured ; if ( ext && ext . line == lineView . line ) { cm . display . externalMeasured = null ; lineView . measure = ext . measure ; return ext . built } return buildLineContent ( cm , lineView ) } function updateLineText ( cm , lineView ) { var cls = lineView . text . className ; var built = getLineContent ( cm , lineView ) ; if ( lineView . text == lineView . node ) { lineView . node = built . pre } lineView . text . parentNode . replaceChild ( built . pre , lineView . text ) ; lineView . text = built . pre ; if ( built . bgClass != lineView . bgClass || built . tex
cm . display . input . setUneditable ( gutterWrap ) ; wrap . insertBefore ( gutterWrap , lineView . text ) ; if ( lineView . line . gutterClass ) { gutterWrap . className += " " + lineView . line . gutterClass } if ( cm . options . lineNumbers && ( ! markers || ! markers [ "CodeMirror-linenumbers" ] ) ) { lineView . lineNumber = gutterWrap . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , lineNumberFor ( cm . options , lineN ) , "CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" , "left: " + dims . gutterLeft [ "CodeMirror-linenumbers" ] + "px; width: " + cm . display . lineNumInnerWidth + "px" ) ) } if ( markers ) { for ( var k = 0 ; k < cm . options . gutters . length ; ++ k ) { var id = cm . options . gutters [ k ] , found = markers . hasOwnProperty ( id ) && markers [ id ] ; if ( found ) { gutterWrap . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , [ found ] , "CodeMirror-gutter-elt" , "left: " + dims . gutterLeft [ id ] + "px; width: " + dims . gutterWidth [ id ] + "px" ) ) } } } } } function updateLineWidgets ( cm , lineView , dims ) { if ( lineView . alignable ) { lineView . alignable = null } for ( var node = lineView . node . firstChild , next ; node ; node = next ) { var next = node . nextSibling ; if ( node . className == "CodeMirror-linewidget" ) { lineView . node . removeChild ( node ) } } insertLineWidgets ( cm , lineView , dims ) } function buildLineElement ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) { var built = getLineContent ( cm , lineView ) ; lineView . text = lineView . node = built . pre ; if ( built . bgClass ) { lineView . bgClass = built . bgClass } if ( built . textClass ) { lineView . textClass = built . textClass } updateLineClasses ( lineView ) ; updateLineGutter ( cm , lineView , lineN , dims ) ; insertLineWidgets ( cm , lineView , dims ) ; return lineView . node } function insertLineWidgets ( cm , lineView , dims ) { insertLineWidgetsFor ( cm , lineView . line , lineView , dims , true ) ; if ( lineView . rest ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < lineView . rest . length ; i ++ ) { insertLineWidgetsFor ( cm , lineView . rest [ i ] , lineView , dims , false ) } } } function insertLineWidgetsFor ( cm , line , lineView , dims , allowAbove ) { if ( ! line . widgets ) { return } var wrap = ensureLineWrapped ( lineView ) ; for ( var i = 0 , ws = line . widgets ; i < ws . length ; ++ i ) { var widget = ws [ i ] , node = elt ( "div" , [ widget . node ] , "CodeMirror-linewidget" ) ; if ( ! widget . handleMouseEvents ) { node . setAttribute ( "cm-ignore-events" , "true" ) } positionLineWidget ( widget , node , lineView , dims ) ; cm . display . input . setUneditable ( node ) ; if ( allowAbove && widget . above ) { wrap . insertBefore ( node , lineView . gutter || lineView . text ) } else { wrap . appendChild ( node ) } signalLater ( widget , "redraw" ) } } function positionLineWidget ( widget , node , lineView , dims ) { if ( widget . noHScroll ) { ( lineView . alignable || ( lineView . alignable = [ ] ) ) . push ( node ) ; var width = dims . wrapperWidth ; node . style . left = dims . fixedPos + "px" ; if ( ! widget . coverGutter ) { width -= dims . gutterTotalWidth ; node . style . paddingLeft = dims . gutterTotalWidth + "px" } node . style . width = width + "px" } if ( widget . coverGutter ) { node . style . zIndex = 5 ; node . style . position = "relative" ; if ( ! widget . noHScroll ) { node . style . marginLeft = - dims . gutterTotalWidth + "px" } } } var Pos = CodeMirror . Pos = function ( line , ch ) { if ( ! ( this instanceof Pos ) ) { return new Pos ( line , ch ) } this . line = line ; this . ch = ch } ; var cmp = CodeMirror . cmpPos = function ( a , b ) { return a . line - b . line || a . ch - b . ch } ; function copyPos ( x ) { return Pos ( x . line , x . ch ) } function maxPos ( a , b ) { return cmp ( a , b ) < 0 ? b : a } function minPos ( a , b ) { return cmp ( a , b ) < 0 ? a : b } function ensureFocus ( cm ) { if ( ! cm . state . focused ) { cm . display . input . focus ( ) ; onFocus ( cm ) } } function isReadOnly ( cm ) { return cm . options . readOnly || cm . doc . cantEdit } var lastCopied = null ; function applyTextInput ( cm , inserted , deleted , sel ) { var doc = cm . doc ; cm . display . shift = false ; if ( ! sel ) { sel = doc . sel } var textLines = splitLines ( inserted ) , multiPaste = null ; if ( cm . state . pasteIncoming && sel . ranges . length > 1 ) { if ( lastCopied && lastCopied . join ( "\n" ) == inserted ) { multiPaste = sel . ranges . length % lastCopied . length == 0 && map ( lastCopied , splitLines ) } else { if ( textLines . length == sel . ranges . length ) { multiPaste = map ( textLines , function ( l ) { return [ l ] } ) } } } for ( var i = sel . ranges . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { var range = sel . ranges [ i ] ; var from = range . from ( ) , to = range . to ( ) ; if ( range . empty ( ) ) { if ( deleted && deleted > 0 ) { from = Pos ( from . line , from . ch - deleted ) } else { if ( cm . state . overwrite && ! cm . state . pasteIncoming ) { to = Pos ( to . line , Math . min ( getLine ( doc , to . line ) . text . length , to . ch + lst ( textLines ) . length ) ) } } } var updateInput = cm . curOp . updateInput ; var changeEvent = { from : from , to : to , text : multiPaste ? multiPaste [ i % multiPaste . length ] : textLines , origin : cm . state . pasteIncoming ? "paste" : cm . state . cutIncoming ? "cut" : "+input" } ; mak
ranges . push ( lineRange ) ; text . push ( cm . getRange ( lineRange . anchor , lineRange . head ) ) } return { text : text , ranges : ranges } } function disableBrowserMagic ( field ) { field . setAttribute ( "autocorrect" , "off" ) ; field . setAttribute ( "autocapitalize" , "off" ) ; field . setAttribute ( "spellcheck" , "false" ) } function TextareaInput ( cm ) { this . cm = cm ; this . prevInput = "" ; this . pollingFast = false ; this . polling = new Delayed ( ) ; this . inaccurateSelection = false ; this . hasSelection = false } function hiddenTextarea ( ) { var te = elt ( "textarea" , null , null , "position: absolute; padding: 0; width: 1px; height: 1em; outline: none" ) ; var div = elt ( "div" , [ te ] , null , "overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 3px; height: 0px;" ) ; if ( webkit ) { te . style . width = "1000px" } else { te . setAttribute ( "wrap" , "off" ) } if ( ios ) { te . style . border = "1px solid black" } disableBrowserMagic ( te ) ; return div } TextareaInput . prototype = copyObj ( { init : function ( display ) { var input = this , cm = this . cm ; var div = this . wrapper = hiddenTextarea ( ) ; var te = this . textarea = div . firstChild ; display . wrapper . insertBefore ( div , display . wrapper . firstChild ) ; if ( ios ) { te . style . width = "0px" } on ( te , "input" , function ( ) { if ( ie && ie_version >= 9 && input . hasSelection ) { input . hasSelection = null } input . poll ( ) } ) ; on ( te , "paste" , function ( ) { if ( webkit && ! cm . state . fakedLastChar && ! ( new Date - cm . state . lastMiddleDown < 200 ) ) { var start = te . selectionStart , end = te . selectionEnd ; te . value += "$" ; te . selectionEnd = end ; te . selectionStart = start ; cm . state . fakedLastChar = true } cm . state . pasteIncoming = true ; input . fastPoll ( ) } ) ; function prepareCopyCut ( e ) { if ( cm . somethingSelected ( ) ) { lastCopied = cm . getSelections ( ) ; if ( input . inaccurateSelection ) { input . prevInput = "" ; input . inaccurateSelection = false ; te . value = lastCopied . join ( "\n" ) ; selectInput ( te ) } } else { var ranges = copyableRanges ( cm ) ; lastCopied = ranges . text ; if ( e . type == "cut" ) { cm . setSelections ( ranges . ranges , null , sel_dontScroll ) } else { input . prevInput = "" ; te . value = ranges . text . join ( "\n" ) ; selectInput ( te ) } } if ( e . type == "cut" ) { cm . state . cutIncoming = true } } on ( te , "cut" , prepareCopyCut ) ; on ( te , "copy" , prepareCopyCut ) ; on ( display . scroller , "paste" , function ( e ) { if ( eventInWidget ( display , e ) ) { return } cm . state . pasteIncoming = true ; input . focus ( ) } ) ; on ( display . lineSpace , "selectstart" , function ( e ) { if ( ! eventInWidget ( display , e ) ) { e_preventDefault ( e ) } } ) } , prepareSelection : function ( ) { var cm = this . cm , display = cm . display , doc = cm . doc ; var result = prepareSelection ( cm ) ; if ( cm . options . moveInputWithCursor ) { var headPos = cursorCoords ( cm , doc . sel . primary ( ) . head , "div" ) ; var wrapOff = display . wrapper . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , lineOff = display . lineDiv . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; result . teTop = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( display . wrapper . clientHeight - 10 , headPos . top + lineOff . top - wrapOff . top ) ) ; result . teLeft = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( display . wrapper . clientWidth - 10 , headPos . left + lineOff . left - wrapOff . left ) ) } return result } , showSelection : function ( drawn ) { var cm = this . cm , display = cm . display ; removeChildrenAndAdd ( display . cursorDiv , drawn . cursors ) ; removeChildrenAndAdd ( display . selectionDiv , drawn . selection ) ; if ( drawn . teTop != null ) { this . wrapper . style . top = drawn . teTop + "px" ; this . wrapper . style . left = drawn . teLeft + "px" } } , reset : function ( typing ) { if ( this . contextMenuPending ) { return } var minimal , selected , cm = this . cm , doc = cm . doc ; if ( cm . somethingSelected ( ) ) { this . prevInput = "" ; var range = doc . sel . primary ( ) ; minimal = hasCopyEvent && ( range . to ( ) . line - range . from ( ) . line > 100 || ( selected = cm . getSelection ( ) ) . length > 1000 ) ; var content = minimal ? "-" : selected || cm . getSelection ( ) ; this . textarea . value = content ; if ( cm . state . focused ) { selectInput ( this . textarea ) } if ( ie && ie_version >= 9 ) { this . hasSelection = content } } else { if ( ! typing ) { this . prevInput = this . textarea . value = "" ; if ( ie && ie_version >= 9 ) { this . hasSelection = null } } } this . inaccurateSelection = minimal } , getField : function ( ) { return this . textarea } , supportsTouch : function ( ) { return false } , focus : function ( ) { if ( this . cm . options . readOnly != "nocursor" && ( ! mobile || activeElt ( ) != this . textarea ) ) { try { this . textarea . focus ( ) } catch ( e ) { } } } , blur : function ( ) { this . textarea . blur ( ) } , resetPosition : function ( ) { this . wrapper . style . top = this . wrapper . style . left = 0 } , receivedFocus : function ( ) { this . slowPoll ( ) } , slowPoll : function ( ) { var input = this ; if ( input . pollingFast ) { return } input . polling . set ( this . cm . options . pollInterval , function ( ) { input . poll ( ) ; if ( input . cm . sta
} var same = 0 , l = Math . min ( prevInput . length , text . length ) ; while ( same < l && prevInput . charCodeAt ( same ) == text . charCodeAt ( same ) ) { ++ same } var self = this ; runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { applyTextInput ( cm , text . slice ( same ) , prevInput . length - same ) ; if ( text . length > 1000 || text . indexOf ( "\n" ) > - 1 ) { input . value = self . prevInput = "" } else { self . prevInput = text } } ) ; return true } , ensurePolled : function ( ) { if ( this . pollingFast && this . poll ( ) ) { this . pollingFast = false } } , onKeyPress : function ( ) { if ( ie && ie_version >= 9 ) { this . hasSelection = null } this . fastPoll ( ) } , onContextMenu : function ( e ) { var input = this , cm = input . cm , display = cm . display , te = input . textarea ; var pos = posFromMouse ( cm , e ) , scrollPos = display . scroller . scrollTop ; if ( ! pos || presto ) { return } var reset = cm . options . resetSelectionOnContextMenu ; if ( reset && cm . doc . sel . contains ( pos ) == - 1 ) { operation ( cm , setSelection ) ( cm . doc , simpleSelection ( pos ) , sel_dontScroll ) } var oldCSS = te . style . cssText ; input . wrapper . style . position = "absolute" ; te . style . cssText = "position: fixed; width: 30px; height: 30px; top: " + ( e . clientY - 5 ) + "px; left: " + ( e . clientX - 5 ) + "px; z-index: 1000; background: " + ( ie ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)" : "transparent" ) + "; outline: none; border-width: 0; outline: none; overflow: hidden; opacity: .05; filter: alpha(opacity=5);" ; if ( webkit ) { var oldScrollY = window . scrollY } display . input . focus ( ) ; if ( webkit ) { window . scrollTo ( null , oldScrollY ) } display . input . reset ( ) ; if ( ! cm . somethingSelected ( ) ) { te . value = input . prevInput = " " } input . contextMenuPending = true ; display . selForContextMenu = cm . doc . sel ; clearTimeout ( display . detectingSelectAll ) ; function prepareSelectAllHack ( ) { if ( te . selectionStart != null ) { var selected = cm . somethingSelected ( ) ; var extval = te . value = "\u200b" + ( selected ? te . value : "" ) ; input . prevInput = selected ? "" : "\u200b" ; te . selectionStart = 1 ; te . selectionEnd = extval . length ; display . selForContextMenu = cm . doc . sel } } function rehide ( ) { input . contextMenuPending = false ; input . wrapper . style . position = "relative" ; te . style . cssText = oldCSS ; if ( ie && ie_version < 9 ) { display . scrollbars . setScrollTop ( display . scroller . scrollTop = scrollPos ) } if ( te . selectionStart != null ) { if ( ! ie || ( ie && ie_version < 9 ) ) { prepareSelectAllHack ( ) } var i = 0 , poll = function ( ) { if ( display . selForContextMenu == cm . doc . sel && te . selectionStart == 0 ) { operation ( cm , commands . selectAll ) ( cm ) } else { if ( i ++ < 10 ) { display . detectingSelectAll = setTimeout ( poll , 500 ) } else { display . input . reset ( ) } } } ; display . detectingSelectAll = setTimeout ( poll , 200 ) } } if ( ie && ie_version >= 9 ) { prepareSelectAllHack ( ) } if ( captureRightClick ) { e_stop ( e ) ; var mouseup = function ( ) { off ( window , "mouseup" , mouseup ) ; setTimeout ( rehide , 20 ) } ; on ( window , "mouseup" , mouseup ) } else { setTimeout ( rehide , 50 ) } } , setUneditable : nothing , needsContentAttribute : false } , TextareaInput . prototype ) ; function ContentEditableInput ( cm ) { this . cm = cm ; this . lastAnchorNode = this . lastAnchorOffset = this . lastFocusNode = this . lastFocusOffset = null ; this . polling = new Delayed ( ) } ContentEditableInput . prototype = copyObj ( { init : function ( display ) { var input = this , cm = input . cm ; var div = input . div = display . lineDiv ; div . contentEditable = "true" ; disableBrowserMagic ( div ) ; on ( div , "paste" , function ( e ) { var pasted = e . clipboardData && e . clipboardData . getData ( "text/plain" ) ; if ( pasted ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ; cm . replaceSelection ( pasted , null , "paste" ) } } ) ; on ( div , "compositionstart" , function ( e ) { var data = e . data ; input . composing = { sel : cm . doc . sel , data : data , startData : data } ; if ( ! data ) { return } var prim = cm . doc . sel . primary ( ) ; var line = cm . getLine ( prim . head . line ) ; var found = line . indexOf ( data , Math . max ( 0 , prim . head . ch - data . length ) ) ; if ( found > - 1 && found <= prim . head . ch ) { input . composing . sel = simpleSelection ( Pos ( prim . head . line , found ) , Pos ( prim . head . line , found + data . length ) ) } } ) ; on ( div , "compositionupdate" , function ( e ) { input . composing . data = e . data } ) ; on ( div , "compositionend" , function ( e ) { var ours = input . composing ; if ( ! ours ) { return } if ( e . data != ours . startData && ! /\u200b/ . test ( e . data ) ) { ours . data = e . data } setTimeout ( function ( ) { if ( ! ours . handled ) { input . applyComposition ( ours ) } if ( input . composing == ours ) { input . composing = null } } , 50 ) } ) ; on ( div , "touchstart" , function ( ) { input . forceCompositionEnd ( ) } ) ; on ( div , "input" , function ( ) { if ( input . composing ) { return } if ( ! input . pollContent ( ) ) { runInOp ( input . cm , function ( ) { regChange ( cm ) } ) } } ) ; function onCopyCut ( e ) { if ( cm . somethingSelected ( ) ) { lastCopie
} if ( info . focus ) { this . showPrimarySelection ( ) } this . showMultipleSelections ( info ) } , showPrimarySelection : function ( ) { var sel = window . getSelection ( ) , prim = this . cm . doc . sel . primary ( ) ; var curAnchor = domToPos ( this . cm , sel . anchorNode , sel . anchorOffset ) ; var curFocus = domToPos ( this . cm , sel . focusNode , sel . focusOffset ) ; if ( curAnchor && ! curAnchor . bad && curFocus && ! curFocus . bad && cmp ( minPos ( curAnchor , curFocus ) , prim . from ( ) ) == 0 && cmp ( maxPos ( curAnchor , curFocus ) , prim . to ( ) ) == 0 ) { return } var start = posToDOM ( this . cm , prim . from ( ) ) ; var end = posToDOM ( this . cm , prim . to ( ) ) ; if ( ! start && ! end ) { return } var view = this . cm . display . view ; var old = sel . rangeCount && sel . getRangeAt ( 0 ) ; if ( ! start ) { start = { node : view [ 0 ] . measure . map [ 2 ] , offset : 0 } } else { if ( ! end ) { var measure = view [ view . length - 1 ] . measure ; var map = measure . maps ? measure . maps [ measure . maps . length - 1 ] : measure . map ; end = { node : map [ map . length - 1 ] , offset : map [ map . length - 2 ] - map [ map . length - 3 ] } } } try { var rng = range ( start . node , start . offset , end . offset , end . node ) } catch ( e ) { } if ( rng ) { sel . removeAllRanges ( ) ; sel . addRange ( rng ) ; if ( old && sel . anchorNode == null ) { sel . addRange ( old ) } } this . rememberSelection ( ) } , showMultipleSelections : function ( info ) { removeChildrenAndAdd ( this . cm . display . cursorDiv , info . cursors ) ; removeChildrenAndAdd ( this . cm . display . selectionDiv , info . selection ) } , rememberSelection : function ( ) { var sel = window . getSelection ( ) ; this . lastAnchorNode = sel . anchorNode ; this . lastAnchorOffset = sel . anchorOffset ; this . lastFocusNode = sel . focusNode ; this . lastFocusOffset = sel . focusOffset } , selectionInEditor : function ( ) { var sel = window . getSelection ( ) ; if ( ! sel . rangeCount ) { return false } var node = sel . getRangeAt ( 0 ) . commonAncestorContainer ; return contains ( this . div , node ) } , focus : function ( ) { if ( this . cm . options . readOnly != "nocursor" ) { this . div . focus ( ) } } , blur : function ( ) { this . div . blur ( ) } , getField : function ( ) { return this . div } , supportsTouch : function ( ) { return true } , receivedFocus : function ( ) { var input = this ; if ( this . selectionInEditor ( ) ) { this . pollSelection ( ) } else { runInOp ( this . cm , function ( ) { input . cm . curOp . selectionChanged = true } ) } function poll ( ) { if ( input . cm . state . focused ) { input . pollSelection ( ) ; input . polling . set ( input . cm . options . pollInterval , poll ) } } this . polling . set ( this . cm . options . pollInterval , poll ) } , pollSelection : function ( ) { if ( this . composing ) { return } var sel = window . getSelection ( ) , cm = this . cm ; if ( sel . anchorNode != this . lastAnchorNode || sel . anchorOffset != this . lastAnchorOffset || sel . focusNode != this . lastFocusNode || sel . focusOffset != this . lastFocusOffset ) { this . rememberSelection ( ) ; var anchor = domToPos ( cm , sel . anchorNode , sel . anchorOffset ) ; var head = domToPos ( cm , sel . focusNode , sel . focusOffset ) ; if ( anchor && head ) { runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { setSelection ( cm . doc , simpleSelection ( anchor , head ) , sel_dontScroll ) ; if ( anchor . bad || head . bad ) { cm . curOp . selectionChanged = true } } ) } } } , pollContent : function ( ) { var cm = this . cm , display = cm . display , sel = cm . doc . sel . primary ( ) ; var from = sel . from ( ) , to = sel . to ( ) ; if ( from . line < display . viewFrom || to . line > display . viewTo - 1 ) { return false } var fromIndex ; if ( from . line == display . viewFrom || ( fromIndex = findViewIndex ( cm , from . line ) ) == 0 ) { var fromLine = lineNo ( display . view [ 0 ] . line ) ; var fromNode = display . view [ 0 ] . node } else { var fromLine = lineNo ( display . view [ fromIndex ] . line ) ; var fromNode = display . view [ fromIndex - 1 ] . node . nextSibling } var toIndex = findViewIndex ( cm , to . line ) ; if ( toIndex == display . view . length - 1 ) { var toLine = display . viewTo - 1 ; var toNode = display . view [ toIndex ] . node } else { var toLine = lineNo ( display . view [ toIndex + 1 ] . line ) - 1 ; var toNode = display . view [ toIndex + 1 ] . node . previousSibling } var newText = splitLines ( domTextBetween ( cm , fromNode , toNode , fromLine , toLine ) ) ; var oldText = getBetween ( cm . doc , Pos ( fromLine , 0 ) , Pos ( toLine , getLine ( cm . doc , toLine ) . text . length ) ) ; while ( newText . length > 1 && oldText . length > 1 ) { if ( lst ( newText ) == lst ( oldText ) ) { newText . pop ( ) ; oldText . pop ( ) ; toLine -- } else { if ( newText [ 0 ] == oldText [ 0 ] ) { newText . shift ( ) ; oldText . shift ( ) ; fromLine ++ } else { break } } } var cutFront = 0 , cutEnd = 0 ; var newTop = newText [ 0 ] , oldTop = oldText [ 0 ] , maxCutFront = Math . min ( newTop . length , oldTop . length ) ; while ( cutFront < maxCutFront && newTop . charCodeAt ( cutFront ) == oldTop . charCodeAt ( cutFront ) ) { ++ cutFront } var newBot = lst ( newText ) , oldBot = lst ( oldText ) ; var maxCutEnd = Math . min ( newBot . length - ( newText . length == 1 ? cutFront : 0 ) , oldBot . leng
} } , setUneditable : function ( node ) { node . setAttribute ( "contenteditable" , "false" ) } , onKeyPress : function ( e ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ; operation ( this . cm , applyTextInput ) ( this . cm , String . fromCharCode ( e . charCode == null ? e . keyCode : e . charCode ) , 0 ) } , onContextMenu : nothing , resetPosition : nothing , needsContentAttribute : true } , ContentEditableInput . prototype ) ; function posToDOM ( cm , pos ) { var view = findViewForLine ( cm , pos . line ) ; if ( ! view || view . hidden ) { return null } var line = getLine ( cm . doc , pos . line ) ; var info = mapFromLineView ( view , line , pos . line ) ; var order = getOrder ( line ) , side = "left" ; if ( order ) { var partPos = getBidiPartAt ( order , pos . ch ) ; side = partPos % 2 ? "right" : "left" } var result = nodeAndOffsetInLineMap ( info . map , pos . ch , "left" ) ; result . offset = result . collapse == "right" ? result . end : result . start ; return result } function badPos ( pos , bad ) { if ( bad ) { pos . bad = true } return pos } function domToPos ( cm , node , offset ) { var lineNode ; if ( node == cm . display . lineDiv ) { lineNode = cm . display . lineDiv . childNodes [ offset ] ; if ( ! lineNode ) { return badPos ( cm . clipPos ( Pos ( cm . display . viewTo - 1 ) ) , true ) } node = null ; offset = 0 } else { for ( lineNode = node ; ; lineNode = lineNode . parentNode ) { if ( ! lineNode || lineNode == cm . display . lineDiv ) { return null } if ( lineNode . parentNode && lineNode . parentNode == cm . display . lineDiv ) { break } } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < cm . display . view . length ; i ++ ) { var lineView = cm . display . view [ i ] ; if ( lineView . node == lineNode ) { return locateNodeInLineView ( lineView , node , offset ) } } } function locateNodeInLineView ( lineView , node , offset ) { var wrapper = lineView . text . firstChild , bad = false ; if ( ! node || ! contains ( wrapper , node ) ) { return badPos ( Pos ( lineNo ( lineView . line ) , 0 ) , true ) } if ( node == wrapper ) { bad = true ; node = wrapper . childNodes [ offset ] ; offset = 0 ; if ( ! node ) { var line = lineView . rest ? lst ( lineView . rest ) : lineView . line ; return badPos ( Pos ( lineNo ( line ) , line . text . length ) , bad ) } } var textNode = node . nodeType == 3 ? node : null , topNode = node ; if ( ! textNode && node . childNodes . length == 1 && node . firstChild . nodeType == 3 ) { textNode = node . firstChild ; if ( offset ) { offset = textNode . nodeValue . length } } while ( topNode . parentNode != wrapper ) { topNode = topNode . parentNode } var measure = lineView . measure , maps = measure . maps ; function find ( textNode , topNode , offset ) { for ( var i = - 1 ; i < ( maps ? maps . length : 0 ) ; i ++ ) { var map = i < 0 ? measure . map : maps [ i ] ; for ( var j = 0 ; j < map . length ; j += 3 ) { var curNode = map [ j + 2 ] ; if ( curNode == textNode || curNode == topNode ) { var line = lineNo ( i < 0 ? lineView . line : lineView . rest [ i ] ) ; var ch = map [ j ] + offset ; if ( offset < 0 || curNode != textNode ) { ch = map [ j + ( offset ? 1 : 0 ) ] } return Pos ( line , ch ) } } } } var found = find ( textNode , topNode , offset ) ; if ( found ) { return badPos ( found , bad ) } for ( var after = topNode . nextSibling , dist = textNode ? textNode . nodeValue . length - offset : 0 ; after ; after = after . nextSibling ) { found = find ( after , after . firstChild , 0 ) ; if ( found ) { return badPos ( Pos ( found . line , found . ch - dist ) , bad ) } else { dist += after . textContent . length } } for ( var before = topNode . previousSibling , dist = offset ; before ; before = before . previousSibling ) { found = find ( before , before . firstChild , - 1 ) ; if ( found ) { return badPos ( Pos ( found . line , found . ch + dist ) , bad ) } else { dist += after . textContent . length } } } function domTextBetween ( cm , from , to , fromLine , toLine ) { var text = "" , closing = false ; function recognizeMarker ( id ) { return function ( marker ) { return marker . id == id } } function walk ( node ) { if ( node . nodeType == 1 ) { var cmText = node . getAttribute ( "cm-text" ) ; if ( cmText != null ) { if ( cmText == "" ) { cmText = node . textContent . replace ( /\u200b/g , "" ) } text += cmText ; return } var markerID = node . getAttribute ( "cm-marker" ) , range ; if ( markerID ) { var found = cm . findMarks ( Pos ( fromLine , 0 ) , Pos ( toLine + 1 , 0 ) , recognizeMarker ( + markerID ) ) ; if ( found . length && ( range = found [ 0 ] . find ( ) ) ) { text += getBetween ( cm . doc , range . from , range . to ) . join ( "\n" ) } return } if ( node . getAttribute ( "contenteditable" ) == "false" ) { return } for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ ) { walk ( node . childNodes [ i ] ) } if ( /^(pre|div|p)$/i . test ( node . nodeName ) ) { closing = true } } else { if ( node . nodeType == 3 ) { var val = node . nodeValue ; if ( ! val ) { return } if ( closing ) { text += "\n" ; closing = false } text += val } } } for ( ; ; ) { walk ( from ) ; if ( from == to ) { break } from = from . nextSibling } return text } CodeMirror . inputStyles = { "textarea" : TextareaInput , "contenteditable" : ContentEditableInput } ; function Selection ( ranges , primIndex ) { this . ranges = ranges ; this . primIndex = primIndex } Selection . prototype = { primary : funct
} Range . prototype = { from : function ( ) { return minPos ( this . anchor , this . head ) } , to : function ( ) { return maxPos ( this . anchor , this . head ) } , empty : function ( ) { return this . head . line == this . anchor . line && this . head . ch == this . anchor . ch } } ; function normalizeSelection ( ranges , primIndex ) { var prim = ranges [ primIndex ] ; ranges . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return cmp ( a . from ( ) , b . from ( ) ) } ) ; primIndex = indexOf ( ranges , prim ) ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var cur = ranges [ i ] , prev = ranges [ i - 1 ] ; if ( cmp ( prev . to ( ) , cur . from ( ) ) >= 0 ) { var from = minPos ( prev . from ( ) , cur . from ( ) ) , to = maxPos ( prev . to ( ) , cur . to ( ) ) ; var inv = prev . empty ( ) ? cur . from ( ) == cur . head : prev . from ( ) == prev . head ; if ( i <= primIndex ) { -- primIndex } ranges . splice ( -- i , 2 , new Range ( inv ? to : from , inv ? from : to ) ) } } return new Selection ( ranges , primIndex ) } function simpleSelection ( anchor , head ) { return new Selection ( [ new Range ( anchor , head || anchor ) ] , 0 ) } function clipLine ( doc , n ) { return Math . max ( doc . first , Math . min ( n , doc . first + doc . size - 1 ) ) } function clipPos ( doc , pos ) { if ( pos . line < doc . first ) { return Pos ( doc . first , 0 ) } var last = doc . first + doc . size - 1 ; if ( pos . line > last ) { return Pos ( last , getLine ( doc , last ) . text . length ) } return clipToLen ( pos , getLine ( doc , pos . line ) . text . length ) } function clipToLen ( pos , linelen ) { var ch = pos . ch ; if ( ch == null || ch > linelen ) { return Pos ( pos . line , linelen ) } else { if ( ch < 0 ) { return Pos ( pos . line , 0 ) } else { return pos } } } function isLine ( doc , l ) { return l >= doc . first && l < doc . first + doc . size } function clipPosArray ( doc , array ) { for ( var out = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < array . length ; i ++ ) { out [ i ] = clipPos ( doc , array [ i ] ) } return out } function extendRange ( doc , range , head , other ) { if ( doc . cm && doc . cm . display . shift || doc . extend ) { var anchor = range . anchor ; if ( other ) { var posBefore = cmp ( head , anchor ) < 0 ; if ( posBefore != ( cmp ( other , anchor ) < 0 ) ) { anchor = head ; head = other } else { if ( posBefore != ( cmp ( head , other ) < 0 ) ) { head = other } } } return new Range ( anchor , head ) } else { return new Range ( other || head , head ) } } function extendSelection ( doc , head , other , options ) { setSelection ( doc , new Selection ( [ extendRange ( doc , doc . sel . primary ( ) , head , other ) ] , 0 ) , options ) } function extendSelections ( doc , heads , options ) { for ( var out = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < doc . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { out [ i ] = extendRange ( doc , doc . sel . ranges [ i ] , heads [ i ] , null ) } var newSel = normalizeSelection ( out , doc . sel . primIndex ) ; setSelection ( doc , newSel , options ) } function replaceOneSelection ( doc , i , range , options ) { var ranges = doc . sel . ranges . slice ( 0 ) ; ranges [ i ] = range ; setSelection ( doc , normalizeSelection ( ranges , doc . sel . primIndex ) , options ) } function setSimpleSelection ( doc , anchor , head , options ) { setSelection ( doc , simpleSelection ( anchor , head ) , options ) } function filterSelectionChange ( doc , sel ) { var obj = { ranges : sel . ranges , update : function ( ranges ) { this . ranges = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { this . ranges [ i ] = new Range ( clipPos ( doc , ranges [ i ] . anchor ) , clipPos ( doc , ranges [ i ] . head ) ) } } } ; signal ( doc , "beforeSelectionChange" , doc , obj ) ; if ( doc . cm ) { signal ( doc . cm , "beforeSelectionChange" , doc . cm , obj ) } if ( obj . ranges != sel . ranges ) { return normalizeSelection ( obj . ranges , obj . ranges . length - 1 ) } else { return sel } } function setSelectionReplaceHistory ( doc , sel , options ) { var done = doc . history . done , last = lst ( done ) ; if ( last && last . ranges ) { done [ done . length - 1 ] = sel ; setSelectionNoUndo ( doc , sel , options ) } else { setSelection ( doc , sel , options ) } } function setSelection ( doc , sel , options ) { setSelectionNoUndo ( doc , sel , options ) ; addSelectionToHistory ( doc , doc . sel , doc . cm ? doc . cm . curOp . id : NaN , options ) } function setSelectionNoUndo ( doc , sel , options ) { if ( hasHandler ( doc , "beforeSelectionChange" ) || doc . cm && hasHandler ( doc . cm , "beforeSelectionChange" ) ) { sel = filterSelectionChange ( doc , sel ) } var bias = options && options . bias || ( cmp ( sel . primary ( ) . head , doc . sel . primary ( ) . head ) < 0 ? - 1 : 1 ) ; setSelectionInner ( doc , skipAtomicInSelection ( doc , sel , bias , true ) ) ; if ( ! ( options && options . scroll === false ) && doc . cm ) { ensureCursorVisible ( doc . cm ) } } function setSelectionInner ( doc , sel ) { if ( sel . equals ( doc . sel ) ) { return } doc . sel = sel ; if ( doc . cm ) { doc . cm . curOp . updateInput = doc . cm . curOp . selectionChanged = true ; signalCursorActivity ( doc . cm ) } signalLater ( doc , "cursorActivity" , doc ) } function reCheckSelection ( doc ) { setSelectionInner ( doc , skipAtomicInSelection ( doc , doc . sel , null , false ) , sel_dontScroll ) } function skipAtomicInSelection ( doc , sel , bias , mayClear ) { var out ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var
if ( newPos . ch < 0 ) { if ( newPos . line > doc . first ) { newPos = clipPos ( doc , Pos ( newPos . line - 1 ) ) } else { newPos = null } } else { if ( newPos . ch > line . text . length ) { if ( newPos . line < doc . first + doc . size - 1 ) { newPos = Pos ( newPos . line + 1 , 0 ) } else { newPos = null } } } if ( ! newPos ) { if ( flipped ) { if ( ! mayClear ) { return skipAtomic ( doc , pos , bias , true ) } doc . cantEdit = true ; return Pos ( doc . first , 0 ) } flipped = true ; newPos = pos ; dir = - dir } } curPos = newPos ; continue search } } } return curPos } } function updateSelection ( cm ) { cm . display . input . showSelection ( cm . display . input . prepareSelection ( ) ) } function prepareSelection ( cm , primary ) { var doc = cm . doc , result = { } ; var curFragment = result . cursors = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ; var selFragment = result . selection = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { if ( primary === false && i == doc . sel . primIndex ) { continue } var range = doc . sel . ranges [ i ] ; var collapsed = range . empty ( ) ; if ( collapsed || cm . options . showCursorWhenSelecting ) { drawSelectionCursor ( cm , range , curFragment ) } if ( ! collapsed ) { drawSelectionRange ( cm , range , selFragment ) } } return result } function drawSelectionCursor ( cm , range , output ) { var pos = cursorCoords ( cm , range . head , "div" , null , null , ! cm . options . singleCursorHeightPerLine ) ; var cursor = output . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , "\u00a0" , "CodeMirror-cursor" ) ) ; cursor . style . left = pos . left + "px" ; cursor . style . top = pos . top + "px" ; cursor . style . height = Math . max ( 0 , pos . bottom - pos . top ) * cm . options . cursorHeight + "px" ; if ( pos . other ) { var otherCursor = output . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , "\u00a0" , "CodeMirror-cursor CodeMirror-secondarycursor" ) ) ; otherCursor . style . display = "" ; otherCursor . style . left = pos . other . left + "px" ; otherCursor . style . top = pos . other . top + "px" ; otherCursor . style . height = ( pos . other . bottom - pos . other . top ) * 0.85 + "px" } } function drawSelectionRange ( cm , range , output ) { var display = cm . display , doc = cm . doc ; var fragment = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ; var padding = paddingH ( cm . display ) , leftSide = padding . left ; var rightSide = Math . max ( display . sizerWidth , displayWidth ( cm ) - display . sizer . offsetLeft ) - padding . right ; function add ( left , top , width , bottom ) { if ( top < 0 ) { top = 0 } top = Math . round ( top ) ; bottom = Math . round ( bottom ) ; fragment . appendChild ( elt ( "div" , null , "CodeMirror-selected" , "position: absolute; left: " + left + "px; top: " + top + "px; width: " + ( width == null ? rightSide - left : width ) + "px; height: " + ( bottom - top ) + "px" ) ) } function drawForLine ( line , fromArg , toArg ) { var lineObj = getLine ( doc , line ) ; var lineLen = lineObj . text . length ; var start , end ; function coords ( ch , bias ) { return charCoords ( cm , Pos ( line , ch ) , "div" , lineObj , bias ) } iterateBidiSections ( getOrder ( lineObj ) , fromArg || 0 , toArg == null ? lineLen : toArg , function ( from , to , dir ) { var leftPos = coords ( from , "left" ) , rightPos , left , right ; if ( from == to ) { rightPos = leftPos ; left = right = leftPos . left } else { rightPos = coords ( to - 1 , "right" ) ; if ( dir == "rtl" ) { var tmp = leftPos ; leftPos = rightPos ; rightPos = tmp } left = leftPos . left ; right = rightPos . right } if ( fromArg == null && from == 0 ) { left = leftSide } if ( rightPos . top - leftPos . top > 3 ) { add ( left , leftPos . top , null , leftPos . bottom ) ; left = leftSide ; if ( leftPos . bottom < rightPos . top ) { add ( left , leftPos . bottom , null , rightPos . top ) } } if ( toArg == null && to == lineLen ) { right = rightSide } if ( ! start || leftPos . top < start . top || leftPos . top == start . top && leftPos . left < start . left ) { start = leftPos } if ( ! end || rightPos . bottom > end . bottom || rightPos . bottom == end . bottom && rightPos . right > end . right ) { end = rightPos } if ( left < leftSide + 1 ) { left = leftSide } add ( left , rightPos . top , right - left , rightPos . bottom ) } ) ; return { start : start , end : end } } var sFrom = range . from ( ) , sTo = range . to ( ) ; if ( sFrom . line == sTo . line ) { drawForLine ( sFrom . line , sFrom . ch , sTo . ch ) } else { var fromLine = getLine ( doc , sFrom . line ) , toLine = getLine ( doc , sTo . line ) ; var singleVLine = visualLine ( fromLine ) == visualLine ( toLine ) ; var leftEnd = drawForLine ( sFrom . line , sFrom . ch , singleVLine ? fromLine . text . length + 1 : null ) . end ; var rightStart = drawForLine ( sTo . line , singleVLine ? 0 : null , sTo . ch ) . start ; if ( singleVLine ) { if ( leftEnd . top < rightStart . top - 2 ) { add ( leftEnd . right , leftEnd . top , null , leftEnd . bottom ) ; add ( leftSide , rightStart . top , rightStart . left , rightStart . bottom ) } else { add ( leftEnd . right , leftEnd . top , rightStart . left - leftEnd . right , leftEnd . bottom ) } } if ( leftEnd . bottom < rightStart . top ) { add ( leftSide , leftEnd . bottom , null , rightStart . top ) } } output . appendChild ( fragment ) } function re
var highlighted = highlightLine ( cm , line , state , true ) ; line . styles = highlighted . styles ; var oldCls = line . styleClasses , newCls = highlighted . classes ; if ( newCls ) { line . styleClasses = newCls } else { if ( oldCls ) { line . styleClasses = null } } var ischange = ! oldStyles || oldStyles . length != line . styles . length || oldCls != newCls && ( ! oldCls || ! newCls || oldCls . bgClass != newCls . bgClass || oldCls . textClass != newCls . textClass ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; ! ischange && i < oldStyles . length ; ++ i ) { ischange = oldStyles [ i ] != line . styles [ i ] } if ( ischange ) { changedLines . push ( doc . frontier ) } line . stateAfter = copyState ( doc . mode , state ) } else { processLine ( cm , line . text , state ) ; line . stateAfter = doc . frontier % 5 == 0 ? copyState ( doc . mode , state ) : null } ++ doc . frontier ; if ( + new Date > end ) { startWorker ( cm , cm . options . workDelay ) ; return true } } ) ; if ( changedLines . length ) { runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < changedLines . length ; i ++ ) { regLineChange ( cm , changedLines [ i ] , "text" ) } } ) } } function findStartLine ( cm , n , precise ) { var minindent , minline , doc = cm . doc ; var lim = precise ? - 1 : n - ( cm . doc . mode . innerMode ? 1000 : 100 ) ; for ( var search = n ; search > lim ; -- search ) { if ( search <= doc . first ) { return doc . first } var line = getLine ( doc , search - 1 ) ; if ( line . stateAfter && ( ! precise || search <= doc . frontier ) ) { return search } var indented = countColumn ( line . text , null , cm . options . tabSize ) ; if ( minline == null || minindent > indented ) { minline = search - 1 ; minindent = indented } } return minline } function getStateBefore ( cm , n , precise ) { var doc = cm . doc , display = cm . display ; if ( ! doc . mode . startState ) { return true } var pos = findStartLine ( cm , n , precise ) , state = pos > doc . first && getLine ( doc , pos - 1 ) . stateAfter ; if ( ! state ) { state = startState ( doc . mode ) } else { state = copyState ( doc . mode , state ) } doc . iter ( pos , n , function ( line ) { processLine ( cm , line . text , state ) ; var save = pos == n - 1 || pos % 5 == 0 || pos >= display . viewFrom && pos < display . viewTo ; line . stateAfter = save ? copyState ( doc . mode , state ) : null ; ++ pos } ) ; if ( precise ) { doc . frontier = pos } return state } function paddingTop ( display ) { return display . lineSpace . offsetTop } function paddingVert ( display ) { return display . mover . offsetHeight - display . lineSpace . offsetHeight } function paddingH ( display ) { if ( display . cachedPaddingH ) { return display . cachedPaddingH } var e = removeChildrenAndAdd ( display . measure , elt ( "pre" , "x" ) ) ; var style = window . getComputedStyle ? window . getComputedStyle ( e ) : e . currentStyle ; var data = { left : parseInt ( style . paddingLeft ) , right : parseInt ( style . paddingRight ) } ; if ( ! isNaN ( data . left ) && ! isNaN ( data . right ) ) { display . cachedPaddingH = data } return data } function scrollGap ( cm ) { return scrollerGap - cm . display . nativeBarWidth } function displayWidth ( cm ) { return cm . display . scroller . clientWidth - scrollGap ( cm ) - cm . display . barWidth } function displayHeight ( cm ) { return cm . display . scroller . clientHeight - scrollGap ( cm ) - cm . display . barHeight } function ensureLineHeights ( cm , lineView , rect ) { var wrapping = cm . options . lineWrapping ; var curWidth = wrapping && displayWidth ( cm ) ; if ( ! lineView . measure . heights || wrapping && lineView . measure . width != curWidth ) { var heights = lineView . measure . heights = [ ] ; if ( wrapping ) { lineView . measure . width = curWidth ; var rects = lineView . text . firstChild . getClientRects ( ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < rects . length - 1 ; i ++ ) { var cur = rects [ i ] , next = rects [ i + 1 ] ; if ( Math . abs ( cur . bottom - next . bottom ) > 2 ) { heights . push ( ( cur . bottom + next . top ) / 2 - rect . top ) } } } heights . push ( rect . bottom - rect . top ) } } function mapFromLineView ( lineView , line , lineN ) { if ( lineView . line == line ) { return { map : lineView . measure . map , cache : lineView . measure . cache } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < lineView . rest . length ; i ++ ) { if ( lineView . rest [ i ] == line ) { return { map : lineView . measure . maps [ i ] , cache : lineView . measure . caches [ i ] } } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < lineView . rest . length ; i ++ ) { if ( lineNo ( lineView . rest [ i ] ) > lineN ) { return { map : lineView . measure . maps [ i ] , cache : lineView . measure . caches [ i ] , before : true } } } } function updateExternalMeasurement ( cm , line ) { line = visualLine ( line ) ; var lineN = lineNo ( line ) ; var view = cm . display . externalMeasured = new LineView ( cm . doc , line , lineN ) ; view . lineN = lineN ; var built = view . built = buildLineContent ( cm , view ) ; view . text = built . pre ; removeChildrenAndAdd ( cm . display . lineMeasure , built . pre ) ; return view } function measureChar ( cm , line , ch , bias ) { return measureCharPrepared ( cm , prepareMeasureForLine ( cm , line ) , ch , bias ) } function findViewForLine ( cm , lineN ) { if ( lineN >= cm . display . viewFrom && lineN < cm . display . viewTo ) { re
} found = measureCharInner ( cm , prepared , ch , bias ) ; if ( ! found . bogus ) { prepared . cache [ key ] = found } } return { left : found . left , right : found . right , top : varHeight ? found . rtop : found . top , bottom : varHeight ? found . rbottom : found . bottom } } var nullRect = { left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ; function nodeAndOffsetInLineMap ( map , ch , bias ) { var node , start , end , collapse ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < map . length ; i += 3 ) { var mStart = map [ i ] , mEnd = map [ i + 1 ] ; if ( ch < mStart ) { start = 0 ; end = 1 ; collapse = "left" } else { if ( ch < mEnd ) { start = ch - mStart ; end = start + 1 } else { if ( i == map . length - 3 || ch == mEnd && map [ i + 3 ] > ch ) { end = mEnd - mStart ; start = end - 1 ; if ( ch >= mEnd ) { collapse = "right" } } } } if ( start != null ) { node = map [ i + 2 ] ; if ( mStart == mEnd && bias == ( node . insertLeft ? "left" : "right" ) ) { collapse = bias } if ( bias == "left" && start == 0 ) { while ( i && map [ i - 2 ] == map [ i - 3 ] && map [ i - 1 ] . insertLeft ) { node = map [ ( i -= 3 ) + 2 ] ; collapse = "left" } } if ( bias == "right" && start == mEnd - mStart ) { while ( i < map . length - 3 && map [ i + 3 ] == map [ i + 4 ] && ! map [ i + 5 ] . insertLeft ) { node = map [ ( i += 3 ) + 2 ] ; collapse = "right" } } break } } return { node : node , start : start , end : end , collapse : collapse , coverStart : mStart , coverEnd : mEnd } } function measureCharInner ( cm , prepared , ch , bias ) { var place = nodeAndOffsetInLineMap ( prepared . map , ch , bias ) ; var node = place . node , start = place . start , end = place . end , collapse = place . collapse ; var rect ; if ( node . nodeType == 3 ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) { while ( start && isExtendingChar ( prepared . line . text . charAt ( place . coverStart + start ) ) ) { -- start } while ( place . coverStart + end < place . coverEnd && isExtendingChar ( prepared . line . text . charAt ( place . coverStart + end ) ) ) { ++ end } if ( ie && ie_version < 9 && start == 0 && end == place . coverEnd - place . coverStart ) { rect = node . parentNode . getBoundingClientRect ( ) } else { if ( ie && cm . options . lineWrapping ) { var rects = range ( node , start , end ) . getClientRects ( ) ; if ( rects . length ) { rect = rects [ bias == "right" ? rects . length - 1 : 0 ] } else { rect = nullRect } } else { rect = range ( node , start , end ) . getBoundingClientRect ( ) || nullRect } } if ( rect . left || rect . right || start == 0 ) { break } end = start ; start = start - 1 ; collapse = "right" } if ( ie && ie_version < 11 ) { rect = maybeUpdateRectForZooming ( cm . display . measure , rect ) } } else { if ( start > 0 ) { collapse = bias = "right" } var rects ; if ( cm . options . lineWrapping && ( rects = node . getClientRects ( ) ) . length > 1 ) { rect = rects [ bias == "right" ? rects . length - 1 : 0 ] } else { rect = node . getBoundingClientRect ( ) } } if ( ie && ie_version < 9 && ! start && ( ! rect || ! rect . left && ! rect . right ) ) { var rSpan = node . parentNode . getClientRects ( ) [ 0 ] ; if ( rSpan ) { rect = { left : rSpan . left , right : rSpan . left + charWidth ( cm . display ) , top : rSpan . top , bottom : rSpan . bottom } } else { rect = nullRect } } var rtop = rect . top - prepared . rect . top , rbot = rect . bottom - prepared . rect . top ; var mid = ( rtop + rbot ) / 2 ; var heights = prepared . view . measure . heights ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < heights . length - 1 ; i ++ ) { if ( mid < heights [ i ] ) { break } } var top = i ? heights [ i - 1 ] : 0 , bot = heights [ i ] ; var result = { left : ( collapse == "right" ? rect . right : rect . left ) - prepared . rect . left , right : ( collapse == "left" ? rect . left : rect . right ) - prepared . rect . left , top : top , bottom : bot } ; if ( ! rect . left && ! rect . right ) { result . bogus = true } if ( ! cm . options . singleCursorHeightPerLine ) { result . rtop = rtop ; result . rbottom = rbot } return result } function maybeUpdateRectForZooming ( measure , rect ) { if ( ! window . screen || screen . logicalXDPI == null || screen . logicalXDPI == screen . deviceXDPI || ! hasBadZoomedRects ( measure ) ) { return rect } var scaleX = screen . logicalXDPI / screen . deviceXDPI ; var scaleY = screen . logicalYDPI / screen . deviceYDPI ; return { left : rect . left * scaleX , right : rect . right * scaleX , top : rect . top * scaleY , bottom : rect . bottom * scaleY } } function clearLineMeasurementCacheFor ( lineView ) { if ( lineView . measure ) { lineView . measure . cache = { } ; lineView . measure . heights = null ; if ( lineView . rest ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < lineView . rest . length ; i ++ ) { lineView . measure . caches [ i ] = { } } } } } function clearLineMeasurementCache ( cm ) { cm . display . externalMeasure = null ; removeChildren ( cm . display . lineMeasure ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < cm . display . view . length ; i ++ ) { clearLineMeasurementCacheFor ( cm . display . view [ i ] ) } } function clearCaches ( cm ) { clearLineMeasurementCache ( cm ) ; cm . display . cachedCharWidth = cm . display . cachedTextHeight = cm . display . cachedPaddingH = null ; if ( ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { cm . display . maxLineChanged = true } cm . display . lineNumChars = null } function pageScrollX ( ) { return window . pageXOffset || ( document . documentElement || document . body ) . scrollLeft } function pageScrollY ( )
} else { if ( context == "local" || ! context ) { var localBox = cm . display . sizer . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; left += localBox . left ; top += localBox . top } } var lineSpaceBox = cm . display . lineSpace . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return { left : left - lineSpaceBox . left , top : top - lineSpaceBox . top } } function charCoords ( cm , pos , context , lineObj , bias ) { if ( ! lineObj ) { lineObj = getLine ( cm . doc , pos . line ) } return intoCoordSystem ( cm , lineObj , measureChar ( cm , lineObj , pos . ch , bias ) , context ) } function cursorCoords ( cm , pos , context , lineObj , preparedMeasure , varHeight ) { lineObj = lineObj || getLine ( cm . doc , pos . line ) ; if ( ! preparedMeasure ) { preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine ( cm , lineObj ) } function get ( ch , right ) { var m = measureCharPrepared ( cm , preparedMeasure , ch , right ? "right" : "left" , varHeight ) ; if ( right ) { m . left = m . right } else { m . right = m . left } return intoCoordSystem ( cm , lineObj , m , context ) } function getBidi ( ch , partPos ) { var part = order [ partPos ] , right = part . level % 2 ; if ( ch == bidiLeft ( part ) && partPos && part . level < order [ partPos - 1 ] . level ) { part = order [ -- partPos ] ; ch = bidiRight ( part ) - ( part . level % 2 ? 0 : 1 ) ; right = true } else { if ( ch == bidiRight ( part ) && partPos < order . length - 1 && part . level < order [ partPos + 1 ] . level ) { part = order [ ++ partPos ] ; ch = bidiLeft ( part ) - part . level % 2 ; right = false } } if ( right && ch == part . to && ch > part . from ) { return get ( ch - 1 ) } return get ( ch , right ) } var order = getOrder ( lineObj ) , ch = pos . ch ; if ( ! order ) { return get ( ch ) } var partPos = getBidiPartAt ( order , ch ) ; var val = getBidi ( ch , partPos ) ; if ( bidiOther != null ) { val . other = getBidi ( ch , bidiOther ) } return val } function estimateCoords ( cm , pos ) { var left = 0 , pos = clipPos ( cm . doc , pos ) ; if ( ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { left = charWidth ( cm . display ) * pos . ch } var lineObj = getLine ( cm . doc , pos . line ) ; var top = heightAtLine ( lineObj ) + paddingTop ( cm . display ) ; return { left : left , right : left , top : top , bottom : top + lineObj . height } } function PosWithInfo ( line , ch , outside , xRel ) { var pos = Pos ( line , ch ) ; pos . xRel = xRel ; if ( outside ) { pos . outside = true } return pos } function coordsChar ( cm , x , y ) { var doc = cm . doc ; y += cm . display . viewOffset ; if ( y < 0 ) { return PosWithInfo ( doc . first , 0 , true , - 1 ) } var lineN = lineAtHeight ( doc , y ) , last = doc . first + doc . size - 1 ; if ( lineN > last ) { return PosWithInfo ( doc . first + doc . size - 1 , getLine ( doc , last ) . text . length , true , 1 ) } if ( x < 0 ) { x = 0 } var lineObj = getLine ( doc , lineN ) ; for ( ; ; ) { var found = coordsCharInner ( cm , lineObj , lineN , x , y ) ; var merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd ( lineObj ) ; var mergedPos = merged && merged . find ( 0 , true ) ; if ( merged && ( found . ch > mergedPos . from . ch || found . ch == mergedPos . from . ch && found . xRel > 0 ) ) { lineN = lineNo ( lineObj = mergedPos . to . line ) } else { return found } } } function coordsCharInner ( cm , lineObj , lineNo , x , y ) { var innerOff = y - heightAtLine ( lineObj ) ; var wrongLine = false , adjust = 2 * cm . display . wrapper . clientWidth ; var preparedMeasure = prepareMeasureForLine ( cm , lineObj ) ; function getX ( ch ) { var sp = cursorCoords ( cm , Pos ( lineNo , ch ) , "line" , lineObj , preparedMeasure ) ; wrongLine = true ; if ( innerOff > sp . bottom ) { return sp . left - adjust } else { if ( innerOff < sp . top ) { return sp . left + adjust } else { wrongLine = false } } return sp . left } var bidi = getOrder ( lineObj ) , dist = lineObj . text . length ; var from = lineLeft ( lineObj ) , to = lineRight ( lineObj ) ; var fromX = getX ( from ) , fromOutside = wrongLine , toX = getX ( to ) , toOutside = wrongLine ; if ( x > toX ) { return PosWithInfo ( lineNo , to , toOutside , 1 ) } for ( ; ; ) { if ( bidi ? to == from || to == moveVisually ( lineObj , from , 1 ) : to - from <= 1 ) { var ch = x < fromX || x - fromX <= toX - x ? from : to ; var xDiff = x - ( ch == from ? fromX : toX ) ; while ( isExtendingChar ( lineObj . text . charAt ( ch ) ) ) { ++ ch } var pos = PosWithInfo ( lineNo , ch , ch == from ? fromOutside : toOutside , xDiff < - 1 ? - 1 : xDiff > 1 ? 1 : 0 ) ; return pos } var step = Math . ceil ( dist / 2 ) , middle = from + step ; if ( bidi ) { middle = from ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < step ; ++ i ) { middle = moveVisually ( lineObj , middle , 1 ) } } var middleX = getX ( middle ) ; if ( middleX > x ) { to = middle ; toX = middleX ; if ( toOutside = wrongLine ) { toX += 1000 } dist = step } else { from = middle ; fromX = middleX ; fromOutside = wrongLine ; dist -= step } } } var measureText ; function textHeight ( display ) { if ( display . cachedTextHeight != null ) { return display . cachedTextHeight } if ( measureText == null ) { measureText = elt ( "pre" ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < 49 ; ++ i ) { measureText . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( "x" ) ) ; measureText . appendChild ( elt ( "br" ) ) } measureText . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( "x" ) ) } removeChildrenAndAdd ( display . measure , measureText ) ; var height = measureText . offsetHeight / 50 ; if ( heig
do { for ( ; i < callbacks . length ; i ++ ) { callbacks [ i ] ( ) } for ( var j = 0 ; j < group . ops . length ; j ++ ) { var op = group . ops [ j ] ; if ( op . cursorActivityHandlers ) { while ( op . cursorActivityCalled < op . cursorActivityHandlers . length ) { op . cursorActivityHandlers [ op . cursorActivityCalled ++ ] ( op . cm ) } } } } while ( i < callbacks . length ) } function endOperation ( cm ) { var op = cm . curOp , group = op . ownsGroup ; if ( ! group ) { return } try { fireCallbacksForOps ( group ) } finally { operationGroup = null ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < group . ops . length ; i ++ ) { group . ops [ i ] . cm . curOp = null } endOperations ( group ) } } function endOperations ( group ) { var ops = group . ops ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ops . length ; i ++ ) { endOperation_R1 ( ops [ i ] ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < ops . length ; i ++ ) { endOperation_W1 ( ops [ i ] ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < ops . length ; i ++ ) { endOperation_R2 ( ops [ i ] ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < ops . length ; i ++ ) { endOperation_W2 ( ops [ i ] ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < ops . length ; i ++ ) { endOperation_finish ( ops [ i ] ) } } function endOperation_R1 ( op ) { var cm = op . cm , display = cm . display ; maybeClipScrollbars ( cm ) ; if ( op . updateMaxLine ) { findMaxLine ( cm ) } op . mustUpdate = op . viewChanged || op . forceUpdate || op . scrollTop != null || op . scrollToPos && ( op . scrollToPos . from . line < display . viewFrom || op . scrollToPos . to . line >= display . viewTo ) || display . maxLineChanged && cm . options . lineWrapping ; op . update = op . mustUpdate && new DisplayUpdate ( cm , op . mustUpdate && { top : op . scrollTop , ensure : op . scrollToPos } , op . forceUpdate ) } function endOperation_W1 ( op ) { op . updatedDisplay = op . mustUpdate && updateDisplayIfNeeded ( op . cm , op . update ) } function endOperation_R2 ( op ) { var cm = op . cm , display = cm . display ; if ( op . updatedDisplay ) { updateHeightsInViewport ( cm ) } op . barMeasure = measureForScrollbars ( cm ) ; if ( display . maxLineChanged && ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { op . adjustWidthTo = measureChar ( cm , display . maxLine , display . maxLine . text . length ) . left + 3 ; cm . display . sizerWidth = op . adjustWidthTo ; op . barMeasure . scrollWidth = Math . max ( display . scroller . clientWidth , display . sizer . offsetLeft + op . adjustWidthTo + scrollGap ( cm ) + cm . display . barWidth ) ; op . maxScrollLeft = Math . max ( 0 , display . sizer . offsetLeft + op . adjustWidthTo - displayWidth ( cm ) ) } if ( op . updatedDisplay || op . selectionChanged ) { op . preparedSelection = display . input . prepareSelection ( ) } } function endOperation_W2 ( op ) { var cm = op . cm ; if ( op . adjustWidthTo != null ) { cm . display . sizer . style . minWidth = op . adjustWidthTo + "px" ; if ( op . maxScrollLeft < cm . doc . scrollLeft ) { setScrollLeft ( cm , Math . min ( cm . display . scroller . scrollLeft , op . maxScrollLeft ) , true ) } cm . display . maxLineChanged = false } if ( op . preparedSelection ) { cm . display . input . showSelection ( op . preparedSelection ) } if ( op . updatedDisplay ) { setDocumentHeight ( cm , op . barMeasure ) } if ( op . updatedDisplay || op . startHeight != cm . doc . height ) { updateScrollbars ( cm , op . barMeasure ) } if ( op . selectionChanged ) { restartBlink ( cm ) } if ( cm . state . focused && op . updateInput ) { cm . display . input . reset ( op . typing ) } } function endOperation_finish ( op ) { var cm = op . cm , display = cm . display , doc = cm . doc ; if ( op . updatedDisplay ) { postUpdateDisplay ( cm , op . update ) } if ( display . wheelStartX != null && ( op . scrollTop != null || op . scrollLeft != null || op . scrollToPos ) ) { display . wheelStartX = display . wheelStartY = null } if ( op . scrollTop != null && ( display . scroller . scrollTop != op . scrollTop || op . forceScroll ) ) { doc . scrollTop = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( display . scroller . scrollHeight - display . scroller . clientHeight , op . scrollTop ) ) ; display . scrollbars . setScrollTop ( doc . scrollTop ) ; display . scroller . scrollTop = doc . scrollTop } if ( op . scrollLeft != null && ( display . scroller . scrollLeft != op . scrollLeft || op . forceScroll ) ) { doc . scrollLeft = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( display . scroller . scrollWidth - displayWidth ( cm ) , op . scrollLeft ) ) ; display . scrollbars . setScrollLeft ( doc . scrollLeft ) ; display . scroller . scrollLeft = doc . scrollLeft ; alignHorizontally ( cm ) } if ( op . scrollToPos ) { var coords = scrollPosIntoView ( cm , clipPos ( doc , op . scrollToPos . from ) , clipPos ( doc , op . scrollToPos . to ) , op . scrollToPos . margin ) ; if ( op . scrollToPos . isCursor && cm . state . focused ) { maybeScrollWindow ( cm , coords ) } } var hidden = op . maybeHiddenMarkers , unhidden = op . maybeUnhiddenMarkers ; if ( hidden ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < hidden . length ; ++ i ) { if ( ! hidden [ i ] . lines . length ) { signal ( hidden [ i ] , "hide" ) } } } if ( unhidden ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < unhidden . length ; ++ i ) { if ( unhidden [ i ] . lines . length ) { signal ( unhidden [ i ] , "unhide" ) } } } if ( display . wrapper . offsetHeight ) { doc . scrollTop = cm . display . scroller . scrollTop } if ( op . changeObjs ) { signal ( cm , "changes"
for ( var pos = from ; pos < to ; pos = nextPos ) { var view = new LineView ( cm . doc , getLine ( cm . doc , pos ) , pos ) ; nextPos = pos + view . size ; array . push ( view ) } return array } function regChange ( cm , from , to , lendiff ) { if ( from == null ) { from = cm . doc . first } if ( to == null ) { to = cm . doc . first + cm . doc . size } if ( ! lendiff ) { lendiff = 0 } var display = cm . display ; if ( lendiff && to < display . viewTo && ( display . updateLineNumbers == null || display . updateLineNumbers > from ) ) { display . updateLineNumbers = from } cm . curOp . viewChanged = true ; if ( from >= display . viewTo ) { if ( sawCollapsedSpans && visualLineNo ( cm . doc , from ) < display . viewTo ) { resetView ( cm ) } } else { if ( to <= display . viewFrom ) { if ( sawCollapsedSpans && visualLineEndNo ( cm . doc , to + lendiff ) > display . viewFrom ) { resetView ( cm ) } else { display . viewFrom += lendiff ; display . viewTo += lendiff } } else { if ( from <= display . viewFrom && to >= display . viewTo ) { resetView ( cm ) } else { if ( from <= display . viewFrom ) { var cut = viewCuttingPoint ( cm , to , to + lendiff , 1 ) ; if ( cut ) { display . view = display . view . slice ( cut . index ) ; display . viewFrom = cut . lineN ; display . viewTo += lendiff } else { resetView ( cm ) } } else { if ( to >= display . viewTo ) { var cut = viewCuttingPoint ( cm , from , from , - 1 ) ; if ( cut ) { display . view = display . view . slice ( 0 , cut . index ) ; display . viewTo = cut . lineN } else { resetView ( cm ) } } else { var cutTop = viewCuttingPoint ( cm , from , from , - 1 ) ; var cutBot = viewCuttingPoint ( cm , to , to + lendiff , 1 ) ; if ( cutTop && cutBot ) { display . view = display . view . slice ( 0 , cutTop . index ) . concat ( buildViewArray ( cm , cutTop . lineN , cutBot . lineN ) ) . concat ( display . view . slice ( cutBot . index ) ) ; display . viewTo += lendiff } else { resetView ( cm ) } } } } } } var ext = display . externalMeasured ; if ( ext ) { if ( to < ext . lineN ) { ext . lineN += lendiff } else { if ( from < ext . lineN + ext . size ) { display . externalMeasured = null } } } } function regLineChange ( cm , line , type ) { cm . curOp . viewChanged = true ; var display = cm . display , ext = cm . display . externalMeasured ; if ( ext && line >= ext . lineN && line < ext . lineN + ext . size ) { display . externalMeasured = null } if ( line < display . viewFrom || line >= display . viewTo ) { return } var lineView = display . view [ findViewIndex ( cm , line ) ] ; if ( lineView . node == null ) { return } var arr = lineView . changes || ( lineView . changes = [ ] ) ; if ( indexOf ( arr , type ) == - 1 ) { arr . push ( type ) } } function resetView ( cm ) { cm . display . viewFrom = cm . display . viewTo = cm . doc . first ; cm . display . view = [ ] ; cm . display . viewOffset = 0 } function findViewIndex ( cm , n ) { if ( n >= cm . display . viewTo ) { return null } n -= cm . display . viewFrom ; if ( n < 0 ) { return null } var view = cm . display . view ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . length ; i ++ ) { n -= view [ i ] . size ; if ( n < 0 ) { return i } } } function viewCuttingPoint ( cm , oldN , newN , dir ) { var index = findViewIndex ( cm , oldN ) , diff , view = cm . display . view ; if ( ! sawCollapsedSpans || newN == cm . doc . first + cm . doc . size ) { return { index : index , lineN : newN } } for ( var i = 0 , n = cm . display . viewFrom ; i < index ; i ++ ) { n += view [ i ] . size } if ( n != oldN ) { if ( dir > 0 ) { if ( index == view . length - 1 ) { return null } diff = ( n + view [ index ] . size ) - oldN ; index ++ } else { diff = n - oldN } oldN += diff ; newN += diff } while ( visualLineNo ( cm . doc , newN ) != newN ) { if ( index == ( dir < 0 ? 0 : view . length - 1 ) ) { return null } newN += dir * view [ index - ( dir < 0 ? 1 : 0 ) ] . size ; index += dir } return { index : index , lineN : newN } } function adjustView ( cm , from , to ) { var display = cm . display , view = display . view ; if ( view . length == 0 || from >= display . viewTo || to <= display . viewFrom ) { display . view = buildViewArray ( cm , from , to ) ; display . viewFrom = from } else { if ( display . viewFrom > from ) { display . view = buildViewArray ( cm , from , display . viewFrom ) . concat ( display . view ) } else { if ( display . viewFrom < from ) { display . view = display . view . slice ( findViewIndex ( cm , from ) ) } } display . viewFrom = from ; if ( display . viewTo < to ) { display . view = display . view . concat ( buildViewArray ( cm , display . viewTo , to ) ) } else { if ( display . viewTo > to ) { display . view = display . view . slice ( 0 , findViewIndex ( cm , to ) ) } } } display . viewTo = to } function countDirtyView ( cm ) { var view = cm . display . view , dirty = 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . length ; i ++ ) { var lineView = view [ i ] ; if ( ! lineView . hidden && ( ! lineView . node || lineView . changes ) ) { ++ dirty } } return dirty } function registerEventHandlers ( cm ) { var d = cm . display ; on ( d . scroller , "mousedown" , operation ( cm , onMouseDown ) ) ; if ( ie && ie_version < 11 ) { on ( d . scroller , "dblclick" , operation ( cm , function ( e ) { if ( signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) ) { return } var pos = posFromMouse ( cm , e ) ; if ( ! pos || clickInGutter ( cm , e ) || eventInWidget ( cm . display , e ) ) { return } e_preventDefault ( e ) ; var word = cm . findWordAt ( pos ) ; extendSelection ( cm . doc , word
d . activeTouch . top = e . touches [ 0 ] . pageY } } } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "touchmove" , function ( ) { if ( d . activeTouch ) { d . activeTouch . moved = true } } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "touchend" , function ( e ) { var touch = d . activeTouch ; if ( touch && ! eventInWidget ( d , e ) && touch . left != null && ! touch . moved && new Date - touch . start < 300 ) { var pos = cm . coordsChar ( d . activeTouch , "page" ) , range ; if ( ! touch . prev || farAway ( touch , touch . prev ) ) { range = new Range ( pos , pos ) } else { if ( ! touch . prev . prev || farAway ( touch , touch . prev . prev ) ) { range = cm . findWordAt ( pos ) } else { range = new Range ( Pos ( pos . line , 0 ) , clipPos ( cm . doc , Pos ( pos . line + 1 , 0 ) ) ) } } cm . setSelection ( range . anchor , range . head ) ; cm . focus ( ) ; e_preventDefault ( e ) } finishTouch ( ) } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "touchcancel" , finishTouch ) ; on ( d . scroller , "scroll" , function ( ) { if ( d . scroller . clientHeight ) { setScrollTop ( cm , d . scroller . scrollTop ) ; setScrollLeft ( cm , d . scroller . scrollLeft , true ) ; signal ( cm , "scroll" , cm ) } } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "mousewheel" , function ( e ) { onScrollWheel ( cm , e ) } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "DOMMouseScroll" , function ( e ) { onScrollWheel ( cm , e ) } ) ; on ( d . wrapper , "scroll" , function ( ) { d . wrapper . scrollTop = d . wrapper . scrollLeft = 0 } ) ; function drag_ ( e ) { if ( ! signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) ) { e_stop ( e ) } } if ( cm . options . dragDrop ) { on ( d . scroller , "dragstart" , function ( e ) { onDragStart ( cm , e ) } ) ; on ( d . scroller , "dragenter" , drag_ ) ; on ( d . scroller , "dragover" , drag_ ) ; on ( d . scroller , "drop" , operation ( cm , onDrop ) ) } var inp = d . input . getField ( ) ; on ( inp , "keyup" , function ( e ) { onKeyUp . call ( cm , e ) } ) ; on ( inp , "keydown" , operation ( cm , onKeyDown ) ) ; on ( inp , "keypress" , operation ( cm , onKeyPress ) ) ; on ( inp , "focus" , bind ( onFocus , cm ) ) ; on ( inp , "blur" , bind ( onBlur , cm ) ) } function onResize ( cm ) { var d = cm . display ; if ( d . lastWrapHeight == d . wrapper . clientHeight && d . lastWrapWidth == d . wrapper . clientWidth ) { return } d . cachedCharWidth = d . cachedTextHeight = d . cachedPaddingH = null ; d . scrollbarsClipped = false ; cm . setSize ( ) } function eventInWidget ( display , e ) { for ( var n = e_target ( e ) ; n != display . wrapper ; n = n . parentNode ) { if ( ! n || ( n . nodeType == 1 && n . getAttribute ( "cm-ignore-events" ) == "true" ) || ( n . parentNode == display . sizer && n != display . mover ) ) { return true } } } function posFromMouse ( cm , e , liberal , forRect ) { var display = cm . display ; if ( ! liberal && e_target ( e ) . getAttribute ( "cm-not-content" ) == "true" ) { return null } var x , y , space = display . lineSpace . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; try { x = e . clientX - space . left ; y = e . clientY - space . top } catch ( e ) { return null } var coords = coordsChar ( cm , x , y ) , line ; if ( forRect && coords . xRel == 1 && ( line = getLine ( cm . doc , coords . line ) . text ) . length == coords . ch ) { var colDiff = countColumn ( line , line . length , cm . options . tabSize ) - line . length ; coords = Pos ( coords . line , Math . max ( 0 , Math . round ( ( x - paddingH ( cm . display ) . left ) / charWidth ( cm . display ) ) - colDiff ) ) } return coords } function onMouseDown ( e ) { var cm = this , display = cm . display ; if ( display . activeTouch && display . input . supportsTouch ( ) || signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) ) { return } display . shift = e . shiftKey ; if ( eventInWidget ( display , e ) ) { if ( ! webkit ) { display . scroller . draggable = false ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { display . scroller . draggable = true } , 100 ) } return } if ( clickInGutter ( cm , e ) ) { return } var start = posFromMouse ( cm , e ) ; window . focus ( ) ; switch ( e_button ( e ) ) { case 1 : if ( start ) { leftButtonDown ( cm , e , start ) } else { if ( e_target ( e ) == display . scroller ) { e_preventDefault ( e ) } } break ; case 2 : if ( webkit ) { cm . state . lastMiddleDown = + new Date } if ( start ) { extendSelection ( cm . doc , start ) } setTimeout ( function ( ) { display . input . focus ( ) } , 20 ) ; e_preventDefault ( e ) ; break ; case 3 : if ( captureRightClick ) { onContextMenu ( cm , e ) } break } } var lastClick , lastDoubleClick ; function leftButtonDown ( cm , e , start ) { if ( ie ) { setTimeout ( bind ( ensureFocus , cm ) , 0 ) } else { ensureFocus ( cm ) } var now = + new Date , type ; if ( lastDoubleClick && lastDoubleClick . time > now - 400 && cmp ( lastDoubleClick . pos , start ) == 0 ) { type = "triple" } else { if ( lastClick && lastClick . time > now - 400 && cmp ( lastClick . pos , start ) == 0 ) { type = "double" ; lastDoubleClick = { time : now , pos : start } } else { type = "single" ; lastClick = { time : now , pos : start } } } var sel = cm . doc . sel , modifier = mac ? e . metaKey : e . ctrlKey , contained ; if ( cm . options . dragDrop && dragAndDrop && ! isReadOnly ( cm ) && type == "single" && ( contained = sel . contains ( start ) ) > - 1 && ! sel . ranges [ contained ] . empty ( ) ) { leftButtonStartDrag ( cm , e , start , modifier ) } else { leftButtonSelect ( cm , e , start , type , modifier ) } } function leftButtonStartDrag ( cm , e , start , modifier ) { var display = cm . display ; var dragEnd = op
} } else { ourRange = doc . sel . primary ( ) } if ( e . altKey ) { type = "rect" ; if ( ! addNew ) { ourRange = new Range ( start , start ) } start = posFromMouse ( cm , e , true , true ) ; ourIndex = - 1 } else { if ( type == "double" ) { var word = cm . findWordAt ( start ) ; if ( cm . display . shift || doc . extend ) { ourRange = extendRange ( doc , ourRange , word . anchor , word . head ) } else { ourRange = word } } else { if ( type == "triple" ) { var line = new Range ( Pos ( start . line , 0 ) , clipPos ( doc , Pos ( start . line + 1 , 0 ) ) ) ; if ( cm . display . shift || doc . extend ) { ourRange = extendRange ( doc , ourRange , line . anchor , line . head ) } else { ourRange = line } } else { ourRange = extendRange ( doc , ourRange , start ) } } } if ( ! addNew ) { ourIndex = 0 ; setSelection ( doc , new Selection ( [ ourRange ] , 0 ) , sel_mouse ) ; startSel = doc . sel } else { if ( ourIndex == - 1 ) { ourIndex = ranges . length ; setSelection ( doc , normalizeSelection ( ranges . concat ( [ ourRange ] ) , ourIndex ) , { scroll : false , origin : "*mouse" } ) } else { if ( ranges . length > 1 && ranges [ ourIndex ] . empty ( ) && type == "single" ) { setSelection ( doc , normalizeSelection ( ranges . slice ( 0 , ourIndex ) . concat ( ranges . slice ( ourIndex + 1 ) ) , 0 ) ) ; startSel = doc . sel } else { replaceOneSelection ( doc , ourIndex , ourRange , sel_mouse ) } } } var lastPos = start ; function extendTo ( pos ) { if ( cmp ( lastPos , pos ) == 0 ) { return } lastPos = pos ; if ( type == "rect" ) { var ranges = [ ] , tabSize = cm . options . tabSize ; var startCol = countColumn ( getLine ( doc , start . line ) . text , start . ch , tabSize ) ; var posCol = countColumn ( getLine ( doc , pos . line ) . text , pos . ch , tabSize ) ; var left = Math . min ( startCol , posCol ) , right = Math . max ( startCol , posCol ) ; for ( var line = Math . min ( start . line , pos . line ) , end = Math . min ( cm . lastLine ( ) , Math . max ( start . line , pos . line ) ) ; line <= end ; line ++ ) { var text = getLine ( doc , line ) . text , leftPos = findColumn ( text , left , tabSize ) ; if ( left == right ) { ranges . push ( new Range ( Pos ( line , leftPos ) , Pos ( line , leftPos ) ) ) } else { if ( text . length > leftPos ) { ranges . push ( new Range ( Pos ( line , leftPos ) , Pos ( line , findColumn ( text , right , tabSize ) ) ) ) } } } if ( ! ranges . length ) { ranges . push ( new Range ( start , start ) ) } setSelection ( doc , normalizeSelection ( startSel . ranges . slice ( 0 , ourIndex ) . concat ( ranges ) , ourIndex ) , { origin : "*mouse" , scroll : false } ) ; cm . scrollIntoView ( pos ) } else { var oldRange = ourRange ; var anchor = oldRange . anchor , head = pos ; if ( type != "single" ) { if ( type == "double" ) { var range = cm . findWordAt ( pos ) } else { var range = new Range ( Pos ( pos . line , 0 ) , clipPos ( doc , Pos ( pos . line + 1 , 0 ) ) ) } if ( cmp ( range . anchor , anchor ) > 0 ) { head = range . head ; anchor = minPos ( oldRange . from ( ) , range . anchor ) } else { head = range . anchor ; anchor = maxPos ( oldRange . to ( ) , range . head ) } } var ranges = startSel . ranges . slice ( 0 ) ; ranges [ ourIndex ] = new Range ( clipPos ( doc , anchor ) , head ) ; setSelection ( doc , normalizeSelection ( ranges , ourIndex ) , sel_mouse ) } } var editorSize = display . wrapper . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; var counter = 0 ; function extend ( e ) { var curCount = ++ counter ; var cur = posFromMouse ( cm , e , true , type == "rect" ) ; if ( ! cur ) { return } if ( cmp ( cur , lastPos ) != 0 ) { ensureFocus ( cm ) ; extendTo ( cur ) ; var visible = visibleLines ( display , doc ) ; if ( cur . line >= visible . to || cur . line < visible . from ) { setTimeout ( operation ( cm , function ( ) { if ( counter == curCount ) { extend ( e ) } } ) , 150 ) } } else { var outside = e . clientY < editorSize . top ? - 20 : e . clientY > editorSize . bottom ? 20 : 0 ; if ( outside ) { setTimeout ( operation ( cm , function ( ) { if ( counter != curCount ) { return } display . scroller . scrollTop += outside ; extend ( e ) } ) , 50 ) } } } function done ( e ) { counter = Infinity ; e_preventDefault ( e ) ; display . input . focus ( ) ; off ( document , "mousemove" , move ) ; off ( document , "mouseup" , up ) ; doc . history . lastSelOrigin = null } var move = operation ( cm , function ( e ) { if ( ! e_button ( e ) ) { done ( e ) } else { extend ( e ) } } ) ; var up = operation ( cm , done ) ; on ( document , "mousemove" , move ) ; on ( document , "mouseup" , up ) } function gutterEvent ( cm , e , type , prevent , signalfn ) { try { var mX = e . clientX , mY = e . clientY } catch ( e ) { return false } if ( mX >= Math . floor ( cm . display . gutters . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . right ) ) { return false } if ( prevent ) { e_preventDefault ( e ) } var display = cm . display ; var lineBox = display . lineDiv . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; if ( mY > lineBox . bottom || ! hasHandler ( cm , type ) ) { return e_defaultPrevented ( e ) } mY -= lineBox . top - display . viewOffset ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < cm . options . gutters . length ; ++ i ) { var g = display . gutters . childNodes [ i ] ; if ( g && g . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . right >= mX ) { var line = lineAtHeight ( cm . doc , mY ) ; var gutter = cm . options . gutters [ i ] ; signalfn ( cm , type , cm , line , gutter , e ) ; return e_defaultPrevented ( e ) } } } function clickInGut
} , 20 ) ; return } try { var text = e . dataTransfer . getData ( "Text" ) ; if ( text ) { if ( cm . state . draggingText && ! ( mac ? e . metaKey : e . ctrlKey ) ) { var selected = cm . listSelections ( ) } setSelectionNoUndo ( cm . doc , simpleSelection ( pos , pos ) ) ; if ( selected ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < selected . length ; ++ i ) { replaceRange ( cm . doc , "" , selected [ i ] . anchor , selected [ i ] . head , "drag" ) } } cm . replaceSelection ( text , "around" , "paste" ) ; cm . display . input . focus ( ) } } catch ( e ) { } } } function onDragStart ( cm , e ) { if ( ie && ( ! cm . state . draggingText || + new Date - lastDrop < 100 ) ) { e_stop ( e ) ; return } if ( signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) || eventInWidget ( cm . display , e ) ) { return } e . dataTransfer . setData ( "Text" , cm . getSelection ( ) ) ; if ( e . dataTransfer . setDragImage && ! safari ) { var img = elt ( "img" , null , null , "position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0;" ) ; img . src = "" ; if ( presto ) { img . width = img . height = 1 ; cm . display . wrapper . appendChild ( img ) ; img . _ top = img . offsetTop } e . dataTransfer . setDragImage ( img , 0 , 0 ) ; if ( presto ) { img . parentNode . removeChild ( img ) } } } function setScrollTop ( cm , val ) { if ( Math . abs ( cm . doc . scrollTop - val ) < 2 ) { return } cm . doc . scrollTop = val ; if ( ! gecko ) { updateDisplaySimple ( cm , { top : val } ) } if ( cm . display . scroller . scrollTop != val ) { cm . display . scroller . scrollTop = val } cm . display . scrollbars . setScrollTop ( val ) ; if ( gecko ) { updateDisplaySimple ( cm ) } startWorker ( cm , 100 ) } function setScrollLeft ( cm , val , isScroller ) { if ( isScroller ? val == cm . doc . scrollLeft : Math . abs ( cm . doc . scrollLeft - val ) < 2 ) { return } val = Math . min ( val , cm . display . scroller . scrollWidth - cm . display . scroller . clientWidth ) ; cm . doc . scrollLeft = val ; alignHorizontally ( cm ) ; if ( cm . display . scroller . scrollLeft != val ) { cm . display . scroller . scrollLeft = val } cm . display . scrollbars . setScrollLeft ( val ) } var wheelSamples = 0 , wheelPixelsPerUnit = null ; if ( ie ) { wheelPixelsPerUnit = - 0.53 } else { if ( gecko ) { wheelPixelsPerUnit = 15 } else { if ( chrome ) { wheelPixelsPerUnit = - 0.7 } else { if ( safari ) { wheelPixelsPerUnit = - 1 / 3 } } } } var wheelEventDelta = function ( e ) { var dx = e . wheelDeltaX , dy = e . wheelDeltaY ; if ( dx == null && e . detail && e . axis == e . HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { dx = e . detail } if ( dy == null && e . detail && e . axis == e . VERTICAL_AXIS ) { dy = e . detail } else { if ( dy == null ) { dy = e . wheelDelta } } return { x : dx , y : dy } } ; CodeMirror . wheelEventPixels = function ( e ) { var delta = wheelEventDelta ( e ) ; delta . x *= wheelPixelsPerUnit ; delta . y *= wheelPixelsPerUnit ; return delta } ; function onScrollWheel ( cm , e ) { var delta = wheelEventDelta ( e ) , dx = delta . x , dy = delta . y ; var display = cm . display , scroll = display . scroller ; if ( ! ( dx && scroll . scrollWidth > scroll . clientWidth || dy && scroll . scrollHeight > scroll . clientHeight ) ) { return } if ( dy && mac && webkit ) { outer : for ( var cur = e . target , view = display . view ; cur != scroll ; cur = cur . parentNode ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . length ; i ++ ) { if ( view [ i ] . node == cur ) { cm . display . currentWheelTarget = cur ; break outer } } } } if ( dx && ! gecko && ! presto && wheelPixelsPerUnit != null ) { if ( dy ) { setScrollTop ( cm , Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( scroll . scrollTop + dy * wheelPixelsPerUnit , scroll . scrollHeight - scroll . clientHeight ) ) ) } setScrollLeft ( cm , Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( scroll . scrollLeft + dx * wheelPixelsPerUnit , scroll . scrollWidth - scroll . clientWidth ) ) ) ; e_preventDefault ( e ) ; display . wheelStartX = null ; return } if ( dy && wheelPixelsPerUnit != null ) { var pixels = dy * wheelPixelsPerUnit ; var top = cm . doc . scrollTop , bot = top + display . wrapper . clientHeight ; if ( pixels < 0 ) { top = Math . max ( 0 , top + pixels - 50 ) } else { bot = Math . min ( cm . doc . height , bot + pixels + 50 ) } updateDisplaySimple ( cm , { top : top , bottom : bot } ) } if ( wheelSamples < 20 ) { if ( display . wheelStartX == null ) { display . wheelStartX = scroll . scrollLeft ; display . wheelStartY = scroll . scrollTop ; display . wheelDX = dx ; display . wheelDY = dy ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { if ( display . wheelStartX == null ) { return } var movedX = scroll . scrollLeft - display . wheelStartX ; var movedY = scroll . scrollTop - display . wheelStartY ; var sample = ( movedY && display . wheelDY && movedY / display . wheelDY ) || ( movedX && display . wheelDX && movedX / display . wheelDX ) ; display . wheelStartX = display . wheelStartY = null ; if ( ! sample ) { return } wheelPixelsPerUnit = ( wheelPixelsPerUnit * wheelSamples + sample ) / ( wheelSamples + 1 ) ; ++ wheelSamples } , 200 ) } else { display . wheelDX += dx ; display . wheelDY += dy } } } function doHandleBinding ( cm , bound , dropShift ) { if ( typeof bound == "string" ) { bound = commands [ bound ] ; if ( ! bound ) { return false } } cm . display . input . ensurePolled ( ) ; var prevShift = cm . display . shift , done = fals
restartBlink ( cm ) } if ( seq && ! result && /\'$/ . test ( name ) ) { e_preventDefault ( e ) ; return true } return ! ! result } function handleKeyBinding ( cm , e ) { var name = keyName ( e , true ) ; if ( ! name ) { return false } if ( e . shiftKey && ! cm . state . keySeq ) { return dispatchKey ( cm , "Shift-" + name , e , function ( b ) { return doHandleBinding ( cm , b , true ) } ) || dispatchKey ( cm , name , e , function ( b ) { if ( typeof b == "string" ? /^go[A-Z]/ . test ( b ) : b . motion ) { return doHandleBinding ( cm , b ) } } ) } else { return dispatchKey ( cm , name , e , function ( b ) { return doHandleBinding ( cm , b ) } ) } } function handleCharBinding ( cm , e , ch ) { return dispatchKey ( cm , "'" + ch + "'" , e , function ( b ) { return doHandleBinding ( cm , b , true ) } ) } var lastStoppedKey = null ; function onKeyDown ( e ) { var cm = this ; ensureFocus ( cm ) ; if ( signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) ) { return } if ( ie && ie_version < 11 && e . keyCode == 27 ) { e . returnValue = false } var code = e . keyCode ; cm . display . shift = code == 16 || e . shiftKey ; var handled = handleKeyBinding ( cm , e ) ; if ( presto ) { lastStoppedKey = handled ? code : null ; if ( ! handled && code == 88 && ! hasCopyEvent && ( mac ? e . metaKey : e . ctrlKey ) ) { cm . replaceSelection ( "" , null , "cut" ) } } if ( code == 18 && ! /\bCodeMirror-crosshair\b/ . test ( cm . display . lineDiv . className ) ) { showCrossHair ( cm ) } } function showCrossHair ( cm ) { var lineDiv = cm . display . lineDiv ; addClass ( lineDiv , "CodeMirror-crosshair" ) ; function up ( e ) { if ( e . keyCode == 18 || ! e . altKey ) { rmClass ( lineDiv , "CodeMirror-crosshair" ) ; off ( document , "keyup" , up ) ; off ( document , "mouseover" , up ) } } on ( document , "keyup" , up ) ; on ( document , "mouseover" , up ) } function onKeyUp ( e ) { if ( e . keyCode == 16 ) { this . doc . sel . shift = false } signalDOMEvent ( this , e ) } function onKeyPress ( e ) { var cm = this ; if ( eventInWidget ( cm . display , e ) || signalDOMEvent ( cm , e ) || e . ctrlKey && ! e . altKey || mac && e . metaKey ) { return } var keyCode = e . keyCode , charCode = e . charCode ; if ( presto && keyCode == lastStoppedKey ) { lastStoppedKey = null ; e_preventDefault ( e ) ; return } if ( ( presto && ( ! e . which || e . which < 10 ) ) && handleKeyBinding ( cm , e ) ) { return } var ch = String . fromCharCode ( charCode == null ? keyCode : charCode ) ; if ( handleCharBinding ( cm , e , ch ) ) { return } cm . display . input . onKeyPress ( e ) } function onFocus ( cm ) { if ( cm . options . readOnly == "nocursor" ) { return } if ( ! cm . state . focused ) { signal ( cm , "focus" , cm ) ; cm . state . focused = true ; addClass ( cm . display . wrapper , "CodeMirror-focused" ) ; if ( ! cm . curOp && cm . display . selForContextMenu != cm . doc . sel ) { cm . display . input . reset ( ) ; if ( webkit ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { cm . display . input . reset ( true ) } , 20 ) } } cm . display . input . receivedFocus ( ) } restartBlink ( cm ) } function onBlur ( cm ) { if ( cm . state . focused ) { signal ( cm , "blur" , cm ) ; cm . state . focused = false ; rmClass ( cm . display . wrapper , "CodeMirror-focused" ) } clearInterval ( cm . display . blinker ) ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { if ( ! cm . state . focused ) { cm . display . shift = false } } , 150 ) } function onContextMenu ( cm , e ) { if ( eventInWidget ( cm . display , e ) || contextMenuInGutter ( cm , e ) ) { return } cm . display . input . onContextMenu ( e ) } function contextMenuInGutter ( cm , e ) { if ( ! hasHandler ( cm , "gutterContextMenu" ) ) { return false } return gutterEvent ( cm , e , "gutterContextMenu" , false , signal ) } var changeEnd = CodeMirror . changeEnd = function ( change ) { if ( ! change . text ) { return change . to } return Pos ( change . from . line + change . text . length - 1 , lst ( change . text ) . length + ( change . text . length == 1 ? change . from . ch : 0 ) ) } ; function adjustForChange ( pos , change ) { if ( cmp ( pos , change . from ) < 0 ) { return pos } if ( cmp ( pos , change . to ) <= 0 ) { return changeEnd ( change ) } var line = pos . line + change . text . length - ( change . to . line - change . from . line ) - 1 , ch = pos . ch ; if ( pos . line == change . to . line ) { ch += changeEnd ( change ) . ch - change . to . ch } return Pos ( line , ch ) } function computeSelAfterChange ( doc , change ) { var out = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var range = doc . sel . ranges [ i ] ; out . push ( new Range ( adjustForChange ( range . anchor , change ) , adjustForChange ( range . head , change ) ) ) } return normalizeSelection ( out , doc . sel . primIndex ) } function offsetPos ( pos , old , nw ) { if ( pos . line == old . line ) { return Pos ( nw . line , pos . ch - old . ch + nw . ch ) } else { return Pos ( nw . line + ( pos . line - old . line ) , pos . ch ) } } function computeReplacedSel ( doc , changes , hint ) { var out = [ ] ; var oldPrev = Pos ( doc . first , 0 ) , newPrev = oldPrev ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < changes . length ; i ++ ) { var change = changes [ i ] ; var from = offsetPos ( change . from , oldPrev , newPrev ) ; var to = offsetPos ( changeEnd ( change ) , oldPrev , newPrev ) ; oldPrev = change . to ; newPrev = to ; if ( hint == "around" ) { var range = doc . sel . ranges [ i ] , inv = cmp ( range
if ( ! change ) { return } } var split = sawReadOnlySpans && ! ignoreReadOnly && removeReadOnlyRanges ( doc , change . from , change . to ) ; if ( split ) { for ( var i = split . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) { makeChangeInner ( doc , { from : split [ i ] . from , to : split [ i ] . to , text : i ? [ "" ] : change . text } ) } } else { makeChangeInner ( doc , change ) } } function makeChangeInner ( doc , change ) { if ( change . text . length == 1 && change . text [ 0 ] == "" && cmp ( change . from , change . to ) == 0 ) { return } var selAfter = computeSelAfterChange ( doc , change ) ; addChangeToHistory ( doc , change , selAfter , doc . cm ? doc . cm . curOp . id : NaN ) ; makeChangeSingleDoc ( doc , change , selAfter , stretchSpansOverChange ( doc , change ) ) ; var rebased = [ ] ; linkedDocs ( doc , function ( doc , sharedHist ) { if ( ! sharedHist && indexOf ( rebased , doc . history ) == - 1 ) { rebaseHist ( doc . history , change ) ; rebased . push ( doc . history ) } makeChangeSingleDoc ( doc , change , null , stretchSpansOverChange ( doc , change ) ) } ) } function makeChangeFromHistory ( doc , type , allowSelectionOnly ) { if ( doc . cm && doc . cm . state . suppressEdits ) { return } var hist = doc . history , event , selAfter = doc . sel ; var source = type == "undo" ? hist . done : hist . undone , dest = type == "undo" ? hist . undone : hist . done ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < source . length ; i ++ ) { event = source [ i ] ; if ( allowSelectionOnly ? event . ranges && ! event . equals ( doc . sel ) : ! event . ranges ) { break } } if ( i == source . length ) { return } hist . lastOrigin = hist . lastSelOrigin = null ; for ( ; ; ) { event = source . pop ( ) ; if ( event . ranges ) { pushSelectionToHistory ( event , dest ) ; if ( allowSelectionOnly && ! event . equals ( doc . sel ) ) { setSelection ( doc , event , { clearRedo : false } ) ; return } selAfter = event } else { break } } var antiChanges = [ ] ; pushSelectionToHistory ( selAfter , dest ) ; dest . push ( { changes : antiChanges , generation : hist . generation } ) ; hist . generation = event . generation || ++ hist . maxGeneration ; var filter = hasHandler ( doc , "beforeChange" ) || doc . cm && hasHandler ( doc . cm , "beforeChange" ) ; for ( var i = event . changes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) { var change = event . changes [ i ] ; change . origin = type ; if ( filter && ! filterChange ( doc , change , false ) ) { source . length = 0 ; return } antiChanges . push ( historyChangeFromChange ( doc , change ) ) ; var after = i ? computeSelAfterChange ( doc , change ) : lst ( source ) ; makeChangeSingleDoc ( doc , change , after , mergeOldSpans ( doc , change ) ) ; if ( ! i && doc . cm ) { doc . cm . scrollIntoView ( { from : change . from , to : changeEnd ( change ) } ) } var rebased = [ ] ; linkedDocs ( doc , function ( doc , sharedHist ) { if ( ! sharedHist && indexOf ( rebased , doc . history ) == - 1 ) { rebaseHist ( doc . history , change ) ; rebased . push ( doc . history ) } makeChangeSingleDoc ( doc , change , null , mergeOldSpans ( doc , change ) ) } ) } } function shiftDoc ( doc , distance ) { if ( distance == 0 ) { return } doc . first += distance ; doc . sel = new Selection ( map ( doc . sel . ranges , function ( range ) { return new Range ( Pos ( range . anchor . line + distance , range . anchor . ch ) , Pos ( range . head . line + distance , range . head . ch ) ) } ) , doc . sel . primIndex ) ; if ( doc . cm ) { regChange ( doc . cm , doc . first , doc . first - distance , distance ) ; for ( var d = doc . cm . display , l = d . viewFrom ; l < d . viewTo ; l ++ ) { regLineChange ( doc . cm , l , "gutter" ) } } } function makeChangeSingleDoc ( doc , change , selAfter , spans ) { if ( doc . cm && ! doc . cm . curOp ) { return operation ( doc . cm , makeChangeSingleDoc ) ( doc , change , selAfter , spans ) } if ( change . to . line < doc . first ) { shiftDoc ( doc , change . text . length - 1 - ( change . to . line - change . from . line ) ) ; return } if ( change . from . line > doc . lastLine ( ) ) { return } if ( change . from . line < doc . first ) { var shift = change . text . length - 1 - ( doc . first - change . from . line ) ; shiftDoc ( doc , shift ) ; change = { from : Pos ( doc . first , 0 ) , to : Pos ( change . to . line + shift , change . to . ch ) , text : [ lst ( change . text ) ] , origin : change . origin } } var last = doc . lastLine ( ) ; if ( change . to . line > last ) { change = { from : change . from , to : Pos ( last , getLine ( doc , last ) . text . length ) , text : [ change . text [ 0 ] ] , origin : change . origin } } change . removed = getBetween ( doc , change . from , change . to ) ; if ( ! selAfter ) { selAfter = computeSelAfterChange ( doc , change ) } if ( doc . cm ) { makeChangeSingleDocInEditor ( doc . cm , change , spans ) } else { updateDoc ( doc , change , spans ) } setSelectionNoUndo ( doc , selAfter , sel_dontScroll ) } function makeChangeSingleDocInEditor ( cm , change , spans ) { var doc = cm . doc , display = cm . display , from = change . from , to = change . to ; var recomputeMaxLength = false , checkWidthStart = from . line ; if ( ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { checkWidthStart = lineNo ( visualLine ( getLine ( doc , from . line ) ) ) ; doc . iter ( checkWidthStart , to . line + 1 , function ( line ) { if ( line == display . maxLine ) { recomputeMaxLength = true ; return true } } ) } if ( do
if ( changeHandler ) { signalLater ( cm , "change" , cm , obj ) } if ( changesHandler ) { ( cm . curOp . changeObjs || ( cm . curOp . changeObjs = [ ] ) ) . push ( obj ) } } cm . display . selForContextMenu = null } function replaceRange ( doc , code , from , to , origin ) { if ( ! to ) { to = from } if ( cmp ( to , from ) < 0 ) { var tmp = to ; to = from ; from = tmp } if ( typeof code == "string" ) { code = splitLines ( code ) } makeChange ( doc , { from : from , to : to , text : code , origin : origin } ) } function maybeScrollWindow ( cm , coords ) { if ( signalDOMEvent ( cm , "scrollCursorIntoView" ) ) { return } var display = cm . display , box = display . sizer . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , doScroll = null ; if ( coords . top + box . top < 0 ) { doScroll = true } else { if ( coords . bottom + box . top > ( window . innerHeight || document . documentElement . clientHeight ) ) { doScroll = false } } if ( doScroll != null && ! phantom ) { var scrollNode = elt ( "div" , "\u200b" , null , "position: absolute; top: " + ( coords . top - display . viewOffset - paddingTop ( cm . display ) ) + "px; height: " + ( coords . bottom - coords . top + scrollGap ( cm ) + display . barHeight ) + "px; left: " + coords . left + "px; width: 2px;" ) ; cm . display . lineSpace . appendChild ( scrollNode ) ; scrollNode . scrollIntoView ( doScroll ) ; cm . display . lineSpace . removeChild ( scrollNode ) } } function scrollPosIntoView ( cm , pos , end , margin ) { if ( margin == null ) { margin = 0 } for ( var limit = 0 ; limit < 5 ; limit ++ ) { var changed = false , coords = cursorCoords ( cm , pos ) ; var endCoords = ! end || end == pos ? coords : cursorCoords ( cm , end ) ; var scrollPos = calculateScrollPos ( cm , Math . min ( coords . left , endCoords . left ) , Math . min ( coords . top , endCoords . top ) - margin , Math . max ( coords . left , endCoords . left ) , Math . max ( coords . bottom , endCoords . bottom ) + margin ) ; var startTop = cm . doc . scrollTop , startLeft = cm . doc . scrollLeft ; if ( scrollPos . scrollTop != null ) { setScrollTop ( cm , scrollPos . scrollTop ) ; if ( Math . abs ( cm . doc . scrollTop - startTop ) > 1 ) { changed = true } } if ( scrollPos . scrollLeft != null ) { setScrollLeft ( cm , scrollPos . scrollLeft ) ; if ( Math . abs ( cm . doc . scrollLeft - startLeft ) > 1 ) { changed = true } } if ( ! changed ) { break } } return coords } function scrollIntoView ( cm , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) { var scrollPos = calculateScrollPos ( cm , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ; if ( scrollPos . scrollTop != null ) { setScrollTop ( cm , scrollPos . scrollTop ) } if ( scrollPos . scrollLeft != null ) { setScrollLeft ( cm , scrollPos . scrollLeft ) } } function calculateScrollPos ( cm , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) { var display = cm . display , snapMargin = textHeight ( cm . display ) ; if ( y1 < 0 ) { y1 = 0 } var screentop = cm . curOp && cm . curOp . scrollTop != null ? cm . curOp . scrollTop : display . scroller . scrollTop ; var screen = displayHeight ( cm ) , result = { } ; if ( y2 - y1 > screen ) { y2 = y1 + screen } var docBottom = cm . doc . height + paddingVert ( display ) ; var atTop = y1 < snapMargin , atBottom = y2 > docBottom - snapMargin ; if ( y1 < screentop ) { result . scrollTop = atTop ? 0 : y1 } else { if ( y2 > screentop + screen ) { var newTop = Math . min ( y1 , ( atBottom ? docBottom : y2 ) - screen ) ; if ( newTop != screentop ) { result . scrollTop = newTop } } } var screenleft = cm . curOp && cm . curOp . scrollLeft != null ? cm . curOp . scrollLeft : display . scroller . scrollLeft ; var screenw = displayWidth ( cm ) - ( cm . options . fixedGutter ? display . gutters . offsetWidth : 0 ) ; var tooWide = x2 - x1 > screenw ; if ( tooWide ) { x2 = x1 + screenw } if ( x1 < 10 ) { result . scrollLeft = 0 } else { if ( x1 < screenleft ) { result . scrollLeft = Math . max ( 0 , x1 - ( tooWide ? 0 : 10 ) ) } else { if ( x2 > screenw + screenleft - 3 ) { result . scrollLeft = x2 + ( tooWide ? 0 : 10 ) - screenw } } } return result } function addToScrollPos ( cm , left , top ) { if ( left != null || top != null ) { resolveScrollToPos ( cm ) } if ( left != null ) { cm . curOp . scrollLeft = ( cm . curOp . scrollLeft == null ? cm . doc . scrollLeft : cm . curOp . scrollLeft ) + left } if ( top != null ) { cm . curOp . scrollTop = ( cm . curOp . scrollTop == null ? cm . doc . scrollTop : cm . curOp . scrollTop ) + top } } function ensureCursorVisible ( cm ) { resolveScrollToPos ( cm ) ; var cur = cm . getCursor ( ) , from = cur , to = cur ; if ( ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { from = cur . ch ? Pos ( cur . line , cur . ch - 1 ) : cur ; to = Pos ( cur . line , cur . ch + 1 ) } cm . curOp . scrollToPos = { from : from , to : to , margin : cm . options . cursorScrollMargin , isCursor : true } } function resolveScrollToPos ( cm ) { var range = cm . curOp . scrollToPos ; if ( range ) { cm . curOp . scrollToPos = null ; var from = estimateCoords ( cm , range . from ) , to = estimateCoords ( cm , range . to ) ; var sPos = calculateScrollPos ( cm , Math . min ( from . left , to . left ) , Math . min ( from . top , to . top ) - range . margin , Math . max ( from . right , to . right ) , Math . max ( from . bottom , to . bottom ) + range . margin ) ; cm . scrollTo ( sPos . scrollLeft , sPos . scrollTop ) } } function indentLine ( cm , n , how , aggressive ) { var doc = cm . doc , state ; if ( how == null )
i ; -- i ) { pos += tabSize ; indentString += "\t" } } if ( pos < indentation ) { indentString += spaceStr ( indentation - pos ) } if ( indentString != curSpaceString ) { replaceRange ( doc , indentString , Pos ( n , 0 ) , Pos ( n , curSpaceString . length ) , "+input" ) } else { for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var range = doc . sel . ranges [ i ] ; if ( range . head . line == n && range . head . ch < curSpaceString . length ) { var pos = Pos ( n , curSpaceString . length ) ; replaceOneSelection ( doc , i , new Range ( pos , pos ) ) ; break } } } line . stateAfter = null } function changeLine ( doc , handle , changeType , op ) { var no = handle , line = handle ; if ( typeof handle == "number" ) { line = getLine ( doc , clipLine ( doc , handle ) ) } else { no = lineNo ( handle ) } if ( no == null ) { return null } if ( op ( line , no ) && doc . cm ) { regLineChange ( doc . cm , no , changeType ) } return line } function deleteNearSelection ( cm , compute ) { var ranges = cm . doc . sel . ranges , kill = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var toKill = compute ( ranges [ i ] ) ; while ( kill . length && cmp ( toKill . from , lst ( kill ) . to ) <= 0 ) { var replaced = kill . pop ( ) ; if ( cmp ( replaced . from , toKill . from ) < 0 ) { toKill . from = replaced . from ; break } } kill . push ( toKill ) } runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { for ( var i = kill . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { replaceRange ( cm . doc , "" , kill [ i ] . from , kill [ i ] . to , "+delete" ) } ensureCursorVisible ( cm ) } ) } function findPosH ( doc , pos , dir , unit , visually ) { var line = pos . line , ch = pos . ch , origDir = dir ; var lineObj = getLine ( doc , line ) ; var possible = true ; function findNextLine ( ) { var l = line + dir ; if ( l < doc . first || l >= doc . first + doc . size ) { return ( possible = false ) } line = l ; return lineObj = getLine ( doc , l ) } function moveOnce ( boundToLine ) { var next = ( visually ? moveVisually : moveLogically ) ( lineObj , ch , dir , true ) ; if ( next == null ) { if ( ! boundToLine && findNextLine ( ) ) { if ( visually ) { ch = ( dir < 0 ? lineRight : lineLeft ) ( lineObj ) } else { ch = dir < 0 ? lineObj . text . length : 0 } } else { return ( possible = false ) } } else { ch = next } return true } if ( unit == "char" ) { moveOnce ( ) } else { if ( unit == "column" ) { moveOnce ( true ) } else { if ( unit == "word" || unit == "group" ) { var sawType = null , group = unit == "group" ; var helper = doc . cm && doc . cm . getHelper ( pos , "wordChars" ) ; for ( var first = true ; ; first = false ) { if ( dir < 0 && ! moveOnce ( ! first ) ) { break } var cur = lineObj . text . charAt ( ch ) || "\n" ; var type = isWordChar ( cur , helper ) ? "w" : group && cur == "\n" ? "n" : ! group || /\s/ . test ( cur ) ? null : "p" ; if ( group && ! first && ! type ) { type = "s" } if ( sawType && sawType != type ) { if ( dir < 0 ) { dir = 1 ; moveOnce ( ) } break } if ( type ) { sawType = type } if ( dir > 0 && ! moveOnce ( ! first ) ) { break } } } } } var result = skipAtomic ( doc , Pos ( line , ch ) , origDir , true ) ; if ( ! possible ) { result . hitSide = true } return result } function findPosV ( cm , pos , dir , unit ) { var doc = cm . doc , x = pos . left , y ; if ( unit == "page" ) { var pageSize = Math . min ( cm . display . wrapper . clientHeight , window . innerHeight || document . documentElement . clientHeight ) ; y = pos . top + dir * ( pageSize - ( dir < 0 ? 1.5 : 0.5 ) * textHeight ( cm . display ) ) } else { if ( unit == "line" ) { y = dir > 0 ? pos . bottom + 3 : pos . top - 3 } } for ( ; ; ) { var target = coordsChar ( cm , x , y ) ; if ( ! target . outside ) { break } if ( dir < 0 ? y <= 0 : y >= doc . height ) { target . hitSide = true ; break } y += dir * 5 } return target } CodeMirror . prototype = { constructor : CodeMirror , focus : function ( ) { window . focus ( ) ; this . display . input . focus ( ) } , setOption : function ( option , value ) { var options = this . options , old = options [ option ] ; if ( options [ option ] == value && option != "mode" ) { return } options [ option ] = value ; if ( optionHandlers . hasOwnProperty ( option ) ) { operation ( this , optionHandlers [ option ] ) ( this , value , old ) } } , getOption : function ( option ) { return this . options [ option ] } , getDoc : function ( ) { return this . doc } , addKeyMap : function ( map , bottom ) { this . state . keyMaps [ bottom ? "push" : "unshift" ] ( getKeyMap ( map ) ) } , removeKeyMap : function ( map ) { var maps = this . state . keyMaps ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < maps . length ; ++ i ) { if ( maps [ i ] == map || maps [ i ] . name == map ) { maps . splice ( i , 1 ) ; return true } } } , addOverlay : methodOp ( function ( spec , options ) { var mode = spec . token ? spec : CodeMirror . getMode ( this . options , spec ) ; if ( mode . startState ) { throw new Error ( "Overlays may not be stateful." ) } this . state . overlays . push ( { mode : mode , modeSpec : spec , opaque : options && options . opaque } ) ; this . state . modeGen ++ ; regChange ( this ) } ) , removeOverlay : methodOp ( function ( spec ) { var overlays = this . state . overlays ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < overlays . length ; ++ i ) { var cur = overlays [ i ] . modeSpec ; if ( cur == spec || typeof spec == "string" && cur . name == spec ) { overlays . splice ( i , 1 ) ; this . state . modeGen ++ ; regChange ( this ) ; return } } } ) , indentLine : methodOp ( function (
} , getLineTokens : function ( line , precise ) { return takeToken ( this , Pos ( line ) , precise , true ) } , getTokenTypeAt : function ( pos ) { pos = clipPos ( this . doc , pos ) ; var styles = getLineStyles ( this , getLine ( this . doc , pos . line ) ) ; var before = 0 , after = ( styles . length - 1 ) / 2 , ch = pos . ch ; var type ; if ( ch == 0 ) { type = styles [ 2 ] } else { for ( ; ; ) { var mid = ( before + after ) >> 1 ; if ( ( mid ? styles [ mid * 2 - 1 ] : 0 ) >= ch ) { after = mid } else { if ( styles [ mid * 2 + 1 ] < ch ) { before = mid + 1 } else { type = styles [ mid * 2 + 2 ] ; break } } } } var cut = type ? type . indexOf ( "cm-overlay " ) : - 1 ; return cut < 0 ? type : cut == 0 ? null : type . slice ( 0 , cut - 1 ) } , getModeAt : function ( pos ) { var mode = this . doc . mode ; if ( ! mode . innerMode ) { return mode } return CodeMirror . innerMode ( mode , this . getTokenAt ( pos ) . state ) . mode } , getHelper : function ( pos , type ) { return this . getHelpers ( pos , type ) [ 0 ] } , getHelpers : function ( pos , type ) { var found = [ ] ; if ( ! helpers . hasOwnProperty ( type ) ) { return helpers } var help = helpers [ type ] , mode = this . getModeAt ( pos ) ; if ( typeof mode [ type ] == "string" ) { if ( help [ mode [ type ] ] ) { found . push ( help [ mode [ type ] ] ) } } else { if ( mode [ type ] ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < mode [ type ] . length ; i ++ ) { var val = help [ mode [ type ] [ i ] ] ; if ( val ) { found . push ( val ) } } } else { if ( mode . helperType && help [ mode . helperType ] ) { found . push ( help [ mode . helperType ] ) } else { if ( help [ mode . name ] ) { found . push ( help [ mode . name ] ) } } } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < help . _ global . length ; i ++ ) { var cur = help . _ global [ i ] ; if ( cur . pred ( mode , this ) && indexOf ( found , cur . val ) == - 1 ) { found . push ( cur . val ) } } return found } , getStateAfter : function ( line , precise ) { var doc = this . doc ; line = clipLine ( doc , line == null ? doc . first + doc . size - 1 : line ) ; return getStateBefore ( this , line + 1 , precise ) } , cursorCoords : function ( start , mode ) { var pos , range = this . doc . sel . primary ( ) ; if ( start == null ) { pos = range . head } else { if ( typeof start == "object" ) { pos = clipPos ( this . doc , start ) } else { pos = start ? range . from ( ) : range . to ( ) } } return cursorCoords ( this , pos , mode || "page" ) } , charCoords : function ( pos , mode ) { return charCoords ( this , clipPos ( this . doc , pos ) , mode || "page" ) } , coordsChar : function ( coords , mode ) { coords = fromCoordSystem ( this , coords , mode || "page" ) ; return coordsChar ( this , coords . left , coords . top ) } , lineAtHeight : function ( height , mode ) { height = fromCoordSystem ( this , { top : height , left : 0 } , mode || "page" ) . top ; return lineAtHeight ( this . doc , height + this . display . viewOffset ) } , heightAtLine : function ( line , mode ) { var end = false , last = this . doc . first + this . doc . size - 1 ; if ( line < this . doc . first ) { line = this . doc . first } else { if ( line > last ) { line = last ; end = true } } var lineObj = getLine ( this . doc , line ) ; return intoCoordSystem ( this , lineObj , { top : 0 , left : 0 } , mode || "page" ) . top + ( end ? this . doc . height - heightAtLine ( lineObj ) : 0 ) } , defaultTextHeight : function ( ) { return textHeight ( this . display ) } , defaultCharWidth : function ( ) { return charWidth ( this . display ) } , setGutterMarker : methodOp ( function ( line , gutterID , value ) { return changeLine ( this . doc , line , "gutter" , function ( line ) { var markers = line . gutterMarkers || ( line . gutterMarkers = { } ) ; markers [ gutterID ] = value ; if ( ! value && isEmpty ( markers ) ) { line . gutterMarkers = null } return true } ) } ) , clearGutter : methodOp ( function ( gutterID ) { var cm = this , doc = cm . doc , i = doc . first ; doc . iter ( function ( line ) { if ( line . gutterMarkers && line . gutterMarkers [ gutterID ] ) { line . gutterMarkers [ gutterID ] = null ; regLineChange ( cm , i , "gutter" ) ; if ( isEmpty ( line . gutterMarkers ) ) { line . gutterMarkers = null } } ++ i } ) } ) , addLineWidget : methodOp ( function ( handle , node , options ) { return addLineWidget ( this , handle , node , options ) } ) , removeLineWidget : function ( widget ) { widget . clear ( ) } , lineInfo : function ( line ) { if ( typeof line == "number" ) { if ( ! isLine ( this . doc , line ) ) { return null } var n = line ; line = getLine ( this . doc , line ) ; if ( ! line ) { return null } } else { var n = lineNo ( line ) ; if ( n == null ) { return null } } return { line : n , handle : line , text : line . text , gutterMarkers : line . gutterMarkers , textClass : line . textClass , bgClass : line . bgClass , wrapClass : line . wrapClass , widgets : line . widgets } } , getViewport : function ( ) { return { from : this . display . viewFrom , to : this . display . viewTo } } , addWidget : function ( pos , node , scroll , vert , horiz ) { var display = this . display ; pos = cursorCoords ( this , clipPos ( this . doc , pos ) ) ; var top = pos . bottom , left = pos . left ; node . style . position = "absolute" ; node . setAttribute ( "cm-ignore-events" , "true" ) ; this . display . input . setUneditable ( node ) ; display . sizer . appendChild ( node ) ; if ( vert == "over" ) { top = pos . top } else { if ( vert == "above" || vert == "near" ) {
} } , findPosH : function ( from , amount , unit , visually ) { var dir = 1 ; if ( amount < 0 ) { dir = - 1 ; amount = - amount } for ( var i = 0 , cur = clipPos ( this . doc , from ) ; i < amount ; ++ i ) { cur = findPosH ( this . doc , cur , dir , unit , visually ) ; if ( cur . hitSide ) { break } } return cur } , moveH : methodOp ( function ( dir , unit ) { var cm = this ; cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { if ( cm . display . shift || cm . doc . extend || range . empty ( ) ) { return findPosH ( cm . doc , range . head , dir , unit , cm . options . rtlMoveVisually ) } else { return dir < 0 ? range . from ( ) : range . to ( ) } } , sel_move ) } ) , deleteH : methodOp ( function ( dir , unit ) { var sel = this . doc . sel , doc = this . doc ; if ( sel . somethingSelected ( ) ) { doc . replaceSelection ( "" , null , "+delete" ) } else { deleteNearSelection ( this , function ( range ) { var other = findPosH ( doc , range . head , dir , unit , false ) ; return dir < 0 ? { from : other , to : range . head } : { from : range . head , to : other } } ) } } ) , findPosV : function ( from , amount , unit , goalColumn ) { var dir = 1 , x = goalColumn ; if ( amount < 0 ) { dir = - 1 ; amount = - amount } for ( var i = 0 , cur = clipPos ( this . doc , from ) ; i < amount ; ++ i ) { var coords = cursorCoords ( this , cur , "div" ) ; if ( x == null ) { x = coords . left } else { coords . left = x } cur = findPosV ( this , coords , dir , unit ) ; if ( cur . hitSide ) { break } } return cur } , moveV : methodOp ( function ( dir , unit ) { var cm = this , doc = this . doc , goals = [ ] ; var collapse = ! cm . display . shift && ! doc . extend && doc . sel . somethingSelected ( ) ; doc . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { if ( collapse ) { return dir < 0 ? range . from ( ) : range . to ( ) } var headPos = cursorCoords ( cm , range . head , "div" ) ; if ( range . goalColumn != null ) { headPos . left = range . goalColumn } goals . push ( headPos . left ) ; var pos = findPosV ( cm , headPos , dir , unit ) ; if ( unit == "page" && range == doc . sel . primary ( ) ) { addToScrollPos ( cm , null , charCoords ( cm , pos , "div" ) . top - headPos . top ) } return pos } , sel_move ) ; if ( goals . length ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { doc . sel . ranges [ i ] . goalColumn = goals [ i ] } } } ) , findWordAt : function ( pos ) { var doc = this . doc , line = getLine ( doc , pos . line ) . text ; var start = pos . ch , end = pos . ch ; if ( line ) { var helper = this . getHelper ( pos , "wordChars" ) ; if ( ( pos . xRel < 0 || end == line . length ) && start ) { -- start } else { ++ end } var startChar = line . charAt ( start ) ; var check = isWordChar ( startChar , helper ) ? function ( ch ) { return isWordChar ( ch , helper ) } : /\s/ . test ( startChar ) ? function ( ch ) { return /\s/ . test ( ch ) } : function ( ch ) { return ! /\s/ . test ( ch ) && ! isWordChar ( ch ) } ; while ( start > 0 && check ( line . charAt ( start - 1 ) ) ) { -- start } while ( end < line . length && check ( line . charAt ( end ) ) ) { ++ end } } return new Range ( Pos ( pos . line , start ) , Pos ( pos . line , end ) ) } , toggleOverwrite : function ( value ) { if ( value != null && value == this . state . overwrite ) { return } if ( this . state . overwrite = ! this . state . overwrite ) { addClass ( this . display . cursorDiv , "CodeMirror-overwrite" ) } else { rmClass ( this . display . cursorDiv , "CodeMirror-overwrite" ) } signal ( this , "overwriteToggle" , this , this . state . overwrite ) } , hasFocus : function ( ) { return this . display . input . getField ( ) == activeElt ( ) } , scrollTo : methodOp ( function ( x , y ) { if ( x != null || y != null ) { resolveScrollToPos ( this ) } if ( x != null ) { this . curOp . scrollLeft = x } if ( y != null ) { this . curOp . scrollTop = y } } ) , getScrollInfo : function ( ) { var scroller = this . display . scroller ; return { left : scroller . scrollLeft , top : scroller . scrollTop , height : scroller . scrollHeight - scrollGap ( this ) - this . display . barHeight , width : scroller . scrollWidth - scrollGap ( this ) - this . display . barWidth , clientHeight : displayHeight ( this ) , clientWidth : displayWidth ( this ) } } , scrollIntoView : methodOp ( function ( range , margin ) { if ( range == null ) { range = { from : this . doc . sel . primary ( ) . head , to : null } ; if ( margin == null ) { margin = this . options . cursorScrollMargin } } else { if ( typeof range == "number" ) { range = { from : Pos ( range , 0 ) , to : null } } else { if ( range . from == null ) { range = { from : range , to : null } } } } if ( ! range . to ) { range . to = range . from } range . margin = margin || 0 ; if ( range . from . line != null ) { resolveScrollToPos ( this ) ; this . curOp . scrollToPos = range } else { var sPos = calculateScrollPos ( this , Math . min ( range . from . left , range . to . left ) , Math . min ( range . from . top , range . to . top ) - range . margin , Math . max ( range . from . right , range . to . right ) , Math . max ( range . from . bottom , range . to . bottom ) + range . margin ) ; this . scrollTo ( sPos . scrollLeft , sPos . scrollTop ) } } ) , setSize : methodOp ( function ( width , height ) { var cm = this ; function interpret ( val ) { return typeof val == "number" || /^\d+$/ . test ( String ( val ) ) ? val + "px" : val } if ( width != null ) { cm . display . wrapper . style . width = interpret ( width ) } if ( he
this . scrollTo ( doc . scrollLeft , doc . scrollTop ) ; this . curOp . forceScroll = true ; signalLater ( this , "swapDoc" , this , old ) ; return old } ) , getInputField : function ( ) { return this . display . input . getField ( ) } , getWrapperElement : function ( ) { return this . display . wrapper } , getScrollerElement : function ( ) { return this . display . scroller } , getGutterElement : function ( ) { return this . display . gutters } } ; eventMixin ( CodeMirror ) ; var defaults = CodeMirror . defaults = { } ; var optionHandlers = CodeMirror . optionHandlers = { } ; function option ( name , deflt , handle , notOnInit ) { CodeMirror . defaults [ name ] = deflt ; if ( handle ) { optionHandlers [ name ] = notOnInit ? function ( cm , val , old ) { if ( old != Init ) { handle ( cm , val , old ) } } : handle } } var Init = CodeMirror . Init = { toString : function ( ) { return "CodeMirror.Init" } } ; option ( "value" , "" , function ( cm , val ) { cm . setValue ( val ) } , true ) ; option ( "mode" , null , function ( cm , val ) { cm . doc . modeOption = val ; loadMode ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "indentUnit" , 2 , loadMode , true ) ; option ( "indentWithTabs" , false ) ; option ( "smartIndent" , true ) ; option ( "tabSize" , 4 , function ( cm ) { resetModeState ( cm ) ; clearCaches ( cm ) ; regChange ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "specialChars" , /[\t\u0000-\u0019\u00ad\u200b-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff]/g , function ( cm , val ) { cm . options . specialChars = new RegExp ( val . source + ( val . test ( "\t" ) ? "" : "|\t" ) , "g" ) ; cm . refresh ( ) } , true ) ; option ( "specialCharPlaceholder" , defaultSpecialCharPlaceholder , function ( cm ) { cm . refresh ( ) } , true ) ; option ( "electricChars" , true ) ; option ( "inputStyle" , mobile ? "contenteditable" : "textarea" , function ( ) { throw new Error ( "inputStyle can not (yet) be changed in a running editor" ) } , true ) ; option ( "rtlMoveVisually" , ! windows ) ; option ( "wholeLineUpdateBefore" , true ) ; option ( "theme" , "default" , function ( cm ) { themeChanged ( cm ) ; guttersChanged ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "keyMap" , "default" , function ( cm , val , old ) { var next = getKeyMap ( val ) ; var prev = old != CodeMirror . Init && getKeyMap ( old ) ; if ( prev && prev . detach ) { prev . detach ( cm , next ) } if ( next . attach ) { next . attach ( cm , prev || null ) } } ) ; option ( "extraKeys" , null ) ; option ( "lineWrapping" , false , wrappingChanged , true ) ; option ( "gutters" , [ ] , function ( cm ) { setGuttersForLineNumbers ( cm . options ) ; guttersChanged ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "fixedGutter" , true , function ( cm , val ) { cm . display . gutters . style . left = val ? compensateForHScroll ( cm . display ) + "px" : "0" ; cm . refresh ( ) } , true ) ; option ( "coverGutterNextToScrollbar" , false , function ( cm ) { updateScrollbars ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "scrollbarStyle" , "native" , function ( cm ) { initScrollbars ( cm ) ; updateScrollbars ( cm ) ; cm . display . scrollbars . setScrollTop ( cm . doc . scrollTop ) ; cm . display . scrollbars . setScrollLeft ( cm . doc . scrollLeft ) } , true ) ; option ( "lineNumbers" , false , function ( cm ) { setGuttersForLineNumbers ( cm . options ) ; guttersChanged ( cm ) } , true ) ; option ( "firstLineNumber" , 1 , guttersChanged , true ) ; option ( "lineNumberFormatter" , function ( integer ) { return integer } , guttersChanged , true ) ; option ( "showCursorWhenSelecting" , false , updateSelection , true ) ; option ( "resetSelectionOnContextMenu" , true ) ; option ( "readOnly" , false , function ( cm , val ) { if ( val == "nocursor" ) { onBlur ( cm ) ; cm . display . input . blur ( ) ; cm . display . disabled = true } else { cm . display . disabled = false ; if ( ! val ) { cm . display . input . reset ( ) } } } ) ; option ( "disableInput" , false , function ( cm , val ) { if ( ! val ) { cm . display . input . reset ( ) } } , true ) ; option ( "dragDrop" , true ) ; option ( "cursorBlinkRate" , 530 ) ; option ( "cursorScrollMargin" , 0 ) ; option ( "cursorHeight" , 1 , updateSelection , true ) ; option ( "singleCursorHeightPerLine" , true , updateSelection , true ) ; option ( "workTime" , 100 ) ; option ( "workDelay" , 100 ) ; option ( "flattenSpans" , true , resetModeState , true ) ; option ( "addModeClass" , false , resetModeState , true ) ; option ( "pollInterval" , 100 ) ; option ( "undoDepth" , 200 , function ( cm , val ) { cm . doc . history . undoDepth = val } ) ; option ( "historyEventDelay" , 1250 ) ; option ( "viewportMargin" , 10 , function ( cm ) { cm . refresh ( ) } , true ) ; option ( "maxHighlightLength" , 10000 , resetModeState , true ) ; option ( "moveInputWithCursor" , true , function ( cm , val ) { if ( ! val ) { cm . display . input . resetPosition ( ) } } ) ; option ( "tabindex" , null , function ( cm , val ) { cm . display . input . getField ( ) . tabIndex = val || "" } ) ; option ( "autofocus" , null ) ; var modes = CodeMirror . modes = { } , mimeModes = CodeMirror . mimeModes = { } ; CodeMirror . defineMode = function ( name , mode ) { if ( ! CodeMirror . defaults . mode && name != "null" ) { CodeMirror . defaults . mode = name } if ( arguments . length > 2 ) { mode . dependencies = Arra
for ( var prop in exts ) { if ( ! exts . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) { continue } if ( modeObj . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) { modeObj [ "_" + prop ] = modeObj [ prop ] } modeObj [ prop ] = exts [ prop ] } } modeObj . name = spec . name ; if ( spec . helperType ) { modeObj . helperType = spec . helperType } if ( spec . modeProps ) { for ( var prop in spec . modeProps ) { modeObj [ prop ] = spec . modeProps [ prop ] } } return modeObj } ; CodeMirror . defineMode ( "null" , function ( ) { return { token : function ( stream ) { stream . skipToEnd ( ) } } } ) ; CodeMirror . defineMIME ( "text/plain" , "null" ) ; var modeExtensions = CodeMirror . modeExtensions = { } ; CodeMirror . extendMode = function ( mode , properties ) { var exts = modeExtensions . hasOwnProperty ( mode ) ? modeExtensions [ mode ] : ( modeExtensions [ mode ] = { } ) ; copyObj ( properties , exts ) } ; CodeMirror . defineExtension = function ( name , func ) { CodeMirror . prototype [ name ] = func } ; CodeMirror . defineDocExtension = function ( name , func ) { Doc . prototype [ name ] = func } ; CodeMirror . defineOption = option ; var initHooks = [ ] ; CodeMirror . defineInitHook = function ( f ) { initHooks . push ( f ) } ; var helpers = CodeMirror . helpers = { } ; CodeMirror . registerHelper = function ( type , name , value ) { if ( ! helpers . hasOwnProperty ( type ) ) { helpers [ type ] = CodeMirror [ type ] = { _ global : [ ] } } helpers [ type ] [ name ] = value } ; CodeMirror . registerGlobalHelper = function ( type , name , predicate , value ) { CodeMirror . registerHelper ( type , name , value ) ; helpers [ type ] . _ global . push ( { pred : predicate , val : value } ) } ; var copyState = CodeMirror . copyState = function ( mode , state ) { if ( state === true ) { return state } if ( mode . copyState ) { return mode . copyState ( state ) } var nstate = { } ; for ( var n in state ) { var val = state [ n ] ; if ( val instanceof Array ) { val = val . concat ( [ ] ) } nstate [ n ] = val } return nstate } ; var startState = CodeMirror . startState = function ( mode , a1 , a2 ) { return mode . startState ? mode . startState ( a1 , a2 ) : true } ; CodeMirror . innerMode = function ( mode , state ) { while ( mode . innerMode ) { var info = mode . innerMode ( state ) ; if ( ! info || info . mode == mode ) { break } state = info . state ; mode = info . mode } return info || { mode : mode , state : state } } ; var commands = CodeMirror . commands = { selectAll : function ( cm ) { cm . setSelection ( Pos ( cm . firstLine ( ) , 0 ) , Pos ( cm . lastLine ( ) ) , sel_dontScroll ) } , singleSelection : function ( cm ) { cm . setSelection ( cm . getCursor ( "anchor" ) , cm . getCursor ( "head" ) , sel_dontScroll ) } , killLine : function ( cm ) { deleteNearSelection ( cm , function ( range ) { if ( range . empty ( ) ) { var len = getLine ( cm . doc , range . head . line ) . text . length ; if ( range . head . ch == len && range . head . line < cm . lastLine ( ) ) { return { from : range . head , to : Pos ( range . head . line + 1 , 0 ) } } else { return { from : range . head , to : Pos ( range . head . line , len ) } } } else { return { from : range . from ( ) , to : range . to ( ) } } } ) } , deleteLine : function ( cm ) { deleteNearSelection ( cm , function ( range ) { return { from : Pos ( range . from ( ) . line , 0 ) , to : clipPos ( cm . doc , Pos ( range . to ( ) . line + 1 , 0 ) ) } } ) } , delLineLeft : function ( cm ) { deleteNearSelection ( cm , function ( range ) { return { from : Pos ( range . from ( ) . line , 0 ) , to : range . from ( ) } } ) } , delWrappedLineLeft : function ( cm ) { deleteNearSelection ( cm , function ( range ) { var top = cm . charCoords ( range . head , "div" ) . top + 5 ; var leftPos = cm . coordsChar ( { left : 0 , top : top } , "div" ) ; return { from : leftPos , to : range . from ( ) } } ) } , delWrappedLineRight : function ( cm ) { deleteNearSelection ( cm , function ( range ) { var top = cm . charCoords ( range . head , "div" ) . top + 5 ; var rightPos = cm . coordsChar ( { left : cm . display . lineDiv . offsetWidth + 100 , top : top } , "div" ) ; return { from : range . from ( ) , to : rightPos } } ) } , undo : function ( cm ) { cm . undo ( ) } , redo : function ( cm ) { cm . redo ( ) } , undoSelection : function ( cm ) { cm . undoSelection ( ) } , redoSelection : function ( cm ) { cm . redoSelection ( ) } , goDocStart : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelection ( Pos ( cm . firstLine ( ) , 0 ) ) } , goDocEnd : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelection ( Pos ( cm . lastLine ( ) ) ) } , goLineStart : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { return lineStart ( cm , range . head . line ) } , { origin : "+move" , bias : 1 } ) } , goLineStartSmart : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { return lineStartSmart ( cm , range . head ) } , { origin : "+move" , bias : 1 } ) } , goLineEnd : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { return lineEnd ( cm , range . head . line ) } , { origin : "+move" , bias : - 1 } ) } , goLineRight : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { var top = cm . charCoords ( range . head , "div" ) . top + 5 ; return cm . coordsChar ( { left : cm . display . lineDiv . offsetWidth + 100 , top : top } , "div" ) } , sel_move ) } , goLineLeft : function ( cm ) { cm . extendSelectionsBy ( function ( range ) { v
} , delCharBefore : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( - 1 , "char" ) } , delCharAfter : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( 1 , "char" ) } , delWordBefore : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( - 1 , "word" ) } , delWordAfter : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( 1 , "word" ) } , delGroupBefore : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( - 1 , "group" ) } , delGroupAfter : function ( cm ) { cm . deleteH ( 1 , "group" ) } , indentAuto : function ( cm ) { cm . indentSelection ( "smart" ) } , indentMore : function ( cm ) { cm . indentSelection ( "add" ) } , indentLess : function ( cm ) { cm . indentSelection ( "subtract" ) } , insertTab : function ( cm ) { cm . replaceSelection ( "\t" ) } , insertSoftTab : function ( cm ) { var spaces = [ ] , ranges = cm . listSelections ( ) , tabSize = cm . options . tabSize ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var pos = ranges [ i ] . from ( ) ; var col = countColumn ( cm . getLine ( pos . line ) , pos . ch , tabSize ) ; spaces . push ( new Array ( tabSize - col % tabSize + 1 ) . join ( " " ) ) } cm . replaceSelections ( spaces ) } , defaultTab : function ( cm ) { if ( cm . somethingSelected ( ) ) { cm . indentSelection ( "add" ) } else { cm . execCommand ( "insertTab" ) } } , transposeChars : function ( cm ) { runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { var ranges = cm . listSelections ( ) , newSel = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var cur = ranges [ i ] . head , line = getLine ( cm . doc , cur . line ) . text ; if ( line ) { if ( cur . ch == line . length ) { cur = new Pos ( cur . line , cur . ch - 1 ) } if ( cur . ch > 0 ) { cur = new Pos ( cur . line , cur . ch + 1 ) ; cm . replaceRange ( line . charAt ( cur . ch - 1 ) + line . charAt ( cur . ch - 2 ) , Pos ( cur . line , cur . ch - 2 ) , cur , "+transpose" ) } else { if ( cur . line > cm . doc . first ) { var prev = getLine ( cm . doc , cur . line - 1 ) . text ; if ( prev ) { cm . replaceRange ( line . charAt ( 0 ) + "\n" + prev . charAt ( prev . length - 1 ) , Pos ( cur . line - 1 , prev . length - 1 ) , Pos ( cur . line , 1 ) , "+transpose" ) } } } } newSel . push ( new Range ( cur , cur ) ) } cm . setSelections ( newSel ) } ) } , newlineAndIndent : function ( cm ) { runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { var len = cm . listSelections ( ) . length ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) { var range = cm . listSelections ( ) [ i ] ; cm . replaceRange ( "\n" , range . anchor , range . head , "+input" ) ; cm . indentLine ( range . from ( ) . line + 1 , null , true ) ; ensureCursorVisible ( cm ) } } ) } , toggleOverwrite : function ( cm ) { cm . toggleOverwrite ( ) } } ; var keyMap = CodeMirror . keyMap = { } ; keyMap . basic = { "Left" : "goCharLeft" , "Right" : "goCharRight" , "Up" : "goLineUp" , "Down" : "goLineDown" , "End" : "goLineEnd" , "Home" : "goLineStartSmart" , "PageUp" : "goPageUp" , "PageDown" : "goPageDown" , "Delete" : "delCharAfter" , "Backspace" : "delCharBefore" , "Shift-Backspace" : "delCharBefore" , "Tab" : "defaultTab" , "Shift-Tab" : "indentAuto" , "Enter" : "newlineAndIndent" , "Insert" : "toggleOverwrite" , "Esc" : "singleSelection" } ; keyMap . pcDefault = { "Ctrl-A" : "selectAll" , "Ctrl-D" : "deleteLine" , "Ctrl-Z" : "undo" , "Shift-Ctrl-Z" : "redo" , "Ctrl-Y" : "redo" , "Ctrl-Home" : "goDocStart" , "Ctrl-End" : "goDocEnd" , "Ctrl-Up" : "goLineUp" , "Ctrl-Down" : "goLineDown" , "Ctrl-Left" : "goGroupLeft" , "Ctrl-Right" : "goGroupRight" , "Alt-Left" : "goLineStart" , "Alt-Right" : "goLineEnd" , "Ctrl-Backspace" : "delGroupBefore" , "Ctrl-Delete" : "delGroupAfter" , "Ctrl-S" : "save" , "Ctrl-F" : "find" , "Ctrl-G" : "findNext" , "Shift-Ctrl-G" : "findPrev" , "Shift-Ctrl-F" : "replace" , "Shift-Ctrl-R" : "replaceAll" , "Ctrl-[" : "indentLess" , "Ctrl-]" : "indentMore" , "Ctrl-U" : "undoSelection" , "Shift-Ctrl-U" : "redoSelection" , "Alt-U" : "redoSelection" , fallthrough : "basic" } ; keyMap . emacsy = { "Ctrl-F" : "goCharRight" , "Ctrl-B" : "goCharLeft" , "Ctrl-P" : "goLineUp" , "Ctrl-N" : "goLineDown" , "Alt-F" : "goWordRight" , "Alt-B" : "goWordLeft" , "Ctrl-A" : "goLineStart" , "Ctrl-E" : "goLineEnd" , "Ctrl-V" : "goPageDown" , "Shift-Ctrl-V" : "goPageUp" , "Ctrl-D" : "delCharAfter" , "Ctrl-H" : "delCharBefore" , "Alt-D" : "delWordAfter" , "Alt-Backspace" : "delWordBefore" , "Ctrl-K" : "killLine" , "Ctrl-T" : "transposeChars" } ; keyMap . macDefault = { "Cmd-A" : "selectAll" , "Cmd-D" : "deleteLine" , "Cmd-Z" : "undo" , "Shift-Cmd-Z" : "redo" , "Cmd-Y" : "redo" , "Cmd-Home" : "goDocStart" , "Cmd-Up" : "goDocStart" , "Cmd-End" : "goDocEnd" , "Cmd-Down" : "goDocEnd" , "Alt-Left" : "goGroupLeft" , "Alt-Right" : "goGroupRight" , "Cmd-Left" : "goLineLeft" , "Cmd-Right" : "goLineRight" , "Alt-Backspace" : "delGroupBefore" , "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace" : "delGroupAfter" , "Alt-Delete" : "delGroupAfter" , "Cmd-S" : "save" , "Cmd-F" : "find" , "Cmd-G" : "findNext" , "Shift-Cmd-G" : "findPrev" , "Cmd-Alt-F" : "replace" , "Shift-Cmd-Alt-F" : "replaceAll" , "Cmd-[" : "indentLess" , "Cmd-]" : "indentMore" , "Cmd-Backspace" : "delWrappedLineLeft" , "Cmd-Delete" : "delWrappedLineRight" , "Cmd-U" : "undoSelection" , "Shift-Cmd-U" : "redoSelection" , "Ctrl-Up" : "goDocStart" , "Ctrl-Down" : " goDo
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) { var val , name ; if ( i == keys . length - 1 ) { name = keyname ; val = value } else { name = keys . slice ( 0 , i + 1 ) . join ( " " ) ; val = "..." } var prev = copy [ name ] ; if ( ! prev ) { copy [ name ] = val } else { if ( prev != val ) { throw new Error ( "Inconsistent bindings for " + name ) } } } delete keymap [ keyname ] } } for ( var prop in copy ) { keymap [ prop ] = copy [ prop ] } return keymap } ; var lookupKey = CodeMirror . lookupKey = function ( key , map , handle , context ) { map = getKeyMap ( map ) ; var found = map . call ? map . call ( key , context ) : map [ key ] ; if ( found === false ) { return "nothing" } if ( found === "..." ) { return "multi" } if ( found != null && handle ( found ) ) { return "handled" } if ( map . fallthrough ) { if ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( map . fallthrough ) != "[object Array]" ) { return lookupKey ( key , map . fallthrough , handle , context ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < map . fallthrough . length ; i ++ ) { var result = lookupKey ( key , map . fallthrough [ i ] , handle , context ) ; if ( result ) { return result } } } } ; var isModifierKey = CodeMirror . isModifierKey = function ( value ) { var name = typeof value == "string" ? value : keyNames [ value . keyCode ] ; return name == "Ctrl" || name == "Alt" || name == "Shift" || name == "Mod" } ; var keyName = CodeMirror . keyName = function ( event , noShift ) { if ( presto && event . keyCode == 34 && event [ "char" ] ) { return false } var base = keyNames [ event . keyCode ] , name = base ; if ( name == null || event . altGraphKey ) { return false } if ( event . altKey && base != "Alt" ) { name = "Alt-" + name } if ( ( flipCtrlCmd ? event . metaKey : event . ctrlKey ) && base != "Ctrl" ) { name = "Ctrl-" + name } if ( ( flipCtrlCmd ? event . ctrlKey : event . metaKey ) && base != "Cmd" ) { name = "Cmd-" + name } if ( ! noShift && event . shiftKey && base != "Shift" ) { name = "Shift-" + name } return name } ; function getKeyMap ( val ) { return typeof val == "string" ? keyMap [ val ] : val } CodeMirror . fromTextArea = function ( textarea , options ) { options = options ? copyObj ( options ) : { } ; options . value = textarea . value ; if ( ! options . tabindex && textarea . tabIndex ) { options . tabindex = textarea . tabIndex } if ( ! options . placeholder && textarea . placeholder ) { options . placeholder = textarea . placeholder } if ( options . autofocus == null ) { var hasFocus = activeElt ( ) ; options . autofocus = hasFocus == textarea || textarea . getAttribute ( "autofocus" ) != null && hasFocus == document . body } function save ( ) { textarea . value = cm . getValue ( ) } if ( textarea . form ) { on ( textarea . form , "submit" , save ) ; if ( ! options . leaveSubmitMethodAlone ) { var form = textarea . form , realSubmit = form . submit ; try { var wrappedSubmit = form . submit = function ( ) { save ( ) ; form . submit = realSubmit ; form . submit ( ) ; form . submit = wrappedSubmit } } catch ( e ) { } } } options . finishInit = function ( cm ) { cm . save = save ; cm . getTextArea = function ( ) { return textarea } ; cm . toTextArea = function ( ) { cm . toTextArea = isNaN ; save ( ) ; textarea . parentNode . removeChild ( cm . getWrapperElement ( ) ) ; textarea . style . display = "" ; if ( textarea . form ) { off ( textarea . form , "submit" , save ) ; if ( typeof textarea . form . submit == "function" ) { textarea . form . submit = realSubmit } } } } ; textarea . style . display = "none" ; var cm = CodeMirror ( function ( node ) { textarea . parentNode . insertBefore ( node , textarea . nextSibling ) } , options ) ; return cm } ; var StringStream = CodeMirror . StringStream = function ( string , tabSize ) { this . pos = this . start = 0 ; this . string = string ; this . tabSize = tabSize || 8 ; this . lastColumnPos = this . lastColumnValue = 0 ; this . lineStart = 0 } ; StringStream . prototype = { eol : function ( ) { return this . pos >= this . string . length } , sol : function ( ) { return this . pos == this . lineStart } , peek : function ( ) { return this . string . charAt ( this . pos ) || undefined } , next : function ( ) { if ( this . pos < this . string . length ) { return this . string . charAt ( this . pos ++ ) } } , eat : function ( match ) { var ch = this . string . charAt ( this . pos ) ; if ( typeof match == "string" ) { var ok = ch == match } else { var ok = ch && ( match . test ? match . test ( ch ) : match ( ch ) ) } if ( ok ) { ++ this . pos ; return ch } } , eatWhile : function ( match ) { var start = this . pos ; while ( this . eat ( match ) ) { } return this . pos > start } , eatSpace : function ( ) { var start = this . pos ; while ( /[\s\u00a0]/ . test ( this . string . charAt ( this . pos ) ) ) { ++ this . pos } return this . pos > start } , skipToEnd : function ( ) { this . pos = this . string . length } , skipTo : function ( ch ) { var found = this . string . indexOf ( ch , this . pos ) ; if ( found > - 1 ) { this . pos = found ; return true } } , backUp : function ( n ) { this . pos -= n } , column : function ( ) { if ( this . lastColumnPos < this . start ) { this . lastColumnValue = countColumn ( this . string , this . start , this . tabSize , this . lastColumnPos , this . lastColumnValue ) ; this . lastColumnPos = this . start } return this . la
this . type = type ; this . doc = doc ; this . id = ++ nextMarkerId } ; eventMixin ( TextMarker ) ; TextMarker . prototype . clear = function ( ) { if ( this . explicitlyCleared ) { return } var cm = this . doc . cm , withOp = cm && ! cm . curOp ; if ( withOp ) { startOperation ( cm ) } if ( hasHandler ( this , "clear" ) ) { var found = this . find ( ) ; if ( found ) { signalLater ( this , "clear" , found . from , found . to ) } } var min = null , max = null ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . lines . length ; ++ i ) { var line = this . lines [ i ] ; var span = getMarkedSpanFor ( line . markedSpans , this ) ; if ( cm && ! this . collapsed ) { regLineChange ( cm , lineNo ( line ) , "text" ) } else { if ( cm ) { if ( span . to != null ) { max = lineNo ( line ) } if ( span . from != null ) { min = lineNo ( line ) } } } line . markedSpans = removeMarkedSpan ( line . markedSpans , span ) ; if ( span . from == null && this . collapsed && ! lineIsHidden ( this . doc , line ) && cm ) { updateLineHeight ( line , textHeight ( cm . display ) ) } } if ( cm && this . collapsed && ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . lines . length ; ++ i ) { var visual = visualLine ( this . lines [ i ] ) , len = lineLength ( visual ) ; if ( len > cm . display . maxLineLength ) { cm . display . maxLine = visual ; cm . display . maxLineLength = len ; cm . display . maxLineChanged = true } } } if ( min != null && cm && this . collapsed ) { regChange ( cm , min , max + 1 ) } this . lines . length = 0 ; this . explicitlyCleared = true ; if ( this . atomic && this . doc . cantEdit ) { this . doc . cantEdit = false ; if ( cm ) { reCheckSelection ( cm . doc ) } } if ( cm ) { signalLater ( cm , "markerCleared" , cm , this ) } if ( withOp ) { endOperation ( cm ) } if ( this . parent ) { this . parent . clear ( ) } } ; TextMarker . prototype . find = function ( side , lineObj ) { if ( side == null && this . type == "bookmark" ) { side = 1 } var from , to ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . lines . length ; ++ i ) { var line = this . lines [ i ] ; var span = getMarkedSpanFor ( line . markedSpans , this ) ; if ( span . from != null ) { from = Pos ( lineObj ? line : lineNo ( line ) , span . from ) ; if ( side == - 1 ) { return from } } if ( span . to != null ) { to = Pos ( lineObj ? line : lineNo ( line ) , span . to ) ; if ( side == 1 ) { return to } } } return from && { from : from , to : to } } ; TextMarker . prototype . changed = function ( ) { var pos = this . find ( - 1 , true ) , widget = this , cm = this . doc . cm ; if ( ! pos || ! cm ) { return } runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { var line = pos . line , lineN = lineNo ( pos . line ) ; var view = findViewForLine ( cm , lineN ) ; if ( view ) { clearLineMeasurementCacheFor ( view ) ; cm . curOp . selectionChanged = cm . curOp . forceUpdate = true } cm . curOp . updateMaxLine = true ; if ( ! lineIsHidden ( widget . doc , line ) && widget . height != null ) { var oldHeight = widget . height ; widget . height = null ; var dHeight = widgetHeight ( widget ) - oldHeight ; if ( dHeight ) { updateLineHeight ( line , line . height + dHeight ) } } } ) } ; TextMarker . prototype . attachLine = function ( line ) { if ( ! this . lines . length && this . doc . cm ) { var op = this . doc . cm . curOp ; if ( ! op . maybeHiddenMarkers || indexOf ( op . maybeHiddenMarkers , this ) == - 1 ) { ( op . maybeUnhiddenMarkers || ( op . maybeUnhiddenMarkers = [ ] ) ) . push ( this ) } } this . lines . push ( line ) } ; TextMarker . prototype . detachLine = function ( line ) { this . lines . splice ( indexOf ( this . lines , line ) , 1 ) ; if ( ! this . lines . length && this . doc . cm ) { var op = this . doc . cm . curOp ; ( op . maybeHiddenMarkers || ( op . maybeHiddenMarkers = [ ] ) ) . push ( this ) } } ; var nextMarkerId = 0 ; function markText ( doc , from , to , options , type ) { if ( options && options . shared ) { return markTextShared ( doc , from , to , options , type ) } if ( doc . cm && ! doc . cm . curOp ) { return operation ( doc . cm , markText ) ( doc , from , to , options , type ) } var marker = new TextMarker ( doc , type ) , diff = cmp ( from , to ) ; if ( options ) { copyObj ( options , marker , false ) } if ( diff > 0 || diff == 0 && marker . clearWhenEmpty !== false ) { return marker } if ( marker . replacedWith ) { marker . collapsed = true ; marker . widgetNode = elt ( "span" , [ marker . replacedWith ] , "CodeMirror-widget" ) ; if ( ! options . handleMouseEvents ) { marker . widgetNode . setAttribute ( "cm-ignore-events" , "true" ) } if ( options . insertLeft ) { marker . widgetNode . insertLeft = true } } if ( marker . collapsed ) { if ( conflictingCollapsedRange ( doc , from . line , from , to , marker ) || from . line != to . line && conflictingCollapsedRange ( doc , to . line , from , to , marker ) ) { throw new Error ( "Inserting collapsed marker partially overlapping an existing one" ) } sawCollapsedSpans = true } if ( marker . addToHistory ) { addChangeToHistory ( doc , { from : from , to : to , origin : "markText" } , doc . sel , NaN ) } var curLine = from . line , cm = doc . cm , updateMaxLine ; doc . iter ( curLine , to . line + 1 , function ( line ) { if ( cm && marker . collapsed && ! cm . options . lineWrapping && visualLine ( line ) == cm . display . maxLine ) { updateMaxLine = true } if ( marker . collapsed && curLine != from . line ) { updateLineHeight ( line , 0 ) } addMarkedSpan ( l
this . primary = primary ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; ++ i ) { markers [ i ] . parent = this } } ; eventMixin ( SharedTextMarker ) ; SharedTextMarker . prototype . clear = function ( ) { if ( this . explicitlyCleared ) { return } this . explicitlyCleared = true ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . markers . length ; ++ i ) { this . markers [ i ] . clear ( ) } signalLater ( this , "clear" ) } ; SharedTextMarker . prototype . find = function ( side , lineObj ) { return this . primary . find ( side , lineObj ) } ; function markTextShared ( doc , from , to , options , type ) { options = copyObj ( options ) ; options . shared = false ; var markers = [ markText ( doc , from , to , options , type ) ] , primary = markers [ 0 ] ; var widget = options . widgetNode ; linkedDocs ( doc , function ( doc ) { if ( widget ) { options . widgetNode = widget . cloneNode ( true ) } markers . push ( markText ( doc , clipPos ( doc , from ) , clipPos ( doc , to ) , options , type ) ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . linked . length ; ++ i ) { if ( doc . linked [ i ] . isParent ) { return } } primary = lst ( markers ) } ) ; return new SharedTextMarker ( markers , primary ) } function findSharedMarkers ( doc ) { return doc . findMarks ( Pos ( doc . first , 0 ) , doc . clipPos ( Pos ( doc . lastLine ( ) ) ) , function ( m ) { return m . parent } ) } function copySharedMarkers ( doc , markers ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; i ++ ) { var marker = markers [ i ] , pos = marker . find ( ) ; var mFrom = doc . clipPos ( pos . from ) , mTo = doc . clipPos ( pos . to ) ; if ( cmp ( mFrom , mTo ) ) { var subMark = markText ( doc , mFrom , mTo , marker . primary , marker . primary . type ) ; marker . markers . push ( subMark ) ; subMark . parent = marker } } } function detachSharedMarkers ( markers ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; i ++ ) { var marker = markers [ i ] , linked = [ marker . primary . doc ] ; linkedDocs ( marker . primary . doc , function ( d ) { linked . push ( d ) } ) ; for ( var j = 0 ; j < marker . markers . length ; j ++ ) { var subMarker = marker . markers [ j ] ; if ( indexOf ( linked , subMarker . doc ) == - 1 ) { subMarker . parent = null ; marker . markers . splice ( j -- , 1 ) } } } } function MarkedSpan ( marker , from , to ) { this . marker = marker ; this . from = from ; this . to = to } function getMarkedSpanFor ( spans , marker ) { if ( spans ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { var span = spans [ i ] ; if ( span . marker == marker ) { return span } } } } function removeMarkedSpan ( spans , span ) { for ( var r , i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { if ( spans [ i ] != span ) { ( r || ( r = [ ] ) ) . push ( spans [ i ] ) } } return r } function addMarkedSpan ( line , span ) { line . markedSpans = line . markedSpans ? line . markedSpans . concat ( [ span ] ) : [ span ] ; span . marker . attachLine ( line ) } function markedSpansBefore ( old , startCh , isInsert ) { if ( old ) { for ( var i = 0 , nw ; i < old . length ; ++ i ) { var span = old [ i ] , marker = span . marker ; var startsBefore = span . from == null || ( marker . inclusiveLeft ? span . from <= startCh : span . from < startCh ) ; if ( startsBefore || span . from == startCh && marker . type == "bookmark" && ( ! isInsert || ! span . marker . insertLeft ) ) { var endsAfter = span . to == null || ( marker . inclusiveRight ? span . to >= startCh : span . to > startCh ) ; ( nw || ( nw = [ ] ) ) . push ( new MarkedSpan ( marker , span . from , endsAfter ? null : span . to ) ) } } } return nw } function markedSpansAfter ( old , endCh , isInsert ) { if ( old ) { for ( var i = 0 , nw ; i < old . length ; ++ i ) { var span = old [ i ] , marker = span . marker ; var endsAfter = span . to == null || ( marker . inclusiveRight ? span . to >= endCh : span . to > endCh ) ; if ( endsAfter || span . from == endCh && marker . type == "bookmark" && ( ! isInsert || span . marker . insertLeft ) ) { var startsBefore = span . from == null || ( marker . inclusiveLeft ? span . from <= endCh : span . from < endCh ) ; ( nw || ( nw = [ ] ) ) . push ( new MarkedSpan ( marker , startsBefore ? null : span . from - endCh , span . to == null ? null : span . to - endCh ) ) } } } return nw } function stretchSpansOverChange ( doc , change ) { if ( change . full ) { return null } var oldFirst = isLine ( doc , change . from . line ) && getLine ( doc , change . from . line ) . markedSpans ; var oldLast = isLine ( doc , change . to . line ) && getLine ( doc , change . to . line ) . markedSpans ; if ( ! oldFirst && ! oldLast ) { return null } var startCh = change . from . ch , endCh = change . to . ch , isInsert = cmp ( change . from , change . to ) == 0 ; var first = markedSpansBefore ( oldFirst , startCh , isInsert ) ; var last = markedSpansAfter ( oldLast , endCh , isInsert ) ; var sameLine = change . text . length == 1 , offset = lst ( change . text ) . length + ( sameLine ? startCh : 0 ) ; if ( first ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < first . length ; ++ i ) { var span = first [ i ] ; if ( span . to == null ) { var found = getMarkedSpanFor ( last , span . marker ) ; if ( ! found ) { span . to = startCh } else { if ( sameLine ) { span . to = found . to == null ? null : found . to + offset } } } } } if ( last ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < last . length ; ++ i ) { var span = last [ i ] ; if ( span . to != null ) { span . to += offset } if ( span . from == null ) { var found = getMarkedSpanFor ( first , span . marker ) ; if
} if ( ! stretched ) { return old } for ( var i = 0 ; i < old . length ; ++ i ) { var oldCur = old [ i ] , stretchCur = stretched [ i ] ; if ( oldCur && stretchCur ) { spans : for ( var j = 0 ; j < stretchCur . length ; ++ j ) { var span = stretchCur [ j ] ; for ( var k = 0 ; k < oldCur . length ; ++ k ) { if ( oldCur [ k ] . marker == span . marker ) { continue spans } } oldCur . push ( span ) } } else { if ( stretchCur ) { old [ i ] = stretchCur } } } return old } function removeReadOnlyRanges ( doc , from , to ) { var markers = null ; doc . iter ( from . line , to . line + 1 , function ( line ) { if ( line . markedSpans ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < line . markedSpans . length ; ++ i ) { var mark = line . markedSpans [ i ] . marker ; if ( mark . readOnly && ( ! markers || indexOf ( markers , mark ) == - 1 ) ) { ( markers || ( markers = [ ] ) ) . push ( mark ) } } } } ) ; if ( ! markers ) { return null } var parts = [ { from : from , to : to } ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < markers . length ; ++ i ) { var mk = markers [ i ] , m = mk . find ( 0 ) ; for ( var j = 0 ; j < parts . length ; ++ j ) { var p = parts [ j ] ; if ( cmp ( p . to , m . from ) < 0 || cmp ( p . from , m . to ) > 0 ) { continue } var newParts = [ j , 1 ] , dfrom = cmp ( p . from , m . from ) , dto = cmp ( p . to , m . to ) ; if ( dfrom < 0 || ! mk . inclusiveLeft && ! dfrom ) { newParts . push ( { from : p . from , to : m . from } ) } if ( dto > 0 || ! mk . inclusiveRight && ! dto ) { newParts . push ( { from : m . to , to : p . to } ) } parts . splice . apply ( parts , newParts ) ; j += newParts . length - 1 } } return parts } function detachMarkedSpans ( line ) { var spans = line . markedSpans ; if ( ! spans ) { return } for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { spans [ i ] . marker . detachLine ( line ) } line . markedSpans = null } function attachMarkedSpans ( line , spans ) { if ( ! spans ) { return } for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { spans [ i ] . marker . attachLine ( line ) } line . markedSpans = spans } function extraLeft ( marker ) { return marker . inclusiveLeft ? - 1 : 0 } function extraRight ( marker ) { return marker . inclusiveRight ? 1 : 0 } function compareCollapsedMarkers ( a , b ) { var lenDiff = a . lines . length - b . lines . length ; if ( lenDiff != 0 ) { return lenDiff } var aPos = a . find ( ) , bPos = b . find ( ) ; var fromCmp = cmp ( aPos . from , bPos . from ) || extraLeft ( a ) - extraLeft ( b ) ; if ( fromCmp ) { return - fromCmp } var toCmp = cmp ( aPos . to , bPos . to ) || extraRight ( a ) - extraRight ( b ) ; if ( toCmp ) { return toCmp } return b . id - a . id } function collapsedSpanAtSide ( line , start ) { var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line . markedSpans , found ; if ( sps ) { for ( var sp , i = 0 ; i < sps . length ; ++ i ) { sp = sps [ i ] ; if ( sp . marker . collapsed && ( start ? sp . from : sp . to ) == null && ( ! found || compareCollapsedMarkers ( found , sp . marker ) < 0 ) ) { found = sp . marker } } } return found } function collapsedSpanAtStart ( line ) { return collapsedSpanAtSide ( line , true ) } function collapsedSpanAtEnd ( line ) { return collapsedSpanAtSide ( line , false ) } function conflictingCollapsedRange ( doc , lineNo , from , to , marker ) { var line = getLine ( doc , lineNo ) ; var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line . markedSpans ; if ( sps ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < sps . length ; ++ i ) { var sp = sps [ i ] ; if ( ! sp . marker . collapsed ) { continue } var found = sp . marker . find ( 0 ) ; var fromCmp = cmp ( found . from , from ) || extraLeft ( sp . marker ) - extraLeft ( marker ) ; var toCmp = cmp ( found . to , to ) || extraRight ( sp . marker ) - extraRight ( marker ) ; if ( fromCmp >= 0 && toCmp <= 0 || fromCmp <= 0 && toCmp >= 0 ) { continue } if ( fromCmp <= 0 && ( cmp ( found . to , from ) > 0 || ( sp . marker . inclusiveRight && marker . inclusiveLeft ) ) || fromCmp >= 0 && ( cmp ( found . from , to ) < 0 || ( sp . marker . inclusiveLeft && marker . inclusiveRight ) ) ) { return true } } } } function visualLine ( line ) { var merged ; while ( merged = collapsedSpanAtStart ( line ) ) { line = merged . find ( - 1 , true ) . line } return line } function visualLineContinued ( line ) { var merged , lines ; while ( merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd ( line ) ) { line = merged . find ( 1 , true ) . line ; ( lines || ( lines = [ ] ) ) . push ( line ) } return lines } function visualLineNo ( doc , lineN ) { var line = getLine ( doc , lineN ) , vis = visualLine ( line ) ; if ( line == vis ) { return lineN } return lineNo ( vis ) } function visualLineEndNo ( doc , lineN ) { if ( lineN > doc . lastLine ( ) ) { return lineN } var line = getLine ( doc , lineN ) , merged ; if ( ! lineIsHidden ( doc , line ) ) { return lineN } while ( merged = collapsedSpanAtEnd ( line ) ) { line = merged . find ( 1 , true ) . line } return lineNo ( line ) + 1 } function lineIsHidden ( doc , line ) { var sps = sawCollapsedSpans && line . markedSpans ; if ( sps ) { for ( var sp , i = 0 ; i < sps . length ; ++ i ) { sp = sps [ i ] ; if ( ! sp . marker . collapsed ) { continue } if ( sp . from == null ) { return true } if ( sp . marker . widgetNode ) { continue } if ( sp . from == 0 && sp . marker . inclusiveLeft && lineIsHiddenInner ( doc , line , sp ) ) { return true } } } } function lineIsHiddenInner ( doc , line , span ) { if ( span . to == null ) { var end = span . marker . find ( 1 , true ) ; return lineIsHiddenInner ( doc , end . line , getMarkedSpanFor ( end . line
} } if ( ! ws . length ) { line . widgets = null } var height = widgetHeight ( this ) ; runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { adjustScrollWhenAboveVisible ( cm , line , - height ) ; regLineChange ( cm , no , "widget" ) ; updateLineHeight ( line , Math . max ( 0 , line . height - height ) ) } ) } ; LineWidget . prototype . changed = function ( ) { var oldH = this . height , cm = this . cm , line = this . line ; this . height = null ; var diff = widgetHeight ( this ) - oldH ; if ( ! diff ) { return } runInOp ( cm , function ( ) { cm . curOp . forceUpdate = true ; adjustScrollWhenAboveVisible ( cm , line , diff ) ; updateLineHeight ( line , line . height + diff ) } ) } ; function widgetHeight ( widget ) { if ( widget . height != null ) { return widget . height } if ( ! contains ( document . body , widget . node ) ) { var parentStyle = "position: relative;" ; if ( widget . coverGutter ) { parentStyle += "margin-left: -" + widget . cm . display . gutters . offsetWidth + "px;" } if ( widget . noHScroll ) { parentStyle += "width: " + widget . cm . display . wrapper . clientWidth + "px;" } removeChildrenAndAdd ( widget . cm . display . measure , elt ( "div" , [ widget . node ] , null , parentStyle ) ) } return widget . height = widget . node . offsetHeight } function addLineWidget ( cm , handle , node , options ) { var widget = new LineWidget ( cm , node , options ) ; if ( widget . noHScroll ) { cm . display . alignWidgets = true } changeLine ( cm . doc , handle , "widget" , function ( line ) { var widgets = line . widgets || ( line . widgets = [ ] ) ; if ( widget . insertAt == null ) { widgets . push ( widget ) } else { widgets . splice ( Math . min ( widgets . length - 1 , Math . max ( 0 , widget . insertAt ) ) , 0 , widget ) } widget . line = line ; if ( ! lineIsHidden ( cm . doc , line ) ) { var aboveVisible = heightAtLine ( line ) < cm . doc . scrollTop ; updateLineHeight ( line , line . height + widgetHeight ( widget ) ) ; if ( aboveVisible ) { addToScrollPos ( cm , null , widget . height ) } cm . curOp . forceUpdate = true } return true } ) ; return widget } var Line = CodeMirror . Line = function ( text , markedSpans , estimateHeight ) { this . text = text ; attachMarkedSpans ( this , markedSpans ) ; this . height = estimateHeight ? estimateHeight ( this ) : 1 } ; eventMixin ( Line ) ; Line . prototype . lineNo = function ( ) { return lineNo ( this ) } ; function updateLine ( line , text , markedSpans , estimateHeight ) { line . text = text ; if ( line . stateAfter ) { line . stateAfter = null } if ( line . styles ) { line . styles = null } if ( line . order != null ) { line . order = null } detachMarkedSpans ( line ) ; attachMarkedSpans ( line , markedSpans ) ; var estHeight = estimateHeight ? estimateHeight ( line ) : 1 ; if ( estHeight != line . height ) { updateLineHeight ( line , estHeight ) } } function cleanUpLine ( line ) { line . parent = null ; detachMarkedSpans ( line ) } function extractLineClasses ( type , output ) { if ( type ) { for ( ; ; ) { var lineClass = type . match ( /(?:^|\s+)line-(background-)?(\S+)/ ) ; if ( ! lineClass ) { break } type = type . slice ( 0 , lineClass . index ) + type . slice ( lineClass . index + lineClass [ 0 ] . length ) ; var prop = lineClass [ 1 ] ? "bgClass" : "textClass" ; if ( output [ prop ] == null ) { output [ prop ] = lineClass [ 2 ] } else { if ( ! ( new RegExp ( "(?:^|s)" + lineClass [ 2 ] + "(?:$|s)" ) ) . test ( output [ prop ] ) ) { output [ prop ] += " " + lineClass [ 2 ] } } } } return type } function callBlankLine ( mode , state ) { if ( mode . blankLine ) { return mode . blankLine ( state ) } if ( ! mode . innerMode ) { return } var inner = CodeMirror . innerMode ( mode , state ) ; if ( inner . mode . blankLine ) { return inner . mode . blankLine ( inner . state ) } } function readToken ( mode , stream , state , inner ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) { if ( inner ) { inner [ 0 ] = CodeMirror . innerMode ( mode , state ) . mode } var style = mode . token ( stream , state ) ; if ( stream . pos > stream . start ) { return style } } throw new Error ( "Mode " + mode . name + " failed to advance stream." ) } function takeToken ( cm , pos , precise , asArray ) { function getObj ( copy ) { return { start : stream . start , end : stream . pos , string : stream . current ( ) , type : style || null , state : copy ? copyState ( doc . mode , state ) : state } } var doc = cm . doc , mode = doc . mode , style ; pos = clipPos ( doc , pos ) ; var line = getLine ( doc , pos . line ) , state = getStateBefore ( cm , pos . line , precise ) ; var stream = new StringStream ( line . text , cm . options . tabSize ) , tokens ; if ( asArray ) { tokens = [ ] } while ( ( asArray || stream . pos < pos . ch ) && ! stream . eol ( ) ) { stream . start = stream . pos ; style = readToken ( mode , stream , state ) ; if ( asArray ) { tokens . push ( getObj ( true ) ) } } return asArray ? tokens : getObj ( ) } function runMode ( cm , text , mode , state , f , lineClasses , forceToEnd ) { var flattenSpans = mode . flattenSpans ; if ( flattenSpans == null ) { flattenSpans = cm . options . flattenSpans } var curStart = 0 , curStyle = null ; var stream = new StringStream ( text , cm . options . tabSize ) , style ; var inner = cm . options . addModeClass && [ null ] ; if ( text == "" ) { extrac
runMode ( cm , line . text , overlay . mode , true , function ( end , style ) { var start = i ; while ( at < end ) { var i_end = st [ i ] ; if ( i_end > end ) { st . splice ( i , 1 , end , st [ i + 1 ] , i_end ) } i += 2 ; at = Math . min ( end , i_end ) } if ( ! style ) { return } if ( overlay . opaque ) { st . splice ( start , i - start , end , "cm-overlay " + style ) ; i = start + 2 } else { for ( ; start < i ; start += 2 ) { var cur = st [ start + 1 ] ; st [ start + 1 ] = ( cur ? cur + " " : "" ) + "cm-overlay " + style } } } , lineClasses ) } return { styles : st , classes : lineClasses . bgClass || lineClasses . textClass ? lineClasses : null } } function getLineStyles ( cm , line , updateFrontier ) { if ( ! line . styles || line . styles [ 0 ] != cm . state . modeGen ) { var result = highlightLine ( cm , line , line . stateAfter = getStateBefore ( cm , lineNo ( line ) ) ) ; line . styles = result . styles ; if ( result . classes ) { line . styleClasses = result . classes } else { if ( line . styleClasses ) { line . styleClasses = null } } if ( updateFrontier === cm . doc . frontier ) { cm . doc . frontier ++ } } return line . styles } function processLine ( cm , text , state , startAt ) { var mode = cm . doc . mode ; var stream = new StringStream ( text , cm . options . tabSize ) ; stream . start = stream . pos = startAt || 0 ; if ( text == "" ) { callBlankLine ( mode , state ) } while ( ! stream . eol ( ) && stream . pos <= cm . options . maxHighlightLength ) { readToken ( mode , stream , state ) ; stream . start = stream . pos } } var styleToClassCache = { } , styleToClassCacheWithMode = { } ; function interpretTokenStyle ( style , options ) { if ( ! style || /^\s*$/ . test ( style ) ) { return null } var cache = options . addModeClass ? styleToClassCacheWithMode : styleToClassCache ; return cache [ style ] || ( cache [ style ] = style . replace ( /\S+/g , "cm-$&" ) ) } function buildLineContent ( cm , lineView ) { var content = elt ( "span" , null , null , webkit ? "padding-right: .1px" : null ) ; var builder = { pre : elt ( "pre" , [ content ] ) , content : content , col : 0 , pos : 0 , cm : cm } ; lineView . measure = { } ; for ( var i = 0 ; i <= ( lineView . rest ? lineView . rest . length : 0 ) ; i ++ ) { var line = i ? lineView . rest [ i - 1 ] : lineView . line , order ; builder . pos = 0 ; builder . addToken = buildToken ; if ( ( ie || webkit ) && cm . getOption ( "lineWrapping" ) ) { builder . addToken = buildTokenSplitSpaces ( builder . addToken ) } if ( hasBadBidiRects ( cm . display . measure ) && ( order = getOrder ( line ) ) ) { builder . addToken = buildTokenBadBidi ( builder . addToken , order ) } builder . map = [ ] ; var allowFrontierUpdate = lineView != cm . display . externalMeasured && lineNo ( line ) ; insertLineContent ( line , builder , getLineStyles ( cm , line , allowFrontierUpdate ) ) ; if ( line . styleClasses ) { if ( line . styleClasses . bgClass ) { builder . bgClass = joinClasses ( line . styleClasses . bgClass , builder . bgClass || "" ) } if ( line . styleClasses . textClass ) { builder . textClass = joinClasses ( line . styleClasses . textClass , builder . textClass || "" ) } } if ( builder . map . length == 0 ) { builder . map . push ( 0 , 0 , builder . content . appendChild ( zeroWidthElement ( cm . display . measure ) ) ) } if ( i == 0 ) { lineView . measure . map = builder . map ; lineView . measure . cache = { } } else { ( lineView . measure . maps || ( lineView . measure . maps = [ ] ) ) . push ( builder . map ) ; ( lineView . measure . caches || ( lineView . measure . caches = [ ] ) ) . push ( { } ) } } if ( webkit && /\bcm-tab\b/ . test ( builder . content . lastChild . className ) ) { builder . content . className = "cm-tab-wrap-hack" } signal ( cm , "renderLine" , cm , lineView . line , builder . pre ) ; if ( builder . pre . className ) { builder . textClass = joinClasses ( builder . pre . className , builder . textClass || "" ) } return builder } function defaultSpecialCharPlaceholder ( ch ) { var token = elt ( "span" , "\u2022" , "cm-invalidchar" ) ; token . title = "\\u" + ch . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) ; token . setAttribute ( "aria-label" , token . title ) ; return token } function buildToken ( builder , text , style , startStyle , endStyle , title , css ) { if ( ! text ) { return } var special = builder . cm . options . specialChars , mustWrap = false ; if ( ! special . test ( text ) ) { builder . col += text . length ; var content = document . createTextNode ( text ) ; builder . map . push ( builder . pos , builder . pos + text . length , content ) ; if ( ie && ie_version < 9 ) { mustWrap = true } builder . pos += text . length } else { var content = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) , pos = 0 ; while ( true ) { special . lastIndex = pos ; var m = special . exec ( text ) ; var skipped = m ? m . index - pos : text . length - pos ; if ( skipped ) { var txt = document . createTextNode ( text . slice ( pos , pos + skipped ) ) ; if ( ie && ie_version < 9 ) { content . appendChild ( elt ( "span" , [ txt ] ) ) } else { content . appendChild ( txt ) } builder . map . push ( builder . pos , builder . pos + skipped , txt ) ; builder . col += skipped ; builder . pos += skipped } if ( ! m ) { break } pos += skipped + 1 ; if ( m [ 0 ] == "\t" ) { var tabSize = builder . cm . options . tabSize , tab
} } function buildTokenBadBidi ( inner , order ) { return function ( builder , text , style , startStyle , endStyle , title ) { style = style ? style + " cm-force-border" : "cm-force-border" ; var start = builder . pos , end = start + text . length ; for ( ; ; ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < order . length ; i ++ ) { var part = order [ i ] ; if ( part . to > start && part . from <= start ) { break } } if ( part . to >= end ) { return inner ( builder , text , style , startStyle , endStyle , title ) } inner ( builder , text . slice ( 0 , part . to - start ) , style , startStyle , null , title ) ; startStyle = null ; text = text . slice ( part . to - start ) ; start = part . to } } } function buildCollapsedSpan ( builder , size , marker , ignoreWidget ) { var widget = ! ignoreWidget && marker . widgetNode ; if ( widget ) { builder . map . push ( builder . pos , builder . pos + size , widget ) } if ( ! ignoreWidget && builder . cm . display . input . needsContentAttribute ) { if ( ! widget ) { widget = builder . content . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "span" ) ) } widget . setAttribute ( "cm-marker" , marker . id ) } if ( widget ) { builder . cm . display . input . setUneditable ( widget ) ; builder . content . appendChild ( widget ) } builder . pos += size } function insertLineContent ( line , builder , styles ) { var spans = line . markedSpans , allText = line . text , at = 0 ; if ( ! spans ) { for ( var i = 1 ; i < styles . length ; i += 2 ) { builder . addToken ( builder , allText . slice ( at , at = styles [ i ] ) , interpretTokenStyle ( styles [ i + 1 ] , builder . cm . options ) ) } return } var len = allText . length , pos = 0 , i = 1 , text = "" , style , css ; var nextChange = 0 , spanStyle , spanEndStyle , spanStartStyle , title , collapsed ; for ( ; ; ) { if ( nextChange == pos ) { spanStyle = spanEndStyle = spanStartStyle = title = css = "" ; collapsed = null ; nextChange = Infinity ; var foundBookmarks = [ ] ; for ( var j = 0 ; j < spans . length ; ++ j ) { var sp = spans [ j ] , m = sp . marker ; if ( sp . from <= pos && ( sp . to == null || sp . to > pos ) ) { if ( sp . to != null && nextChange > sp . to ) { nextChange = sp . to ; spanEndStyle = "" } if ( m . className ) { spanStyle += " " + m . className } if ( m . css ) { css = m . css } if ( m . startStyle && sp . from == pos ) { spanStartStyle += " " + m . startStyle } if ( m . endStyle && sp . to == nextChange ) { spanEndStyle += " " + m . endStyle } if ( m . title && ! title ) { title = m . title } if ( m . collapsed && ( ! collapsed || compareCollapsedMarkers ( collapsed . marker , m ) < 0 ) ) { collapsed = sp } } else { if ( sp . from > pos && nextChange > sp . from ) { nextChange = sp . from } } if ( m . type == "bookmark" && sp . from == pos && m . widgetNode ) { foundBookmarks . push ( m ) } } if ( collapsed && ( collapsed . from || 0 ) == pos ) { buildCollapsedSpan ( builder , ( collapsed . to == null ? len + 1 : collapsed . to ) - pos , collapsed . marker , collapsed . from == null ) ; if ( collapsed . to == null ) { return } } if ( ! collapsed && foundBookmarks . length ) { for ( var j = 0 ; j < foundBookmarks . length ; ++ j ) { buildCollapsedSpan ( builder , 0 , foundBookmarks [ j ] ) } } } if ( pos >= len ) { break } var upto = Math . min ( len , nextChange ) ; while ( true ) { if ( text ) { var end = pos + text . length ; if ( ! collapsed ) { var tokenText = end > upto ? text . slice ( 0 , upto - pos ) : text ; builder . addToken ( builder , tokenText , style ? style + spanStyle : spanStyle , spanStartStyle , pos + tokenText . length == nextChange ? spanEndStyle : "" , title , css ) } if ( end >= upto ) { text = text . slice ( upto - pos ) ; pos = upto ; break } pos = end ; spanStartStyle = "" } text = allText . slice ( at , at = styles [ i ++ ] ) ; style = interpretTokenStyle ( styles [ i ++ ] , builder . cm . options ) } } } function isWholeLineUpdate ( doc , change ) { return change . from . ch == 0 && change . to . ch == 0 && lst ( change . text ) == "" && ( ! doc . cm || doc . cm . options . wholeLineUpdateBefore ) } function updateDoc ( doc , change , markedSpans , estimateHeight ) { function spansFor ( n ) { return markedSpans ? markedSpans [ n ] : null } function update ( line , text , spans ) { updateLine ( line , text , spans , estimateHeight ) ; signalLater ( line , "change" , line , change ) } function linesFor ( start , end ) { for ( var i = start , result = [ ] ; i < end ; ++ i ) { result . push ( new Line ( text [ i ] , spansFor ( i ) , estimateHeight ) ) } return result } var from = change . from , to = change . to , text = change . text ; var firstLine = getLine ( doc , from . line ) , lastLine = getLine ( doc , to . line ) ; var lastText = lst ( text ) , lastSpans = spansFor ( text . length - 1 ) , nlines = to . line - from . line ; if ( change . full ) { doc . insert ( 0 , linesFor ( 0 , text . length ) ) ; doc . remove ( text . length , doc . size - text . length ) } else { if ( isWholeLineUpdate ( doc , change ) ) { var added = linesFor ( 0 , text . length - 1 ) ; update ( lastLine , lastLine . text , lastSpans ) ; if ( nlines ) { doc . remove ( from . line , nlines ) } if ( added . length ) { doc . insert ( from . line , added ) } } else { if ( firstLine == lastLine ) { if ( text . length == 1 ) { update ( firstLine , firstLine . text . slice ( 0 , from . ch ) + lastText + firstLine . text . slice ( to . ch ) , lastSpans ) } else { var
i < e ; ++ i ) { var line = this . lines [ i ] ; this . height -= line . height ; cleanUpLine ( line ) ; signalLater ( line , "delete" ) } this . lines . splice ( at , n ) } , collapse : function ( lines ) { lines . push . apply ( lines , this . lines ) } , insertInner : function ( at , lines , height ) { this . height += height ; this . lines = this . lines . slice ( 0 , at ) . concat ( lines ) . concat ( this . lines . slice ( at ) ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i ) { lines [ i ] . parent = this } } , iterN : function ( at , n , op ) { for ( var e = at + n ; at < e ; ++ at ) { if ( op ( this . lines [ at ] ) ) { return true } } } } ; function BranchChunk ( children ) { this . children = children ; var size = 0 , height = 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < children . length ; ++ i ) { var ch = children [ i ] ; size += ch . chunkSize ( ) ; height += ch . height ; ch . parent = this } this . size = size ; this . height = height ; this . parent = null } BranchChunk . prototype = { chunkSize : function ( ) { return this . size } , removeInner : function ( at , n ) { this . size -= n ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . children . length ; ++ i ) { var child = this . children [ i ] , sz = child . chunkSize ( ) ; if ( at < sz ) { var rm = Math . min ( n , sz - at ) , oldHeight = child . height ; child . removeInner ( at , rm ) ; this . height -= oldHeight - child . height ; if ( sz == rm ) { this . children . splice ( i -- , 1 ) ; child . parent = null } if ( ( n -= rm ) == 0 ) { break } at = 0 } else { at -= sz } } if ( this . size - n < 25 && ( this . children . length > 1 || ! ( this . children [ 0 ] instanceof LeafChunk ) ) ) { var lines = [ ] ; this . collapse ( lines ) ; this . children = [ new LeafChunk ( lines ) ] ; this . children [ 0 ] . parent = this } } , collapse : function ( lines ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . children . length ; ++ i ) { this . children [ i ] . collapse ( lines ) } } , insertInner : function ( at , lines , height ) { this . size += lines . length ; this . height += height ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . children . length ; ++ i ) { var child = this . children [ i ] , sz = child . chunkSize ( ) ; if ( at <= sz ) { child . insertInner ( at , lines , height ) ; if ( child . lines && child . lines . length > 50 ) { while ( child . lines . length > 50 ) { var spilled = child . lines . splice ( child . lines . length - 25 , 25 ) ; var newleaf = new LeafChunk ( spilled ) ; child . height -= newleaf . height ; this . children . splice ( i + 1 , 0 , newleaf ) ; newleaf . parent = this } this . maybeSpill ( ) } break } at -= sz } } , maybeSpill : function ( ) { if ( this . children . length <= 10 ) { return } var me = this ; do { var spilled = me . children . splice ( me . children . length - 5 , 5 ) ; var sibling = new BranchChunk ( spilled ) ; if ( ! me . parent ) { var copy = new BranchChunk ( me . children ) ; copy . parent = me ; me . children = [ copy , sibling ] ; me = copy } else { me . size -= sibling . size ; me . height -= sibling . height ; var myIndex = indexOf ( me . parent . children , me ) ; me . parent . children . splice ( myIndex + 1 , 0 , sibling ) } sibling . parent = me . parent } while ( me . children . length > 10 ) ; me . parent . maybeSpill ( ) } , iterN : function ( at , n , op ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . children . length ; ++ i ) { var child = this . children [ i ] , sz = child . chunkSize ( ) ; if ( at < sz ) { var used = Math . min ( n , sz - at ) ; if ( child . iterN ( at , used , op ) ) { return true } if ( ( n -= used ) == 0 ) { break } at = 0 } else { at -= sz } } } } ; var nextDocId = 0 ; var Doc = CodeMirror . Doc = function ( text , mode , firstLine ) { if ( ! ( this instanceof Doc ) ) { return new Doc ( text , mode , firstLine ) } if ( firstLine == null ) { firstLine = 0 } BranchChunk . call ( this , [ new LeafChunk ( [ new Line ( "" , null ) ] ) ] ) ; this . first = firstLine ; this . scrollTop = this . scrollLeft = 0 ; this . cantEdit = false ; this . cleanGeneration = 1 ; this . frontier = firstLine ; var start = Pos ( firstLine , 0 ) ; this . sel = simpleSelection ( start ) ; this . history = new History ( null ) ; this . id = ++ nextDocId ; this . modeOption = mode ; if ( typeof text == "string" ) { text = splitLines ( text ) } updateDoc ( this , { from : start , to : start , text : text } ) ; setSelection ( this , simpleSelection ( start ) , sel_dontScroll ) } ; Doc . prototype = createObj ( BranchChunk . prototype , { constructor : Doc , iter : function ( from , to , op ) { if ( op ) { this . iterN ( from - this . first , to - from , op ) } else { this . iterN ( this . first , this . first + this . size , from ) } } , insert : function ( at , lines ) { var height = 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; ++ i ) { height += lines [ i ] . height } this . insertInner ( at - this . first , lines , height ) } , remove : function ( at , n ) { this . removeInner ( at - this . first , n ) } , getValue : function ( lineSep ) { var lines = getLines ( this , this . first , this . first + this . size ) ; if ( lineSep === false ) { return lines } return lines . join ( lineSep || "\n" ) } , setValue : docMethodOp ( function ( code ) { var top = Pos ( this . first , 0 ) , last = this . first + this . size - 1 ; makeChange ( this , { from : top , to : Pos ( last , getLine ( this , last ) . text . length ) , text : splitLines ( code ) , origin : "setValue" , full : true } , true ) ; setSelection ( this , simpleSelection ( top ) ) } ) , replaceRange : function ( code , from , to , origin ) { from = clipPos (
} else { pos = range . from ( ) } } } return pos } , listSelections : function ( ) { return this . sel . ranges } , somethingSelected : function ( ) { return this . sel . somethingSelected ( ) } , setCursor : docMethodOp ( function ( line , ch , options ) { setSimpleSelection ( this , clipPos ( this , typeof line == "number" ? Pos ( line , ch || 0 ) : line ) , null , options ) } ) , setSelection : docMethodOp ( function ( anchor , head , options ) { setSimpleSelection ( this , clipPos ( this , anchor ) , clipPos ( this , head || anchor ) , options ) } ) , extendSelection : docMethodOp ( function ( head , other , options ) { extendSelection ( this , clipPos ( this , head ) , other && clipPos ( this , other ) , options ) } ) , extendSelections : docMethodOp ( function ( heads , options ) { extendSelections ( this , clipPosArray ( this , heads , options ) ) } ) , extendSelectionsBy : docMethodOp ( function ( f , options ) { extendSelections ( this , map ( this . sel . ranges , f ) , options ) } ) , setSelections : docMethodOp ( function ( ranges , primary , options ) { if ( ! ranges . length ) { return } for ( var i = 0 , out = [ ] ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { out [ i ] = new Range ( clipPos ( this , ranges [ i ] . anchor ) , clipPos ( this , ranges [ i ] . head ) ) } if ( primary == null ) { primary = Math . min ( ranges . length - 1 , this . sel . primIndex ) } setSelection ( this , normalizeSelection ( out , primary ) , options ) } ) , addSelection : docMethodOp ( function ( anchor , head , options ) { var ranges = this . sel . ranges . slice ( 0 ) ; ranges . push ( new Range ( clipPos ( this , anchor ) , clipPos ( this , head || anchor ) ) ) ; setSelection ( this , normalizeSelection ( ranges , ranges . length - 1 ) , options ) } ) , getSelection : function ( lineSep ) { var ranges = this . sel . ranges , lines ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var sel = getBetween ( this , ranges [ i ] . from ( ) , ranges [ i ] . to ( ) ) ; lines = lines ? lines . concat ( sel ) : sel } if ( lineSep === false ) { return lines } else { return lines . join ( lineSep || "\n" ) } } , getSelections : function ( lineSep ) { var parts = [ ] , ranges = this . sel . ranges ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var sel = getBetween ( this , ranges [ i ] . from ( ) , ranges [ i ] . to ( ) ) ; if ( lineSep !== false ) { sel = sel . join ( lineSep || "\n" ) } parts [ i ] = sel } return parts } , replaceSelection : function ( code , collapse , origin ) { var dup = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { dup [ i ] = code } this . replaceSelections ( dup , collapse , origin || "+input" ) } , replaceSelections : docMethodOp ( function ( code , collapse , origin ) { var changes = [ ] , sel = this . sel ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < sel . ranges . length ; i ++ ) { var range = sel . ranges [ i ] ; changes [ i ] = { from : range . from ( ) , to : range . to ( ) , text : splitLines ( code [ i ] ) , origin : origin } } var newSel = collapse && collapse != "end" && computeReplacedSel ( this , changes , collapse ) ; for ( var i = changes . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { makeChange ( this , changes [ i ] ) } if ( newSel ) { setSelectionReplaceHistory ( this , newSel ) } else { if ( this . cm ) { ensureCursorVisible ( this . cm ) } } } ) , undo : docMethodOp ( function ( ) { makeChangeFromHistory ( this , "undo" ) } ) , redo : docMethodOp ( function ( ) { makeChangeFromHistory ( this , "redo" ) } ) , undoSelection : docMethodOp ( function ( ) { makeChangeFromHistory ( this , "undo" , true ) } ) , redoSelection : docMethodOp ( function ( ) { makeChangeFromHistory ( this , "redo" , true ) } ) , setExtending : function ( val ) { this . extend = val } , getExtending : function ( ) { return this . extend } , historySize : function ( ) { var hist = this . history , done = 0 , undone = 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < hist . done . length ; i ++ ) { if ( ! hist . done [ i ] . ranges ) { ++ done } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < hist . undone . length ; i ++ ) { if ( ! hist . undone [ i ] . ranges ) { ++ undone } } return { undo : done , redo : undone } } , clearHistory : function ( ) { this . history = new History ( this . history . maxGeneration ) } , markClean : function ( ) { this . cleanGeneration = this . changeGeneration ( true ) } , changeGeneration : function ( forceSplit ) { if ( forceSplit ) { this . history . lastOp = this . history . lastSelOp = this . history . lastOrigin = null } return this . history . generation } , isClean : function ( gen ) { return this . history . generation == ( gen || this . cleanGeneration ) } , getHistory : function ( ) { return { done : copyHistoryArray ( this . history . done ) , undone : copyHistoryArray ( this . history . undone ) } } , setHistory : function ( histData ) { var hist = this . history = new History ( this . history . maxGeneration ) ; hist . done = copyHistoryArray ( histData . done . slice ( 0 ) , null , true ) ; hist . undone = copyHistoryArray ( histData . undone . slice ( 0 ) , null , true ) } , addLineClass : docMethodOp ( function ( handle , where , cls ) { return changeLine ( this , handle , where == "gutter" ? "gutter" : "class" , function ( line ) { var prop = where == "text" ? "textClass" : where == "background" ? "bgClass" : where == "gutter" ? "gutterClass" : "wrapClass" ; if ( ! line [ prop ] ) { line
pos = clipPos ( this , pos ) ; return markText ( this , pos , pos , realOpts , "bookmark" ) } , findMarksAt : function ( pos ) { pos = clipPos ( this , pos ) ; var markers = [ ] , spans = getLine ( this , pos . line ) . markedSpans ; if ( spans ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { var span = spans [ i ] ; if ( ( span . from == null || span . from <= pos . ch ) && ( span . to == null || span . to >= pos . ch ) ) { markers . push ( span . marker . parent || span . marker ) } } } return markers } , findMarks : function ( from , to , filter ) { from = clipPos ( this , from ) ; to = clipPos ( this , to ) ; var found = [ ] , lineNo = from . line ; this . iter ( from . line , to . line + 1 , function ( line ) { var spans = line . markedSpans ; if ( spans ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans . length ; i ++ ) { var span = spans [ i ] ; if ( ! ( lineNo == from . line && from . ch > span . to || span . from == null && lineNo != from . line || lineNo == to . line && span . from > to . ch ) && ( ! filter || filter ( span . marker ) ) ) { found . push ( span . marker . parent || span . marker ) } } } ++ lineNo } ) ; return found } , getAllMarks : function ( ) { var markers = [ ] ; this . iter ( function ( line ) { var sps = line . markedSpans ; if ( sps ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < sps . length ; ++ i ) { if ( sps [ i ] . from != null ) { markers . push ( sps [ i ] . marker ) } } } } ) ; return markers } , posFromIndex : function ( off ) { var ch , lineNo = this . first ; this . iter ( function ( line ) { var sz = line . text . length + 1 ; if ( sz > off ) { ch = off ; return true } off -= sz ; ++ lineNo } ) ; return clipPos ( this , Pos ( lineNo , ch ) ) } , indexFromPos : function ( coords ) { coords = clipPos ( this , coords ) ; var index = coords . ch ; if ( coords . line < this . first || coords . ch < 0 ) { return 0 } this . iter ( this . first , coords . line , function ( line ) { index += line . text . length + 1 } ) ; return index } , copy : function ( copyHistory ) { var doc = new Doc ( getLines ( this , this . first , this . first + this . size ) , this . modeOption , this . first ) ; doc . scrollTop = this . scrollTop ; doc . scrollLeft = this . scrollLeft ; doc . sel = this . sel ; doc . extend = false ; if ( copyHistory ) { doc . history . undoDepth = this . history . undoDepth ; doc . setHistory ( this . getHistory ( ) ) } return doc } , linkedDoc : function ( options ) { if ( ! options ) { options = { } } var from = this . first , to = this . first + this . size ; if ( options . from != null && options . from > from ) { from = options . from } if ( options . to != null && options . to < to ) { to = options . to } var copy = new Doc ( getLines ( this , from , to ) , options . mode || this . modeOption , from ) ; if ( options . sharedHist ) { copy . history = this . history } ( this . linked || ( this . linked = [ ] ) ) . push ( { doc : copy , sharedHist : options . sharedHist } ) ; copy . linked = [ { doc : this , isParent : true , sharedHist : options . sharedHist } ] ; copySharedMarkers ( copy , findSharedMarkers ( this ) ) ; return copy } , unlinkDoc : function ( other ) { if ( other instanceof CodeMirror ) { other = other . doc } if ( this . linked ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . linked . length ; ++ i ) { var link = this . linked [ i ] ; if ( link . doc != other ) { continue } this . linked . splice ( i , 1 ) ; other . unlinkDoc ( this ) ; detachSharedMarkers ( findSharedMarkers ( this ) ) ; break } } if ( other . history == this . history ) { var splitIds = [ other . id ] ; linkedDocs ( other , function ( doc ) { splitIds . push ( doc . id ) } , true ) ; other . history = new History ( null ) ; other . history . done = copyHistoryArray ( this . history . done , splitIds ) ; other . history . undone = copyHistoryArray ( this . history . undone , splitIds ) } } , iterLinkedDocs : function ( f ) { linkedDocs ( this , f ) } , getMode : function ( ) { return this . mode } , getEditor : function ( ) { return this . cm } } ) ; Doc . prototype . eachLine = Doc . prototype . iter ; var dontDelegate = "iter insert remove copy getEditor" . split ( " " ) ; for ( var prop in Doc . prototype ) { if ( Doc . prototype . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) && indexOf ( dontDelegate , prop ) < 0 ) { CodeMirror . prototype [ prop ] = ( function ( method ) { return function ( ) { return method . apply ( this . doc , arguments ) } } ) ( Doc . prototype [ prop ] ) } } eventMixin ( Doc ) ; function linkedDocs ( doc , f , sharedHistOnly ) { function propagate ( doc , skip , sharedHist ) { if ( doc . linked ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < doc . linked . length ; ++ i ) { var rel = doc . linked [ i ] ; if ( rel . doc == skip ) { continue } var shared = sharedHist && rel . sharedHist ; if ( sharedHistOnly && ! shared ) { continue } f ( rel . doc , shared ) ; propagate ( rel . doc , doc , shared ) } } } propagate ( doc , null , true ) } function attachDoc ( cm , doc ) { if ( doc . cm ) { throw new Error ( "This document is already in use." ) } cm . doc = doc ; doc . cm = cm ; estimateLineHeights ( cm ) ; loadMode ( cm ) ; if ( ! cm . options . lineWrapping ) { findMaxLine ( cm ) } cm . options . mode = doc . modeOption ; regChange ( cm ) } function getLine ( doc , n ) { n -= doc . first ; if ( n < 0 || n >= doc . size ) { throw new Error ( "There is no line " + ( n + doc . first ) + " in the document." ) } for ( var chunk = doc ; ! chunk . lines ; ) { for ( var i = 0 ; ; ++ i ) { var child = chunk .
++ i ) { var child = chunk . children [ i ] , ch = child . height ; if ( h < ch ) { chunk = child ; continue outer } h -= ch ; n += child . chunkSize ( ) } return n } while ( ! chunk . lines ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < chunk . lines . length ; ++ i ) { var line = chunk . lines [ i ] , lh = line . height ; if ( h < lh ) { break } h -= lh } return n + i } function heightAtLine ( lineObj ) { lineObj = visualLine ( lineObj ) ; var h = 0 , chunk = lineObj . parent ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < chunk . lines . length ; ++ i ) { var line = chunk . lines [ i ] ; if ( line == lineObj ) { break } else { h += line . height } } for ( var p = chunk . parent ; p ; chunk = p , p = chunk . parent ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < p . children . length ; ++ i ) { var cur = p . children [ i ] ; if ( cur == chunk ) { break } else { h += cur . height } } } return h } function getOrder ( line ) { var order = line . order ; if ( order == null ) { order = line . order = bidiOrdering ( line . text ) } return order } function History ( startGen ) { this . done = [ ] ; this . undone = [ ] ; this . undoDepth = Infinity ; this . lastModTime = this . lastSelTime = 0 ; this . lastOp = this . lastSelOp = null ; this . lastOrigin = this . lastSelOrigin = null ; this . generation = this . maxGeneration = startGen || 1 } function historyChangeFromChange ( doc , change ) { var histChange = { from : copyPos ( change . from ) , to : changeEnd ( change ) , text : getBetween ( doc , change . from , change . to ) } ; attachLocalSpans ( doc , histChange , change . from . line , change . to . line + 1 ) ; linkedDocs ( doc , function ( doc ) { attachLocalSpans ( doc , histChange , change . from . line , change . to . line + 1 ) } , true ) ; return histChange } function clearSelectionEvents ( array ) { while ( array . length ) { var last = lst ( array ) ; if ( last . ranges ) { array . pop ( ) } else { break } } } function lastChangeEvent ( hist , force ) { if ( force ) { clearSelectionEvents ( hist . done ) ; return lst ( hist . done ) } else { if ( hist . done . length && ! lst ( hist . done ) . ranges ) { return lst ( hist . done ) } else { if ( hist . done . length > 1 && ! hist . done [ hist . done . length - 2 ] . ranges ) { hist . done . pop ( ) ; return lst ( hist . done ) } } } } function addChangeToHistory ( doc , change , selAfter , opId ) { var hist = doc . history ; hist . undone . length = 0 ; var time = + new Date , cur ; if ( ( hist . lastOp == opId || hist . lastOrigin == change . origin && change . origin && ( ( change . origin . charAt ( 0 ) == "+" && doc . cm && hist . lastModTime > time - doc . cm . options . historyEventDelay ) || change . origin . charAt ( 0 ) == "*" ) ) && ( cur = lastChangeEvent ( hist , hist . lastOp == opId ) ) ) { var last = lst ( cur . changes ) ; if ( cmp ( change . from , change . to ) == 0 && cmp ( change . from , last . to ) == 0 ) { last . to = changeEnd ( change ) } else { cur . changes . push ( historyChangeFromChange ( doc , change ) ) } } else { var before = lst ( hist . done ) ; if ( ! before || ! before . ranges ) { pushSelectionToHistory ( doc . sel , hist . done ) } cur = { changes : [ historyChangeFromChange ( doc , change ) ] , generation : hist . generation } ; hist . done . push ( cur ) ; while ( hist . done . length > hist . undoDepth ) { hist . done . shift ( ) ; if ( ! hist . done [ 0 ] . ranges ) { hist . done . shift ( ) } } } hist . done . push ( selAfter ) ; hist . generation = ++ hist . maxGeneration ; hist . lastModTime = hist . lastSelTime = time ; hist . lastOp = hist . lastSelOp = opId ; hist . lastOrigin = hist . lastSelOrigin = change . origin ; if ( ! last ) { signal ( doc , "historyAdded" ) } } function selectionEventCanBeMerged ( doc , origin , prev , sel ) { var ch = origin . charAt ( 0 ) ; return ch == "*" || ch == "+" && prev . ranges . length == sel . ranges . length && prev . somethingSelected ( ) == sel . somethingSelected ( ) && new Date - doc . history . lastSelTime <= ( doc . cm ? doc . cm . options . historyEventDelay : 500 ) } function addSelectionToHistory ( doc , sel , opId , options ) { var hist = doc . history , origin = options && options . origin ; if ( opId == hist . lastSelOp || ( origin && hist . lastSelOrigin == origin && ( hist . lastModTime == hist . lastSelTime && hist . lastOrigin == origin || selectionEventCanBeMerged ( doc , origin , lst ( hist . done ) , sel ) ) ) ) { hist . done [ hist . done . length - 1 ] = sel } else { pushSelectionToHistory ( sel , hist . done ) } hist . lastSelTime = + new Date ; hist . lastSelOrigin = origin ; hist . lastSelOp = opId ; if ( options && options . clearRedo !== false ) { clearSelectionEvents ( hist . undone ) } } function pushSelectionToHistory ( sel , dest ) { var top = lst ( dest ) ; if ( ! ( top && top . ranges && top . equals ( sel ) ) ) { dest . push ( sel ) } } function attachLocalSpans ( doc , change , from , to ) { var existing = change [ "spans_" + doc . id ] , n = 0 ; doc . iter ( Math . max ( doc . first , from ) , Math . min ( doc . first + doc . size , to ) , function ( line ) { if ( line . markedSpans ) { ( existing || ( existing = change [ "spans_" + doc . id ] = { } ) ) [ n ] = line . markedSpans } ++ n } ) } function removeClearedSpans ( spans ) { if ( ! spans ) { return null } for ( var i = 0 , out ; i < spans . length ; ++ i ) { if ( spans [ i ] . marker . explicitlyCleared ) { if ( ! out ) { out = spans . slice ( 0 , i ) } } else { if ( o
} else { if ( from < pos . line ) { pos . line = from ; pos . ch = 0 } } } function rebaseHistArray ( array , from , to , diff ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < array . length ; ++ i ) { var sub = array [ i ] , ok = true ; if ( sub . ranges ) { if ( ! sub . copied ) { sub = array [ i ] = sub . deepCopy ( ) ; sub . copied = true } for ( var j = 0 ; j < sub . ranges . length ; j ++ ) { rebaseHistSelSingle ( sub . ranges [ j ] . anchor , from , to , diff ) ; rebaseHistSelSingle ( sub . ranges [ j ] . head , from , to , diff ) } continue } for ( var j = 0 ; j < sub . changes . length ; ++ j ) { var cur = sub . changes [ j ] ; if ( to < cur . from . line ) { cur . from = Pos ( cur . from . line + diff , cur . from . ch ) ; cur . to = Pos ( cur . to . line + diff , cur . to . ch ) } else { if ( from <= cur . to . line ) { ok = false ; break } } } if ( ! ok ) { array . splice ( 0 , i + 1 ) ; i = 0 } } } function rebaseHist ( hist , change ) { var from = change . from . line , to = change . to . line , diff = change . text . length - ( to - from ) - 1 ; rebaseHistArray ( hist . done , from , to , diff ) ; rebaseHistArray ( hist . undone , from , to , diff ) } var e_preventDefault = CodeMirror . e_preventDefault = function ( e ) { if ( e . preventDefault ) { e . preventDefault ( ) } else { e . returnValue = false } } ; var e_stopPropagation = CodeMirror . e_stopPropagation = function ( e ) { if ( e . stopPropagation ) { e . stopPropagation ( ) } else { e . cancelBubble = true } } ; function e_defaultPrevented ( e ) { return e . defaultPrevented != null ? e . defaultPrevented : e . returnValue == false } var e_stop = CodeMirror . e_stop = function ( e ) { e_preventDefault ( e ) ; e_stopPropagation ( e ) } ; function e_target ( e ) { return e . target || e . srcElement } function e_button ( e ) { var b = e . which ; if ( b == null ) { if ( e . button & 1 ) { b = 1 } else { if ( e . button & 2 ) { b = 3 } else { if ( e . button & 4 ) { b = 2 } } } } if ( mac && e . ctrlKey && b == 1 ) { b = 3 } return b } var on = CodeMirror . on = function ( emitter , type , f ) { if ( emitter . addEventListener ) { emitter . addEventListener ( type , f , false ) } else { if ( emitter . attachEvent ) { emitter . attachEvent ( "on" + type , f ) } else { var map = emitter . _ handlers || ( emitter . _ handlers = { } ) ; var arr = map [ type ] || ( map [ type ] = [ ] ) ; arr . push ( f ) } } } ; var off = CodeMirror . off = function ( emitter , type , f ) { if ( emitter . removeEventListener ) { emitter . removeEventListener ( type , f , false ) } else { if ( emitter . detachEvent ) { emitter . detachEvent ( "on" + type , f ) } else { var arr = emitter . _ handlers && emitter . _ handlers [ type ] ; if ( ! arr ) { return } for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; ++ i ) { if ( arr [ i ] == f ) { arr . splice ( i , 1 ) ; break } } } } } ; var signal = CodeMirror . signal = function ( emitter , type ) { var arr = emitter . _ handlers && emitter . _ handlers [ type ] ; if ( ! arr ) { return } var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 2 ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; ++ i ) { arr [ i ] . apply ( null , args ) } } ; var orphanDelayedCallbacks = null ; function signalLater ( emitter , type ) { var arr = emitter . _ handlers && emitter . _ handlers [ type ] ; if ( ! arr ) { return } var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 2 ) , list ; if ( operationGroup ) { list = operationGroup . delayedCallbacks } else { if ( orphanDelayedCallbacks ) { list = orphanDelayedCallbacks } else { list = orphanDelayedCallbacks = [ ] ; setTimeout ( fireOrphanDelayed , 0 ) } } function bnd ( f ) { return function ( ) { f . apply ( null , args ) } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; ++ i ) { list . push ( bnd ( arr [ i ] ) ) } } function fireOrphanDelayed ( ) { var delayed = orphanDelayedCallbacks ; orphanDelayedCallbacks = null ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < delayed . length ; ++ i ) { delayed [ i ] ( ) } } function signalDOMEvent ( cm , e , override ) { if ( typeof e == "string" ) { e = { type : e , preventDefault : function ( ) { this . defaultPrevented = true } } } signal ( cm , override || e . type , cm , e ) ; return e_defaultPrevented ( e ) || e . codemirrorIgnore } function signalCursorActivity ( cm ) { var arr = cm . _ handlers && cm . _ handlers . cursorActivity ; if ( ! arr ) { return } var set = cm . curOp . cursorActivityHandlers || ( cm . curOp . cursorActivityHandlers = [ ] ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; ++ i ) { if ( indexOf ( set , arr [ i ] ) == - 1 ) { set . push ( arr [ i ] ) } } } function hasHandler ( emitter , type ) { var arr = emitter . _ handlers && emitter . _ handlers [ type ] ; return arr && arr . length > 0 } function eventMixin ( ctor ) { ctor . prototype . on = function ( type , f ) { on ( this , type , f ) } ; ctor . prototype . off = function ( type , f ) { off ( this , type , f ) } } var scrollerGap = 30 ; var Pass = CodeMirror . Pass = { toString : function ( ) { return "CodeMirror.Pass" } } ; var sel_dontScroll = { scroll : false } , sel_mouse = { origin : "*mouse" } , sel_move = { origin : "+move" } ; function Delayed ( ) { this . id = null } Delayed . prototype . set = function ( ms , f ) { clearTimeout ( this . id ) ; this . id = setTimeout ( f , ms ) } ; var countColumn = CodeMirror . countColumn = function ( string , end , tabSize , startIndex , startValue ) { if ( end == null ) { end = string . search ( /[^\s\u00a0]/ ) ; if ( end == - 1 ) { end = string . length } } fo
i < array . length ; ++ i ) { if ( array [ i ] == elt ) { return i } } return - 1 } function map ( array , f ) { var out = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < array . length ; i ++ ) { out [ i ] = f ( array [ i ] , i ) } return out } function nothing ( ) { } function createObj ( base , props ) { var inst ; if ( Object . create ) { inst = Object . create ( base ) } else { nothing . prototype = base ; inst = new nothing ( ) } if ( props ) { copyObj ( props , inst ) } return inst } function copyObj ( obj , target , overwrite ) { if ( ! target ) { target = { } } for ( var prop in obj ) { if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) && ( overwrite !== false || ! target . hasOwnProperty ( prop ) ) ) { target [ prop ] = obj [ prop ] } } return target } function bind ( f ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ; return function ( ) { return f . apply ( null , args ) } } var nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar = /[\u00df\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\uac00-\ud7af]/ ; var isWordCharBasic = CodeMirror . isWordChar = function ( ch ) { return /\w/ . test ( ch ) || ch > "\x80" && ( ch . toUpperCase ( ) != ch . toLowerCase ( ) || nonASCIISingleCaseWordChar . test ( ch ) ) } ; function isWordChar ( ch , helper ) { if ( ! helper ) { return isWordCharBasic ( ch ) } if ( helper . source . indexOf ( "\\w" ) > - 1 && isWordCharBasic ( ch ) ) { return true } return helper . test ( ch ) } function isEmpty ( obj ) { for ( var n in obj ) { if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( n ) && obj [ n ] ) { return false } } return true } var extendingChars = /[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u065e\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06de-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0900-\u0902\u093c\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0955\u0962\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u0a01\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81\u0a82\u0abc\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f90-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039\u103a\u103d\u103e\u1058\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074\u1082\u1085\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17\u1a18\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8\u1ba9\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1dc0-\u1de6\u1dfd-\u1dff\u200c\u200d\u20d0-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua66f-\ua672\ua67c\ua67d\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31\uaa32\uaa35\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\udc00-\udfff\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\uff9e\uff9f]/ ; function isExtendingChar ( ch ) { return ch . charCodeAt ( 0 ) >= 768 && extendingChars . test ( ch ) } function elt ( tag , content , className , style ) { var e = document . createElement ( tag ) ; if ( className ) { e . className = className } if ( style ) { e . style . cssText = style } if ( typeof content == "string" ) { e . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( content ) ) } else { if ( content ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < content . length ; ++ i ) { e . appendChild ( content [ i ] ) } } } return e } var range ; if ( document . createRange ) { range = function ( node , start , end , endNode ) { var r = document . createRange ( ) ; r . setEnd ( endNode || node , end ) ; r . setStart ( node , start ) ; return r } } else { range = function ( node , start , end ) { var r = document . body . createTextRange ( ) ; try { r . moveToElementText ( node . parentNode ) } catch ( e ) { return r } r . collapse ( true ) ; r . moveEnd ( "character" , end ) ; r . moveStart ( "character" , start ) ; return r } } function removeChildren ( e ) { for ( var count = e . childNodes . length ; count > 0 ; -- count ) { e . removeChild ( e . firstChild ) } return e } function removeChildrenAndAdd ( parent , e )
} } ; function joinClasses ( a , b ) { var as = a . split ( " " ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < as . length ; i ++ ) { if ( as [ i ] && ! classTest ( as [ i ] ) . test ( b ) ) { b += " " + as [ i ] } } return b } function forEachCodeMirror ( f ) { if ( ! document . body . getElementsByClassName ) { return } var byClass = document . body . getElementsByClassName ( "CodeMirror" ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < byClass . length ; i ++ ) { var cm = byClass [ i ] . CodeMirror ; if ( cm ) { f ( cm ) } } } var globalsRegistered = false ; function ensureGlobalHandlers ( ) { if ( globalsRegistered ) { return } registerGlobalHandlers ( ) ; globalsRegistered = true } function registerGlobalHandlers ( ) { var resizeTimer ; on ( window , "resize" , function ( ) { if ( resizeTimer == null ) { resizeTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) { resizeTimer = null ; forEachCodeMirror ( onResize ) } , 100 ) } } ) ; on ( window , "blur" , function ( ) { forEachCodeMirror ( onBlur ) } ) } var dragAndDrop = function ( ) { if ( ie && ie_version < 9 ) { return false } var div = elt ( "div" ) ; return "draggable" in div || "dragDrop" in div } ( ) ; var zwspSupported ; function zeroWidthElement ( measure ) { if ( zwspSupported == null ) { var test = elt ( "span" , "\u200b" ) ; removeChildrenAndAdd ( measure , elt ( "span" , [ test , document . createTextNode ( "x" ) ] ) ) ; if ( measure . firstChild . offsetHeight != 0 ) { zwspSupported = test . offsetWidth <= 1 && test . offsetHeight > 2 && ! ( ie && ie_version < 8 ) } } var node = zwspSupported ? elt ( "span" , "\u200b" ) : elt ( "span" , "\u00a0" , null , "display: inline-block; width: 1px; margin-right: -1px" ) ; node . setAttribute ( "cm-text" , "" ) ; return node } var badBidiRects ; function hasBadBidiRects ( measure ) { if ( badBidiRects != null ) { return badBidiRects } var txt = removeChildrenAndAdd ( measure , document . createTextNode ( "A\u062eA" ) ) ; var r0 = range ( txt , 0 , 1 ) . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; if ( ! r0 || r0 . left == r0 . right ) { return false } var r1 = range ( txt , 1 , 2 ) . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return badBidiRects = ( r1 . right - r0 . right < 3 ) } var splitLines = CodeMirror . splitLines = "\n\nb" . split ( /\n/ ) . length != 3 ? function ( string ) { var pos = 0 , result = [ ] , l = string . length ; while ( pos <= l ) { var nl = string . indexOf ( "\n" , pos ) ; if ( nl == - 1 ) { nl = string . length } var line = string . slice ( pos , string . charAt ( nl - 1 ) == "\r" ? nl - 1 : nl ) ; var rt = line . indexOf ( "\r" ) ; if ( rt != - 1 ) { result . push ( line . slice ( 0 , rt ) ) ; pos += rt + 1 } else { result . push ( line ) ; pos = nl + 1 } } return result } : function ( string ) { return string . split ( /\r\n?|\n/ ) } ; var hasSelection = window . getSelection ? function ( te ) { try { return te . selectionStart != te . selectionEnd } catch ( e ) { return false } } : function ( te ) { try { var range = te . ownerDocument . selection . createRange ( ) } catch ( e ) { } if ( ! range || range . parentElement ( ) != te ) { return false } return range . compareEndPoints ( "StartToEnd" , range ) != 0 } ; var hasCopyEvent = ( function ( ) { var e = elt ( "div" ) ; if ( "oncopy" in e ) { return true } e . setAttribute ( "oncopy" , "return;" ) ; return typeof e . oncopy == "function" } ) ( ) ; var badZoomedRects = null ; function hasBadZoomedRects ( measure ) { if ( badZoomedRects != null ) { return badZoomedRects } var node = removeChildrenAndAdd ( measure , elt ( "span" , "x" ) ) ; var normal = node . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; var fromRange = range ( node , 0 , 1 ) . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; return badZoomedRects = Math . abs ( normal . left - fromRange . left ) > 1 } var keyNames = { 3 : "Enter" , 8 : "Backspace" , 9 : "Tab" , 13 : "Enter" , 16 : "Shift" , 17 : "Ctrl" , 18 : "Alt" , 19 : "Pause" , 20 : "CapsLock" , 27 : "Esc" , 32 : "Space" , 33 : "PageUp" , 34 : "PageDown" , 35 : "End" , 36 : "Home" , 37 : "Left" , 38 : "Up" , 39 : "Right" , 40 : "Down" , 44 : "PrintScrn" , 45 : "Insert" , 46 : "Delete" , 59 : ";" , 61 : "=" , 91 : "Mod" , 92 : "Mod" , 93 : "Mod" , 107 : "=" , 109 : "-" , 127 : "Delete" , 173 : "-" , 186 : ";" , 187 : "=" , 188 : "," , 189 : "-" , 190 : "." , 191 : "/" , 192 : "`" , 219 : "[" , 220 : "\\" , 221 : "]" , 222 : "'" , 63232 : "Up" , 63233 : "Down" , 63234 : "Left" , 63235 : "Right" , 63272 : "Delete" , 63273 : "Home" , 63275 : "End" , 63276 : "PageUp" , 63277 : "PageDown" , 63302 : "Insert" } ; CodeMirror . keyNames = keyNames ; ( function ( ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) { keyNames [ i + 48 ] = keyNames [ i + 96 ] = String ( i ) } for ( var i = 65 ; i <= 90 ; i ++ ) { keyNames [ i ] = String . fromCharCode ( i ) } for ( var i = 1 ; i <= 12 ; i ++ ) { keyNames [ i + 111 ] = keyNames [ i + 63235 ] = "F" + i } } ) ( ) ; function iterateBidiSections ( order , from , to , f ) { if ( ! order ) { return f ( from , to , "ltr" ) } var found = false ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < order . length ; ++ i ) { var part = order [ i ] ; if ( part . from < to && part . to > from || from == to && part . to == from ) { f ( Math . max ( part . from , from ) , Math . min ( part . to , to ) , part . level == 1 ? "rtl" : "ltr" ) ; found = true } } if ( ! found ) { f ( from , to , "ltr" ) } } function bidiLeft ( part ) { return part . level % 2 ? part . to : part . from } function bidiRight ( part ) { return part . level
var inWS = pos . line == start . line && pos . ch <= firstNonWS && pos . ch ; return Pos ( start . line , inWS ? 0 : firstNonWS ) } return start } function compareBidiLevel ( order , a , b ) { var linedir = order [ 0 ] . level ; if ( a == linedir ) { return true } if ( b == linedir ) { return false } return a < b } var bidiOther ; function getBidiPartAt ( order , pos ) { bidiOther = null ; for ( var i = 0 , found ; i < order . length ; ++ i ) { var cur = order [ i ] ; if ( cur . from < pos && cur . to > pos ) { return i } if ( ( cur . from == pos || cur . to == pos ) ) { if ( found == null ) { found = i } else { if ( compareBidiLevel ( order , cur . level , order [ found ] . level ) ) { if ( cur . from != cur . to ) { bidiOther = found } return i } else { if ( cur . from != cur . to ) { bidiOther = i } return found } } } } return found } function moveInLine ( line , pos , dir , byUnit ) { if ( ! byUnit ) { return pos + dir } do { pos += dir } while ( pos > 0 && isExtendingChar ( line . text . charAt ( pos ) ) ) ; return pos } function moveVisually ( line , start , dir , byUnit ) { var bidi = getOrder ( line ) ; if ( ! bidi ) { return moveLogically ( line , start , dir , byUnit ) } var pos = getBidiPartAt ( bidi , start ) , part = bidi [ pos ] ; var target = moveInLine ( line , start , part . level % 2 ? - dir : dir , byUnit ) ; for ( ; ; ) { if ( target > part . from && target < part . to ) { return target } if ( target == part . from || target == part . to ) { if ( getBidiPartAt ( bidi , target ) == pos ) { return target } part = bidi [ pos += dir ] ; return ( dir > 0 ) == part . level % 2 ? part . to : part . from } else { part = bidi [ pos += dir ] ; if ( ! part ) { return null } if ( ( dir > 0 ) == part . level % 2 ) { target = moveInLine ( line , part . to , - 1 , byUnit ) } else { target = moveInLine ( line , part . from , 1 , byUnit ) } } } } function moveLogically ( line , start , dir , byUnit ) { var target = start + dir ; if ( byUnit ) { while ( target > 0 && isExtendingChar ( line . text . charAt ( target ) ) ) { target += dir } } return target < 0 || target > line . text . length ? null : target } var bidiOrdering = ( function ( ) { var lowTypes = "bbbbbbbbbtstwsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssstwNN%%%NNNNNN,N,N1111111111NNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,N%%%%NNNNLNNNNN%%11NLNNN1LNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLN" ; var arabicTypes = "rrrrrrrrrrrr,rNNmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn%nnrrrmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmm" ; function charType ( code ) { if ( code <= 247 ) { return lowTypes . charAt ( code ) } else { if ( 1424 <= code && code <= 1524 ) { return "R" } else { if ( 1536 <= code && code <= 1773 ) { return arabicTypes . charAt ( code - 1536 ) } else { if ( 1774 <= code && code <= 2220 ) { return "r" } else { if ( 8192 <= code && code <= 8203 ) { return "w" } else { if ( code == 8204 ) { return "b" } else { return "L" } } } } } } } var bidiRE = /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac]/ ; var isNeutral = /[stwN]/ , isStrong = /[LRr]/ , countsAsLeft = /[Lb1n]/ , countsAsNum = /[1n]/ ; var outerType = "L" ; function BidiSpan ( level , from , to ) { this . level = level ; this . from = from ; this . to = to } return function ( str ) { if ( ! bidiRE . test ( str ) ) { return false } var len = str . length , types = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 , type ; i < len ; ++ i ) { types . push ( type = charType ( str . charCodeAt ( i ) ) ) } for ( var i = 0 , prev = outerType ; i < len ; ++ i ) { var type = types [ i ] ; if ( type == "m" ) { types [ i ] = prev } else { prev = type } } for ( var i = 0 , cur = outerType ; i < len ; ++ i ) { var type = types [ i ] ; if ( type == "1" && cur == "r" ) { types [ i ] = "n" } else { if ( isStrong . test ( type ) ) { cur = type ; if ( type == "r" ) { types [ i ] = "R" } } } } for ( var i = 1 , prev = types [ 0 ] ; i < len - 1 ; ++ i ) { var type = types [ i ] ; if ( type == "+" && prev == "1" && types [ i + 1 ] == "1" ) { types [ i ] = "1" } else { if ( type == "," && prev == types [ i + 1 ] && ( prev == "1" || prev == "n" ) ) { types [ i ] = prev } } prev = type } for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i ) { var type = types [ i ] ; if ( type == "," ) { types [ i ] = "N" } else { if ( type == "%" ) { for ( var end = i + 1 ; end < len && types [ end ] == "%" ; ++ end ) { } var replace = ( i && types [ i - 1 ] == "!" ) || ( end < len && types [ end ] == "1" ) ? "1" : "N" ; for ( var j = i ; j < end ; ++ j ) { types [ j ] = replace } i = end - 1 } } } for ( var i = 0 , cur = outerType ; i < len ; ++ i ) { var type = types [ i ] ; if ( cur == "L" && type == "1" ) { types [ i ] = "L" } else { if ( isStrong . test ( type ) ) { cur = type } } } for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i ) { if ( isNeutral . test ( types [ i ] ) ) { for ( var end = i + 1 ; end < len && isNeutral . test ( types [ end ] ) ; ++ end ) { } var before = ( i ? types [ i - 1 ] : outerType ) == "L" ; var after = ( end < len ? types [ end ] : outerType ) == "L" ; var replace = before || after ? "L" : "R" ; for ( var j = i ; j < end ; ++ j ) { types [ j ] = replace } i = end - 1 } } var order = [ ] , m ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; ) { if ( countsAsLeft . test ( types [ i ] ) ) { var start = i ; for ( ++ i ; i < len && countsAsLeft . test ( types [ i ] ) ; ++ i )